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Hassat Hunter

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Everything posted by Hassat Hunter

  1. Well; Freelancer (Oh my...evil MS) and Republic: The Revolution (small independant company) are pretty stable overall... and know what; they have no patches (Well, FL has 1; but that is only for MP servers)... The GTA (and other R*) games are also pretty stable (altough I have noticed alot of complains... and a specific game-stopping bug in SA) and only became more so for the PC after 3. So the only way to tell if it going to be 'buggy' is to see the product in the end; and even if there are bugs (which there are going to be) support may not even be needed afterwards; due to the low amount of infected people. Anyway; Point of this all: Altough I ofcourse would hope and want support it all depends on the original IF said support is needed. Let's hope OE took a lesson of Kotor2's quite obvious (HK-50, swoop, Redemption?) bugriddenness...
  2. I think about UT2K4, Boiling Point and Fahrenheit (or Indigo Prophecy for Jack Thompson) if I think about Atari. But that could just be me. Ofcourse I am not that much of a RPG-fan... As for QA: Let's first give them a chance to show their powers before shooting them down, okay? (just to mention; even after ToSC and bugfixes I find BG1 ENORMOUSLY buggy. It doesn't make it a bad game though...; altough I certainly wish they would have been fixed in all that time)
  3. Record= Boiling Point? " Atari = LA? " And OE got it's own QA now... So; we shall see.
  4. Also depends on how "completed" the final product is shipped. I.E. Does it make sense (*cough*TSL*cough*); is it buggy (Vampires) is it balanced? If that is fine all fine on release less post-production stuff could be bare-able. Just like good support can make an avarage game great through fixes...
  5. They don't... Anyways, yup... in swkotor2.ini set GameCompleted=1
  6. Everybody has it; and it is a bug. From what I hear TSLRP replaces it with a remote sensor again...
  7. My Jedi (the ones with the most skill points)/Sith Assassin could do that... just use proper red healing packages through the inventory when fighting the swords... (first time I played through the game; HARD difficulty)
  8. Hopefully OE's QA-testers are WAY better than the monkeys (including some three-headed ones!) from LA... RPG's of the recent times are SO buggy
  9. I suspect Dark_Raven (and she is female ")
  10. pwned = misspelled owned 1337 = L33T = Leet = "the best"
  11. Try turning one of your cores off
  12. Ehm... didn't I posted that link 5 min ago (actually; make that 5 min. before you)... or am I high again? PS. my comment still stands Bastila = Carth with another skin and mesh...
  13. 4 possible fixes?
  14. Check the sticky... "
  15. The story is written by OE.... Nope... since there was no time to make this actual "previous version" due to time restrains. If it was a simple task of just *activating* fully completed previous story-elements it wouldn't take so long; would you think?
  16. 1. Team Gizka never claims they made the content themselves. It is called "RESTORATION" for a reason. They just replant the cut content back in the game. YES; that will alter the story... filling up plot holes and giving it a bit more sense and back 2. NO... If OE decided to cut the stuff for a KOTOR III why would they "vow" that they would love to make a KOTOR3? If it was cut for a sequals purpose; wouldn't they already be hired to make said sequel? 3. The fact the sticky is relatively save up there and nobody (LA or OE) ever gave permission to cut down the mod or the publicity to the mod should say enough that they don't think it as plagerism. As Kirottu mentioned I stickied the thread over a year ago; and NEVER got command from upperhand to tear it back down; and as it is still there; the new ones did neither. Hell; they even made ANOTHER mod-project (M4-78) sticky... which would be more 50/50 half-made up; half-OE made content stuff...
  17. Ah... I forgot Malachor's "infamous" bowdown assassins scene with the nice "choice" you have (save teammates or face a weaker Traya) inclusive with location-icons on the map of locations you cannot reach!
  18. HK factory mention... nothing HK wants to find brethren... NO resolve Go-to/Remote NO resolve Mira-Hanharr NO resolution Locked Navicomputer NO resolve Dantooine's "Redemption"...NO resolve etc. etc. etc.
  19. It was removed due to unvoluntarily release-forwarding... Wouldn't call that "cutting for qualities sake"
  20. You did not have the message; yet could go to Go-to's Yacht to fix it...
  21. Note to OE; Trailers are meant to make people want to PLAY the game... not making people want to look for other games <_<
  22. Be Lvl 50 and forget ever getting lightsaber or other "pop-up rewards"...
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