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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. Hey...Storm Troopers weren't that bad of shots. It's just that when any of the main stars were nearby, they were awestruck with admiration and fear of these buttkickers that they were shaking. After all...they owned the wussy Jawas and Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru didn't stand a chance. And the nameless Rebels in the fights (and Porkins!).....no match
  2. They actually weren't less effective. The animators just added "extra" shots that were purely for show that never hit anything. I think it was good though because it looks silly with guys in a gun fight simply shooting once every 6 seconds.
  3. Sort of a Catch-22 I think though, as many fans kept screaming for them to release the damn thing already. For some reason fans tend to take delays very personally (look at Half-Life 2).
  4. I would agree...specifically about the apprentice. The apprentice would have to be a design decision from the very beginning, otherwise it would just be tacked on. However, I do not think it would be difficult to implement control of different character groups...after all you were able to choose a person to break you out of prison.
  5. I wouldn't be surprised...considering multitexturing has been around for quite some time now. This would probably be the most likely implementation seeing as they do have control over the shape of the character models (specifically the parts with skin exposed).
  6. Doh!! That's all it takes? :D I guess I'm quite the master of engines :D
  7. How would you know this? The reason why I suggested it would be if it was possible....if I didn't think it would in some way be plausible I would never have suggested it. Again...unless you have intimate knowledge of the engine do not comment with certainty about it's capabilities. Considering the player models have definite fronts and backs (in order to draw them correctly), I do not think it would be too difficult to determine if they were hit in the front half or in the back half.
  8. In any case, I apologize for taking things off topic...I will not vent anymore.
  9. Many is still vague....and your point is completely anecdotal. I have seen more people say it's too easy...who is right? The problem comes that anything that you don't agree with must be completely wrong. There are ideas out there that I don't think are good, but I don't go around claiming that they are completely foolish ideas that simply would not work (especially considering I'm not the one working on the game). Unless you have detailed knowledge about how to work with the Odyssey Engine, and know the full capabilities of the Obsidian Entertainment team, do not say what can and cannot be done. And people wanting something more than waving hands is nothing like saying "I want Kun as a party member." It's a weak analogy because you are trying to compare something at one absolute extreme that cannot happen (since Kun's story in no way intertwines with the story of Sith Lords..lest we would have heard of it already) to a simple request. In the end it ends up making your statement irrelevant since you cannot compare the to. Why can you not have a minigame within a game that does not utilize the abilities of your computer character? I think your definition of what a minigame is is entirely closed-minded (which is the problem) Read your posts again though. You do nothing but complain, pull out the d20 rulebook (even though you yourself admit that these games are not utilizing it), claim that something is silly with poorly thoughtout explanations, without allowing for any discussion. It's just done...and you say it with such an absolute certainty that it comes across as very hostile. Maybe it's just because English is not your first language so you must construct your points to be very direct and almost confrontational. However, they didn't promote the Ebon Hawk having toilets when they were promoting KOTOR....they did however mention that in the game the Jedi would be charged with creating his or her own lightsaber. I was hoping for more (please note that a minigame was merely an option...you are narrowing the scope of the discussion). And again you have created a weak analogy. Considering that a Jedi's lightsaber is so crucial to a Jedi (as is reiterated in the movies), it would not be analagous to watching people fix the Millenium Falcon on Cloud City. Furthermore, there are much more film related reasons for that aside from it being "uninteresting." I'm not saying everyone should agree. I want discussion...not "That's stupid and can't work" You clearly have illustrated this point. No, I do not think only fanboys should be allowed. But what do you expect when you do nothing but complain about the first game, complain about other people's ideas, and complain about how the game still won't be what it should. The insane thing is why someone takes part in a discussion when they have already made up their mind about what is right or wrong in the game.
  10. The thing is though, most evil people seem to have evil laughs just for the sake of it. I feel that when the Emperor laughed...he actually found the situation amusing.
  11. PS:T exceptional story (and what made it so great) was only possible if you were limited in what character you played. Complete freedom is overrated.
  12. Dammit you beat me to it. Can it at least be a 4 dimensional Hypercube?
  13. Why would there be many (if any) different sentient species in the course of a few thousand years?
  14. Vader was the best.....and he is missing the cliche evil laugh
  15. I suppose this goes without saying, but have a villian with a bit more depth Malak was alright, but my roommate pointed something out to me as he was watching me play, and it turned out to be kind of annoying.....Malak had an evil laugh. No evil laughs! <_<
  16. I don't know if Back Attacks were any different than regular attack in KOTOR, but it didn't seem like they were. I guess I just suggest maybe there should be some sort of penalty since I don't think even the best Jedi would still be so untouchable while engaged in combat with someone else as someone tries to stab him in the back. It could lend a bit more tactical flair to combat, especially if outnumbered and you needed to form up in a defensive shell to protect your flanks. Of course this would take time away from other parts of the game, so don't make too big of a deal about it
  17. Do the people here complaining about having to be a Force User also hate arguably the best written RPG Planescape: Torment??? It must have just infuriated you to know that you had absolutely no choice but to play the game as The Nameless One.
  18. He does have a good voice. I cannot think of any other voice that would have worked for "Phone Booth." He even makes the Ford commercials seem cool
  19. An apprentice would be cool. I heard in an interview with Chris Avellone that one of the theme's of the game was the relationship between master and apprentice, so maybe it's a possibility. Although it would likely make the story a bit more predictable (the apprentice would undoubtedly try to betray you, whether you're LS or DS). But if well done, I'm all for an apprentice....it would be something different.
  20. OooOooOo....soooo many memories And yup....he was ticked at the plant.
  21. Please stop trolling the forums then. Obviously the game is not what you want, so move on.
  22. Which can have its advantages in terms of a much tighter story. And I mean what do you expect? Does anyone think that a mere soldier/scoundrel/scout could have really done anything against Malak's army?
  23. Wizardry's lockpicking was cool (and frustrating) Nothing like getting that one with 8 tumblers with virtually no lockpicking skill And yeah...I remember the radscorpion part now....he called you a cheater and attacked you. Wasn't that right beside the talking plant (who told you the chess move)? Come to think of it....reminiscing about Fallout 2 has made me want to play KOTOR 2 more
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