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Hassat Hunter

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Everything posted by Hassat Hunter

  1. Also, the variety (and originality) of enemies, and the greatly larger variety of spells.
  2. Galaxy didn't do so well though. So that just leaves BioWare to the addition. May be enough, may be not.
  3. They did. But being Star Wars, LA has absulute authority. And they saw more $ in a MMORPG with Bio .
  4. Also, this issue is fixed with TSLRCM. Of course if you don't want all the other fixes and restored content ( why?)...
  5. Targeting also increases damage and reload speed. As such, it's very useful for a combat character. Activate it before taking the first shot, then deactivate once the foe is down makes combat a LOT easier. Plundering the TNM Wiki (note the "aug" description of lvl 4 is TNM only though, but the rest is true for regular DX as well):
  6. You think Spy Drone is useful? Anyway, the limited level design is probably due to consoles. See DX:IW vs. DX for example.
  7. Got the same. Fortunately, you can just run past them IIRC.
  8. (Main poster, once you get your cheats working, it's REALLY easy to work around.) * In Ankh, whenever I wasn't the main char, saving and loading made me an invisible main char, turned all objects from names to bindnames (ITEM_BUSH for example) and pretty much got me stuck. Got worse in Ankh 2, since there were more sections there were you weren't the main guy. Never finished that game due to this. * ME2: A BSOD after 15 minutes gameplay. And thanks to BioWare's "no save, no skipping", I had to play it over and over again to see wheter or not I fixed my BSOD. Good times (not). * Nuclear Strike: The game crashing on me after finishing the mission (taking 1.5 hours) just before touching down on the landing pad to finish the mission. Good thing for level cheats. * Drakensang, during the final battle at one point it spawned so many enemies, I needed to reduce my graphics to the lowest and still only had 10FPS to play with, while the rest of the game was max at 40FPS. That's about all I can think of right now...
  9. Doesn't exclude the fact that you cannot access Steam without internet access. Sure, most have these days, but if you ever get your connection down Steam serious sucks since their "offline" service really really sucks (I can tell) and can actually still want you to connect to play. Me, I prefer to have a CD-check above Steam. Also, DLC that requires one to be online 24/7 (isn't DA:O?) is a no-no to me.
  10. Well, 1.6 is out, get it on deadlystream. Also grab the little hotfix while you're there, wouldn't want to get stuck on NS now, do we?
  11. That's... kind of the way they are meant to be used. It's like saying "BUT SHOTGUNS ARE POWERLESS OVER LONG DISTANCES!" and then demanding that shotguns get scopes and turn into sniperrifles or whatever. Then you're doing it wrong. Also, yeah, you need to be closer. High skill levels make that range insane though. Not as insane as Assault Rifles true, but that's not their designation. Well, they should appear amongst the keys, they do for me. They are called pretty weird like "Weapons" instead of "Radial Menu", so that's why you should look for the hotkey instead.
  12. Have you played Baldur's Gate? It got skills alright. Well, not if you're a fighter. But they got other perks to be useful.
  13. They appear in my hotkey screen. Look for the ones tied to Z, X and C. You DO realise they are overpowered already, right?
  14. Actually, BioWare used that plot way before KOTOR1.
  15. Can't do that (they have cooldown). But you can carry more, even though I think a single slot health kit would be enough. Especially if you get the perk and updates (who increase items per slot, which would have been nice for EMP upgrades )
  16. Yup, just before you can save for the first time. All the time. So in order to know if I fixed it I had to play like 15 minutes each time (because, too, you couldn't skip the BIK movies)... it was a major pain. Eventually I got it fixed, but I did so many tweaks before starting that ME2 session that I am still not sure what the fix was that did it. ME1 was much cuter that way, it just gave random black screens. Although changing to a different driver fixed that, fortunately, so it wasn't that bad.
  17. BSOD's! I haven't seen those since... well... I installed ME2 a month ago. Anyway, patch is good. AP isn't as bugridden as some people try to make out, but fixes are nice. Especially surrounding the Embassy mission in Moscow...
  18. Yeah, that perk is broken. It gives 5% for Albatross intel (which is rare anyway).
  19. NOLF1 doesn't. NOLF2 got some basic stats, but it's been too long to remember how they affect weapons. Also, combat in AP doesn't suck IMO. Look at Bloodlines' for example. Now that's bad (still a superawesome game though).
  20. Game 4. Here's the report of the additional findings... Graybox/Saudi Arabia: * Mina claims I made a crit during the Darcy takedown when I didn't (just random shooting). * After returning from Alan's mission the doors to Mina and Darcy have enter icons again, even if I cannot enter them. * The re-load causes sidegoals to dissapear bug is usually not that bad, since you can still finish your objectives. But not with the Nasri weapon shipment apparently. * You can still sell stuff to Nasri, even when he's incarcerated, and you cannot buy from him no longer. Moscow: * "I don't hit little girls" perk... -5% from all G22 transactions? Only it doesn't work when the seller is G22, just Albatross (which are a lot less items in the clearinghouse). * This time when I open the safe in Brayko's that way empty before, I got Sergei Surkov's dossier. Hmmm... * Like Marburg, Brayko takes 100% of your endurance AND the regular damage per melee strike. Which is why his knifes are that more deadly than his rifles. I still don't think this is quite the way boss melee attack *should* work (oddly enough Omen Deng doesn't do that. Of course, he's a lot easier to defeat...). * If you shoot Brayko as he jumps off the stage, he gets stuck when landing. Allows you to freely pummel him to 25% health (or go ammo hunting or whatever). * Championik gets stuck on the stairs down. Maybe he should be able to go lower, really easy to kill him like that, with him not even getting in a hit... * I get a secret Surkov dossier when talking to him post-Brayko. However, I get another when talking to him again at the heli. However, there is only 1 secret fact in the intel screen. Intended? Taipei: * If during the NSB mission you let the alarm run very fast (like, still in the elevator) Scarlet's line gets skipped. Or maybe it's after a load game. Not sure. ("Damn... funny you should mention that...") * Head not clear; got killed many times at the first room of the NSB mission. However this time when I went down Heck never spawned, and all the cops remained friendly throughout the entire mission! Cakewalk... :D. * If you do the Triad mission after the NSB mission, you wont get dossier data on Omen Deng as Hong Shi warns you. Meaning you cannot get 100%. I doubt this is intended. Rome: * During the Marburg talk the 2 guards are CIA, but once the convo is done they are Deus Vult. I think the convo-CIA ones use the wrong skin... Endgame/General: * If you load the auto-save from just starting the endgame you start with the endurance of your armor (which you don't have on). Once you pick it up, your max. endurance stays that, until you open the inventory/service record etc. Then it becomes the actual value it should be (perk additions and such). * Albatross tell me he will hack the turrets during the Parker battle, but no such thing happens. Also he repeats his first line about the bomb... * Small typo: Basic Iron will will add "and a temporary Health". Advanced and Master level don't have this typo in their description. * Getting a perk instantly recovers all your endurance (easily noticable when fighting Deng, I had 0, then all my 165 the moment the speech was done) ???: * Post Taipei the debrief VO with Leland got serious issues. I might count once to a fluke error, but now it did it again, making me think there's more to it. Anyone else have issues there with slight freezes for a few seconds, lines getting 'stuck' etc.? Might have something to do with BIK videos playing in the background? My PC never liked those, and with AP too I constantly have issues with them in the intro, credits and news reports...
  21. These aren't RPG's, more shooters though. I've only played the demo's of both games, really should try the full version. Although I already know I am going to like NOLF1 more than NOLF2 (respawning enemies FTL. That tornado level in one demo sucked majorly too)
  22. You still have to talk to Mina. And some loads actually place you in cover you weren't before (Brayko, Sis etc.)
  23. +10AP is still less than 31AP from the other classes though...
  24. That's intended behavior, not a bug. Make sure no suspects get away. The last one is easiest, no need to shoot ANYONE but Al-Bara... Edit; Well, unless you want to show off, it's still possible since Al-Bara runs down the stairs to the left too...
  25. While there ain't no reply yet, I just take Dragoncat's chart. Alan Parker - 10 Albatross - 10 Ali Shaheed - 10 Conrad Marburg - 9 Grigori Pazinhov - 10 Henry Leland - 10 Hong Shi - 10 Konstantin Brayko - 10 Madison Saint James - 7 (-1) Mina Tang - 10 Omen Deng - 10 Ronald Sung - 10 SIE - 10 Scarlet Lake - 11 Sean Darcy - 10 Sergei Surkov - 10 Sis - 11 Steven Heck - 12 (+1) Yancy Westridge - 10
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