Because your insistence of it borderlines the fantaticism of Gabrielle and Planescape: Torment, and Hades and, well, everything.
If you didn't take the majority of people classifying it as an RPG so personally, you wouldn't put yourself in the position to complain about people and their maturity about insisting on attacking you (which is rather ironic).
And you clearly do hate it when people classify it. It's the only reason why you hold your ground and stick to your guns despite the attacks. If this was truly just your opinion and weren't making a big issue of it, you would never have even posted in this thread, let alone kept going on and on and on and on and on, trying to convince two people that quite obviously aren't going to be convinced. You then accuse other people of attacking you because it's just your opinion, yet you have no problems smacking other people's comments on the issue right back in their face.
I beg to differ.