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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. Jeez, I don't think I've ever seen such concentration of resources.
  2. I have had good experiences with ViewSonic. Though the monitor I use is a Samsung SyncMaster
  3. Never? Not ever? I mean, if you're in a line and you see up ahead signs such as "American's to be killed" while "Canadians to be blessed with riches, glory, fame, etc" you wouldn't lie. You have much more conviction than I
  4. Mine blew up. Started giving faulty readings.
  5. No surprise coming from one that epitomizes it.
  6. Darque is good like that. As is Llyarnor. I bet, if the writing is good, he'll have no problems buying it, Oblivion, or many other games he's poked fun at during development.
  7. Last I checked, there's a FO3 in development. I guess it isn't dead
  8. Too bad there isn't someway to ensure that all of the people writing off the game are unable to acquire it in any way in the event that it kicks ass.
  9. Hit them were it hurts by not buying any of their products. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> We'll see how well that goes, especially if they make excellent games.
  10. I'm indifferent to the rules, as long as they are fun and make sense.
  11. From what I've heard, it wasn't really done because of feeling shame or anything, but just to get better treatment.
  12. Or it just validates our impressions of you.
  13. Besides, it sounds like a precedent has been set. If dismemberment gets a 'T' rating in the Jedi Knight games, why would it get anything different in the KOTOR games?
  14. I consider his philiosophy of obfuscating the issues by adding the "I think" phrase in random, illogical places as an admission of having no where to go. Excellent job demonstrating a modicum of maturity. Have a nice life.
  15. Well, Gray Jedi are "more powerful" than Light or Dark Jedi in that they incur no penalties for casting any force powers....though they don't gain bonuses either.
  16. Why would someone post a defintion of an RPG from a link if they don't even agree with it?
  17. Points to Llyranor for actually putting forth a valid argument.
  18. Because your insistence of it borderlines the fantaticism of Gabrielle and Planescape: Torment, and Hades and, well, everything. If you didn't take the majority of people classifying it as an RPG so personally, you wouldn't put yourself in the position to complain about people and their maturity about insisting on attacking you (which is rather ironic). And you clearly do hate it when people classify it. It's the only reason why you hold your ground and stick to your guns despite the attacks. If this was truly just your opinion and weren't making a big issue of it, you would never have even posted in this thread, let alone kept going on and on and on and on and on, trying to convince two people that quite obviously aren't going to be convinced. You then accuse other people of attacking you because it's just your opinion, yet you have no problems smacking other people's comments on the issue right back in their face. I beg to differ.
  19. Heh, I'd never be able to take part in this. The 10 turns would be over so fast that I'd probably end up playing 30-40 before I realized it was my turn to give it up
  20. I remember I sucked SO bad at that game. Though one of my favourite moments in videogaming was when I realized that I can manufacture laser rifles for a profit, to compliment my (dwindling) support from the governments. Home base was right in the middle of the US of A though, and they were giving me huge funding
  21. Except that it wouldn't be the first time, so it's hard to say. Besides, what's the point of bringing in your own personal, unique interpretation into a discussion about the mainstream classification that Diablo has? Is there anything to be gained by telling Darque you think her opinion is completely wrong? Besides, I find Darque's statement actually reflects a substantial portion of the gaming community.....at least the impression I got was she seems to think so. I feel the same way. Besides, if you felt it was just your opinion and not something more, then I am confused as to why you so adamantly hate it when someone refers to it as an RPG. So their opinion doesn't match up with yours....whoop-dee-****ing-doo. Unless your insistence is to subjugate other people's defintion of RPG to match up with yours.
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