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Hassat Hunter

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Everything posted by Hassat Hunter

  1. *cough* Just Cause II does indeed do that. Many shooters too... *cough* While the concept works for shooters (don't get hit, moron) that doesn't mean the same concept can be used for RPG's. I see people mention dodge systems. But what fun is combat if you get insta-killed when not dodging (meaning you're entirely a NON-PARTICIPANT through combat), rather than when you can intervene if things go sour (ie. hitpoint get lowered, use potion or run). So yes, passive abilities to lower HP loss or getting hit are good, but making a RPG build entirely around it? Bad idea. Now that we established it's more fun to get hit and dealing with that, let's deal with... having the same HP for 80 hours of game. Meaning enemies can't really increase damage much. Or hitpoints. Gear is limited in damage and health increases. Generally, you just turned the game into an 80 hour grind. No feeling of progression what-so-ever, not a whole lot of variation to enemies, since it's just not possible, etc. Again, a really bad idea for a long RPG. In shooters, this is akin to giving player better weapons. And then unleashing better monsters to cope with those weapons. It's not like the enemies difficulty increases without the player getting a buff too. Like you suggest now for the RPG genre. And no game should do that. Definitely not by design.
  2. Well, of course there should be an ingame ingame time clock... BG's also had it. Aside from LC's mention above it's also a good indication of how long day/night might still be, and act accordingly.
  3. @ Karkarov; While I am not sure what game that's from I am sure there are better ways to think of to finish and make it satisfying. After all, this is OE.
  4. I just think that with 18 months to go, we get a bit too many updates. They just can't keep that up. And it would be better to be updated nearer release (when there is stuff), rather than so early in pre-production when there is barely naught to talk about. Unless they're fishing for story ideas like with armor ideas a few updates back, but I don't get a similar vibe here. Heck, I wouldn't even want them to listen to us here, with Avellone and Ziets already working on it and most likely doing a way better job of it than anyone here can. Also, there are people who actually think cRPG writing and book writing is the same? Even with a choose-your-own-adventure type book that's hard to believe. Just want to say an introverted journey (KOTOR2, PS:T) is much more prefered to me than "Epic" (*cough*) save the world from doom-stories. Although of course, it's probably not the same opinion the masses hold. Then again, kickstarter. It would be interesting to know what the status-quote about this is amongst backers (and not just forum members)...
  5. My memory: I wanted to destroy it... but the battle became too painful and hard, with the boss pretty much instakilling every one of my party in one hit. So I eventually switched sides to defend the anvil. Battle was easy (mage enemy kill me, but melee boss, kite, you idiot)... and afterwards... I could still let the anvil be sacrificed anyway. Also got the achievement for destroying the anvil (even when I didn't) and I'm pretty sure some NPC's became thoroughly confused and I had a few mentions of sparing it and several of destroying it...
  6. It bothered me more. Maybe I am just crazy though...
  7. Anyone think upgrades may be a bit too frequent? I would rather like it when they could just, well, tell us stuff. Rather than mumble stuff. Just because there need to be weekly or so updates. While there is no clear definition of stuff. Or am I alone there?
  8. Okay... how's that different from ME3?
  9. Why need bossfights anyway... are they really climactic? As often I feel they are just the biggest of chores. And talking would be preferable to fighting. Avoiding the entire conflict by not even *having* a final boss-fight/monster... that would be great
  10. Then how would you update your pledge or add money for shipping on the site they work on? So, no, I don't think that will be the case.
  11. I seriously doubt it will be too noticable to be worth the effort. If they can make it noticable, by all means, but I do doubt that. The BG2 way of the status overlay on tabbing seems better. And I am still pro-changing your character icon to reflect combat status. Less work for animators, even more for the artists though...
  12. Pretty much the endgame of ME3 times 2. Makes one wonder why ME3 got all the flak, while ME2 did not. Maybe because you can shoot silly stuff. That makes it all better right? (no, no, it doesn't)
  13. Finished Deathspank 2. Moved on to Theme Hospital. Aaaaah... still as good and fun as it used to be. The low resolution doesn't bother me at all. There is a HD mod, but like most HD mods it looks so plastic, cheap and way too colorful. So many HD mods want to make the game prettier but end up making it so much uglier, like here.
  14. You can't... Why do you need a custom launcher so bad? It's not like you're going to see it for more than 5 seconds each time?
  15. Telling so much, but in the end, telling nothing at all. But hey, it keeps the talks alive
  16. That's the plan. I think you would be right lowering XP would be bad, and force grinding, so that would be a no-go. I do see the point about equipment. However, I suspect in most of these encounters, the one really giving the good loot are the ones that are already there with easy anyway, and any potential added don't suddenly drop 150K swords or something but minor items. Still a small boost, one probably offset by increased need of consumables, healing and what-not that requires gold. Alternative sell values could be slightly lower on harder difficulties to compensate more equipment. It would be the easiest and least annoying counter I can think of right now if the added items and gold prove problematic.
  17. There is a big difference between custom adding each crate to a spreadsheet, and having to store their access yes or no compared to simply placing a pre-generated crate with a difficulty modifier that can then be adjusted. The same crate could, unaltered, even be used in several different locations (as many games like KOTOR2 do), a huge timesaver. I don't think your spreadsheet with having each container an unique hash to match up with the seed. Unless of course you do also do cheap and make some basic layouts many containers use. But in that case, if that container is frequent, certain seeds may certainly be screwed. Not a good gameplay design that. They are however not when making a game with the size and depth of PE. Then something like "1-10 gold containers using a re-used template" instead of each having a manually added entry to a spreadsheet makes a big difference. My opinion is still, why bother with that. Rather see why it's based on chance anyway, and then do something about that. Unless it's combat of course. That benefits from a good layer of random added to it. It's like some people suggesting in other threads to not have the result of your actions be fixed, but random amongst a set amount of options. Would many opt to reload for the best solution if it's apparent? Probably. Resulting conclusion being; why bother with that in the first place. Give more ways to solve the quest, with fixed solutions. People are then subjegated to what they have done. Rather than what the RNG tells they achieved.
  18. While I don't exactly get how random number + DC mumbled to skillcheck match works... it still requires to spreadsheet every lock in the game. Which does also... take time. While spreadsheeting might be more efficient for many things, I think for placing containers throughout the game a DC in the crate (or whatever)'s file itself with a default would be far less time consuming and convient for the developers.
  19. Not really sure that size is a "pro"... San Andreas was seriously hurt by being so big, and areas generally feeling empty and a waste of space. Still hate the countryside. Also, can't say I liked IV's realistic driving above the III series arcadish. Made for much better chases. In IV, not so much fun anymore. All in all, not too thrilled.
  20. As stated before, gimping on AI due to difficulty would be bad. Tactics could automatically unlock with more enemies. If there is no cleric, there is no healing. If there is a cleric, it should use healing on teammates. Dispite whatever difficulty the game may be on. IMO
  21. I hate time-limits. Limit exploring. For example, just in DX:HR... one (like me) would obviously want to explore all around the office. Result? Hostages die. It sucks. I don't want to rush through a map...
  22. Probably badly worded. I meant to say the only 3D advancement that could benefit the game was help to animations to liven up the background, not making models prettier, or adding bumpmaps or whatever. Hopefully it's a bit clearer now, sorry about that...
  23. I want to be immersed and find out "Hell, its 4AM already?" I would be protected from such with an ingame clock... and that's no good...
  24. They are still working on a "upgrade center" site or something of the sorts, where you could pick your options, improve etc.
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