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Hassat Hunter

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Everything posted by Hassat Hunter

  1. Any system that uses "keywords" like AP or ME can hardly be called 'great' I agree. It's more the reactivity, and that it matters what you pick, unlike ME or something where all 3 can still wield the same follow up line...
  2. Either you talk about bosses or you suck... very VERY much. Also tell me how New Game + doesn't feature "that i have to replay the whole story again, and having the same troubles mission to mission AGAIN!" Maybe if you have trouble try EASY?
  3. Until this thread, I never realised anyone was using such options. Actually, I can't recall any game, aside from the ME's who got it. It's popular there or something?
  4. Pretty much only Deus Ex (and it's mod The Nameless Mod). Beyond Good & Evil is a platform game. I suppose with the stealth and photography and stuff (and bosses) it can somewhat resemble AP though. Never gotten into the Splinter Cells and Metal Gear Solid. Which is why I am glad AP isn't pure stealth and offers alternatives, otherwise I would be royally screwed...
  5. The weapon skills do not appear on your skill-"circle" if you do not have the appropriate weapon selected. As for awereness and silent running though, it should just be there when pressing Z. Although at Master level Awareness it's a passive ability instead of an active, so no longer shows up to be used.
  6. Meh, I would call ME2's action 'retrograde', not AP's. Then again I was perfectly fine with DX's system back in the day even if it got critic. I thought it was perfect. So yeah, based on preference. And it seems there are more shooter fans than RPG (no surprise there) who can't deal with this system of aiming, which is (IMO) a shame.
  7. Yup, escape doesn't work much, pretty much all screens require right mouse button. You'll get used to it pretty fast...
  8. B button? I guess that is activate (E on PC?) If so, you might notice, even with the skill and EMP there is no such thing either in the tutorial door. You have to throw the nade, and have it do the work... EDIT: Which had me a little confused the second game, since I was so used to using activation on doors instead...
  9. I guess it could make a difference between bashable doors (EMPable without skill) and unbashable doors (need skill). Exactly WHAT lock do you try to EMP? (Also note you still need to bash in the door you just unlocked... you did that?)
  10. Disable, yes. However it would also wipe data incase of computers and stuff, UNLESS you spend a skillpoint somewhere. It should be fine for doors and stuff. Why wouldn't it for you? EDIT: Also, seriously? You didn't read up all skills? Come on, this is an RPG... what the hell dude?
  11. KOTOR1 and KOTOR2 have Force Lightning. It makes Chain Shot peanuts. Talk about DAO: Mages? As for AI, in ME2 I wouldn't pick an AI teammember if he got a shield skill at all. If actually skills make teammembers useless, something is seriously wrong there...
  12. Balance issues? KOTOR, KOTOR2, Dragon Age: Origins, hell even ME2 had some overpowered skills and totally useless ones. Bad AI? Ever had ammo-overwrite frenzy in ME2? Or "Let's put up my shields I don't need again" making useful skills unusable? Hell, KOTOR2's teammate commands didn't even work properly... besides aggressive and Jedi Support. 'Nuff said. Bad Tutorial? You mean to say the Endar Spire or Peragus are the best parts of the game in the KOTORs? Don't make me laugh. None of them are bad games though, but they certainly had similar flaws to AP.
  13. Cheating can break games. Geeh, there's a new one [/sarcasm] There is no "broken tutorial" unless you deliberately **** it up...
  14. Yeah. It helps that this is an actual indicator, as the actual line you need to use is a little below the shown line :?.
  15. What talents do you have? Also... gadgets. Nothing better to kill fast then a well-placed grenade...
  16. Nope, that's what you get for playing stealthy. Running about isn't stealthy. And yeah, -% movement noise means you have less chance to be heard when sneaking up on someone, even with loud armor on.
  17. Maybe you should take care of the G-22 on the left then? He's pretty safe from the rest. It is a generally good spot, as most enemies do come from the opposing side. More during VCI than G-22, but still, most of them. Your spot would leave him exposed too to the ones coming from the entrance, which generally, are more opponents. I am not seeing the major flaw... but hey, whatever.
  18. Did you do any .ini tweaks? Also, I meant; what plot holes and story gaps are you talking about?
  19. Why? They are awesome. Explain your hatred of pets...
  20. ? What?
  21. Count me to that group. While I did indeed learn to drive "properly" in GTA IV, it just isn't as much fun as it used to be. In GTA 3, VC and SA I spend hours just driving for fun, in GTA IV it feels more like a chore amongst the missions than fun like it was back than. Realistic != good. For an over-the-top game like GTA arcade driving fitted just fine, insanity during chases guaranteed, like IV couldn't give AT ALL...
  22. Give pets more to do. Like interactions just like party members or something. Maybe even form a Minsc/Boo kind connection between a party member and pet during the SP-game...
  23. Gadgets and combat got plenty of perks too. Of course I never gotten the gadgets (aside from first aid, since it counts the fixed healing points too) perks since I rarily use them, but still...
  24. Not disagreeing with you there... the pistol IS overpowered as is...
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