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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. Bah! All nonsense. My third guess: In the midst of the last battle, it's all revealed to be a computer game, and the Sith and Jedi battle spills into the offices of Obsidian, and from there to a Broadway-style theatre that....suddenly....appeared next to the offices of Obsidian, where the Sith and Jedi proceed to get into a rough-and-tumble battle royale against a group of ambiguously gay male dancers! "This is a closed set!" "Piss on you, I'm workin' for Feargus Urquhart!" "NOT IN THE FACE!" (P.S. I have a confession to make; I mostly posted this to make bad puns out of old movies.) LOL. First Sixth Sense....then Memento....followed by BLAZING SADDLES ROFL!
  2. The biggest pathing problems I had was the one where for some reason a character wasn't following you...and then when they did decide to follow you, they had a crazy amount of paths queued up, so they would run to where I was 5 minutes ago, which was unfortunately across the map.
  3. I guess the main problem is that he assumed I wasn't talking about minigames like this. I like little things that are directly related to your character. If it makes the game more involved than I am happy. Heck, it would have been cool if you had better control of the swoop-bikes if your dexterity was higher. There is no reason for a minigame to completely remove you from the game. The odd thing is, I know people say that games like final fantasy have better minigames.....when from my knowledge they are just as twitch based. In FF7 you had snowboarding and the escape from Midgar on the motorcycle. And if I recall....wasn't the radscorpion a cheater?
  4. Well no kidding. I don't think anyone here (certainly not myself) wants Obsidian to break their backs adding ideas. To be honest I think you insult Obsidian's intelligence (as well as my own) if you think you must refute ideas in Obsidian's defense. They are the programmers.....not you. They will know if an idea is easily implementable or not. As an aspiring game programmer myself, I know all too well the careful considerations that are required, in order to make sure time is utilized in an efficient and most productive manner. However, if implementing something that doesn't specficially add to the length of the game or whatever else you are spouting off about, BUT adds to the level of enjoyment (which is the ultimate goal here) of the product, then add it. Obviously there are people that wouldn't mind something more for the construction of a lightsaber (if it even happens in this game, which by the way things sound probably does not), then it's something to consider. It is at this point that considerations are made for level of simplicity o f implementation versus the contribution it makes to the game. Unfortunately, you don't seem to have any faith in Obsidian's ability to make these decisions, despite making them for many, many, MANY years. People can spout off all sorts of suggestions of what they would like to see.....the people at Obsidian are smart enough to know if it is possible, and whether or not it is a good idea to implement....NOT YOU (sorry to burst your bubble). If you don't care for something....fine...but leave it at that. Why can't they be? RPG = roleplaying game does it not (or maybe you think rocket-propelled grenade???). I consider the most important part of RPG to be the R...role. I like to get into the role of my player....I like to have an impact on what exactly my character does in the game...after all...he's kind of a virtual representation of me. Why can a mini-game not utilize the abilities of your character? Or even be nicely integrated into the story (such as the swoop race). Or would you have preferred to watch your character race in the game without any interaction?
  5. How many people complained about it being too difficult? Most complaints I heard about it was that it was silly because it was so ridiculously easy that it just wasted their time (aside from the obvious complaint that it happened too often...which again goes back to time)...but since this is all anecdotal, it's moot. Weren't you required to race swoops at one point in the game? First off, I will address a little concern. I have no problem when you say something like "think." The problem is that you seem to "think" that only your ideas are plausible, and "think" that if you don't like an idea, it's obviously a bad one. However, for some reason you "think" that a minigame for lightsaber construction must rely on player skills....and that it must "reward" the player skill. Not once did I mention that players that do better in the minigame (providing it's a game where someone can actually do "better") get a better reward. I wanted more involement in the construction of the lightsaber....I didn't want to get a better lightsaber because I could complete the puzzle faster or whatever. I wanted the game to put me more in the role (a keyword in roleplaying) of constructing the lightsaber in someway, rather than removing me from the immersion and suspension of disbelief by making me stop playing the game simply to watch my character move around his hands. For some reason you champion the virtues of the "role" in roleplaying....yet don't mind watching your character. Furthermore, why don't you think more outside the box, since it does seem that people (including yourself) don't mind a little diversion from the repetitiveness of gameplay. Why not have the minigames be dependent on your PC's abilities (and this goes waaaaaaay beyond a minigame simply for constructing a weapon). If you have crazy high abilities in a certain (or multiple) skills, make the game easier. And obviously......make them optional. Fact is you go spouting off your own subjective views about what is or is not a good idea, and claim it to be THE fact. To use a cliche...it's your way or the highway. Aside from the "fact" that the preceding statement doesn't really make any sense, people are annoyed because you are the self-proclaimed authority and what should or should not go into a game......there is no discussion or anything....it's just whether or not you agree. This is also why people don't really care what you say on the board.
  6. You are reading way to deep into this. I'm just commenting that considering they added the fact that you were a Jedi and would construct your own lightsaber in the first game, it was kinda silly that the construction consisted entirely of "you have now built your lightsaber." As for not forcing players to use their skills? What exactly do you mean? First skills is rather vague...character skills or personal skills? And are you referring to twitch skills or something else? After all reading and making a few choices is also a skill. All it had to be was a few simple choices...or heck...even a cutscene showing me actually make it would have been cooler. Watching my guy wave his hands and then suddenly poof was a let-down. And why shouldn't a game "force" people to use some sort of skill? The game forces you to use such skills as manual dexterity (for using the mouse and the keyboard)...or are you saying the game should move at a snail's pace. All I'm asking for would be something more entertaining than "Ah....you're lightsaber is complete." It could have been completely automated for all I care. And as for why you should be asked to learn about constructing a lightsaber....why not? Makes the game more involved and actually puts you in the role of your character a bit more....but I guess rather than actually roleplaying when you play these games, you'd rather look at some rulebook and see how things are different, and prefer to be led by the hand in such away that any involvement from the character is taken away....sounds like fun.
  7. In an RPG, I prefer to have some actual involvement in what the character is doing, rather than simply watching him go "oh look...I have a lightsaber."
  8. They are mutations, Shadow experimented on then. And Shadow did not bring then there for the heck of it, it was the crew of his battleship that was the only to survive the battle with the Republic Fleet (because he used the rest of his fleet to cover his retreat) Isn't it "Sadow?"
  9. KOTOR was never "pushed back." Bioware was adamant that they would never have a release date until the game went gold. I'm sure Derek French wanted to maim people after every release date controversy.....he started locking down threads like mad.
  10. I dunno....must be more vague than I thought. My roommate read it the exact same way I did
  11. I don't know how easy this would be, but would it be possible to have some sort of indicator on threads that developers have commented in? Sometimes I don't have much time to check out all the threads, so it'd be cool if I could quickly see that a developer was able to post a comment in a thread I had already been in. Or maybe this has already been done and I don't know what I'm looking for???
  12. Actually...this can turn into a bit more of a suggestion for skills. Maybe have some stuff be a bit more random based on a DC check. It did suck finding out that I needed exactly one more point in repair to successfully fix HK-47 (although perhaps something as unique as him should have some sort of pre-req). Some randomness could make things a bit more spontaneous. Maybe a range where there is some sort of chance....say you needed a skill of 10 to do it at all...less than 10 meant no chance...but up to say skill 16 there is a chance that gets progressively better. If you successfully do it when you only have a chance rather than a certainty, get HK to still poke fun at you with something like "I'm surprised a meatbag with your inability to hold your hand still was able to perform such a delicate task" (or something funnier....not a comedian here ). Anyways...just a thought.
  13. Tightening bolts wasn't exactly what I had in mind
  14. I would think it's the other way around....CRPG players are powergaming types.
  15. Wait....I read that as 7 new planets with 70 different locations on them. No way did KOTOR have 70 different locations on each planet.
  16. Being an apprentice to the Dark Lord of the Sith is not the same as being some sort of Jedi Newb or anything. He's basically number 2 in the ranking of the Sith....the only person more powerful is the Dark Lord himself. Hence, Darth Maul being only an "apprentice" doesn't mean much IMO.
  17. Multiplayer isn't that big of a deal for me. If they could add a way to play co-op or something, that would be cool...always fun playing with a friend.
  18. While it was cool that we "built" our own lightsaber in KOTOR, it was pretty much "look at my guy move his hands and voila....a lightsaber." I know this is a minor thing and if it didn't make it in I probably wouldn't care, but make it a bit more involved. Also....depending on how you could integrate it into the story, perhaps let you create your own double-bladed saber or an additional secondary saber. Sure...I could always just use one I found...but it just seems cooler using the one you created. Perhaps, expanding on things a bit further, have the lightsaber you create a unique lightsaber, that is perhaps easier to modify (since you know the ins and outs of it). Little things like different hilts or stuff (although this is relatively minor). Depending on what Jedi Class you are, allow some sort of uniqueness to it, perhaps even based on a character's intelligence (the neglected stat) or repair skill. This may make more sense with the prestige classes; maybe even make a limitation of a really good prestige class that you can only use a lightsaber you have created (but have the ability to modify better with your special abilities gained by your prestige class). Like I said....not a big deal, but when I heard about the fact that I could create my own lightsaber, I was a little let down by it in KOTOR....maybe even just a little minigame
  19. I thought Exar Kun used two lightsabers, not a double-bladed one. As for using them.....I'm all for a feat requirement being a bit more strict. Someone suggested master in lightsaber proficiency and I think that that would make sense. Even the dual-wielding feat probably shouldn't make that much of a difference, since a lightsaber would not have any mass aside from the hilt.....a true understanding of how to use the lightsaber would probably be a necessity. If they can make it fit into the game without being overly restrictive, yet still relatively unique, I'm all for it. However....if they are going to make it excessively difficult to use these saber styles, then they had better make it worth their while. And on a side note....most people I know preferred dual sabers rather than the saberstaff.
  20. Wouldn't that be difficult...given that the movies take place thousands of years later. One of the good things about setting the game thousands of years earlier is the elimination of creative restrictions.
  21. The only type of multiplayer that I would want would be a co-op mode. I love playing CRPGs multiplayer, and is the sole reason why I purchased games such as Neverwinter Nights, Icewind Dale 1 and 2, and even Hordes of the Underdark (only to find out it didn't support multiplayer ) In any case though, I have no beef with a solid single player game. I loved KOTOR and I'm sure I'll love KOTOR 2 with or without multiplayer. But if Obsidian can easily implement a decent co-op mode, I'm game.
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