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Hassat Hunter

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Everything posted by Hassat Hunter

  1. And ofcourse THE amusing glitches thread
  2. Get the DS stuff... but it makes no sense that a DS person who sided with Talia to not have the option to cut down Kavar and live with the consequences of that. Can't make a choice if I am not allowed to make said choice, can I?
  3. Virusses, Spy/Ad-ware?
  4. Though you might wish to take a look here; http://www.crimsonkeep.com/kotor2/thumbnails.php?album=18 for the most comical bugs... (as they could be screencaptured )
  5. Betamax, meet Ultima V Lazerus Ultima V Lazerus meet Betamax Now if you start going Ulitma V Lazarus is a mod for Dungeon Siege that took 5(!) years to complete...
  6. Nar Shaddaa; blow up the droid; tie your hand behind your back... and win with 20 seconds ahead of the others Onderon; learn the track really well. Considering most mines/obstructions are quite invisible till you hit them remembering of the full track is the key to victory and avoiding crashing. Found this one the most fun Telos; No idea... (75% I find myself in mid-air anyways)
  7. Check the lower bar... You should see 3 chars and scrolling arrows next to them and thus you can select every char. NOTE: The AC on the EH screen is ALWAYS 9. For a real AC representation you have to leave the ship...
  8. But then it SHOULD also allow you to play such a role. If you wanted (like me) to keep the Republic intact but still be Dark Sided; the game would punish you for it; and not allow you actually to combine these 2 goals. Ah well, he died on Dantooine; together with Vrook at the Academy...
  9. I have made an entire list in Technical... it is lost though... and too much to re-write/remember
  10. There are 2 ways to read that post. Did you mean "It should have been obvious" as 1) A reprimande to the gamer. We should have known what our choices lead to and are just ignorant? 2) A reprimande to OE. They should have told in more detail what our choice would have done, but didn't?
  11. Worked for me just fine (PC)... Actually something that WORKS for me... and then others fail it to run
  12. Not really... Having NPC's set themselves on fire because they bounce over a flaming barrel with an too huge hitbox could be considered fun though
  13. Optimal != max. Optimal is more like min. graphics WITH 30FPS (that min. doesn't have)
  14. Guess you also liked "walking around half the map to find that grenade that fell of the body" or "where did he drop the ammoclip while under machinegunfire minigame"?
  15. Currently listening to; Bringing back the balls of rock - Lordi My heaven is your hell - Lordi
  16. This works for me; 1. Compliment him on having a usefull droid on board (on Ebon Hawk) 2. Accept his agreement to get money for stabalising planets (little bit of DS) 3. On Onderon have him on your team while you re-configurate the droid seller outside of the cantina OR 3. On Dantooine have him with you when you do the task for Saedhae (sp?) This should be enough to unlock the options and uncover his identity... Edit; wrong planet... oops
  17. Either yes or no. 1) No. If the owner didn't tell you (to identify his ownership) about the 2 secret caches the "new" one does not appear... 2) Yes. If he indeed did tell so browse to http://team-gizka.org/downloads.html for a fix
  18. Get some more influence; then try again...
  19. Nope... that area is cut. There are some more areas in Nar Shadaa like that; but they are WAY better hidden than this one (and as bonus; do not appear on the map)
  20. UT, UT2003, UT2004, UT2007. Wouldn't that make it UT4? (note; double-post too) Personally I don't see the advantage of having
  21. Just noticed that too...wonder who will replace... since they always keep 2 mods (besides globals) on the Kotor forum; and now only one is left. For SS came Dark_Revan, for BW came Lucius, for Dark_Raven comes... ? Age is no restriction to modship... Edit; Nvm... seems LadyCrimson took over her locations...
  22. Well; yeah... I made the choice on purpose (to support Talia)... but nobody told me protecting the Republic (due to taking over abilities) would dis-allow me from my goal; exterminating all Jedi... Same with Dantooine-Mercenaries
  23. For more about Hades and the DS2 storyline
  24. The Master Revan thing has already been explained; and besides that these 2 (like Eldar (I refuse to use the new name )) have gone into "invisible login"... Which is quite annoying when you seek a mod...
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