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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. A wise decision kirottu...a wise decision. Though I did do a search by combining Restoration Project with "Size," but I ended up finding lots of other junk so I figured I'd just ask.
  2. A 14.5 MB download, not too bad. Anyways, I'll let you get back to work
  3. I agree, I just felt like doing Math with numbers, because I haven't really done that for about 10 years
  4. ALANSCHU: INFLUENCE INCREASED probably at an exponential rate
  5. Go go irony! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Oh he's quite right. I don't randomly antagonize people. All of my antagonisms are directly towards who I intend
  6. No one said the game was just combat (well, Cookiee did say 100% hack/slash to victory, though I always interpret that as hyperbole). I myself made no judgements about whether or not it was good or bad combat, or if it made sense, just that there was more. I don't consider the fact that there was some people to actually talk to as meaning there wasn't a combat focus. Sure you can talk to Trias and spare him, but it was all preceded by a healthy amount of combat. Infernus wasn't exactly surrounded by peaceful people. All I agreed with was that there was a lot of combat. Based on your post, it seems like you actually agreed with me. I'm not sure what we're arguing here. You just spent the time justifying the hostilities, which I never questioned.
  7. I don't entirely disagree. While there was really cool stuff such as the Pillar of Skulls in Baator, if you wanted to get there without exploiting Annah and her stealth, it was quite a large amount of combat. I also didn't like the amount of combat in the fortress, though thankfully I could kill those things with a single cloudkill to get multi-multi-kills. Curst Prison was also more combat than I would have liked. Fortunately I was invincible and would just move out myself, kill a few, die, come back, repeat.
  8. Let's play spot the irony " Note: You brought this jab on yourself, by calling me out.
  9. I don't think they are allowed legally to demand money for their work, even if they deserve it, since the game is not their property. And I doubt even Nihilus and Vader put together can stand up to the LA legal department... Note to the LA legal department - the above is a joke and nothing more. I have no desire to offend or otherwise tarnish the reputation of the legal department. We all know and appreciate all the good work done by the department <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I think you're confusing the LA legal department with the Fox legal department. Lucasarts has been pretty good with mod support, and typically only requests that the mod makers don't use outside licensed material, like the John Williams score. Fox on the otherhand...if you so much as have a character model that resembles an Alien or a Predator, kiss your mod goodbye.
  10. I know it's still a loooong ways away, but could you give a ballpark figure for how big you expect things to be, filesize wise? I'm definitely not looking for accuracy, you can go +/- 50 MB if you want Naturally, this is only if you feel you actually could give an estimate. If it's too hard, maybe a greater than 'x' MB or something? Thanks.
  11. Damn you canadians and your per capita! I bet, without question, Canada is by far our #1 foreign tourism "partner". Not where I got the info from, a blog where I first saw it, but I double checked it was blogs arn't always reliable: Link, still getting more <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Most likely. It's just so convenient. You're right there. I bet a good chunk of our tourism is you guys I figured that a good chunk of France's would be having the UK, Spain, Italy, etc. etc. right there as well. Though it is a popular tourist suggestion here in North America as well. I think Canada and the US are a bit "handicapped" for our foreign travel, as we're younger nations and don't have the culture and history that the European places do. I know many people here that go back to Europe to visit old friends, or to go to where their ancestors were from back in Europe. I suspect there's much less people in Europe heading over here to check out their lineage
  12. Unless you exploited Annah's ability to teleport you around in a place like Baator.
  13. Be careful, even if you just donate them money, it is possible for things to get "bad." I have seen some mods get temporarily shut down because they accepted donations. As for whether or not they make it a free download, well, I don't think they have much choice in the matter, unless Lucasarts makes a deal with them. But I thought you didn't care for patching games?
  14. Each turn was 6 seconds wasn't it? ;-" </nitpick> I just assumed it was since the defacto Bioware interpretation of the D&D style rules since Baldur's Gate was 6 seconds for a turn. Though now that you mention it, KOTOR does seem a bit faster than those games.
  15. Well, the title of that page is "The United States International Travel Industry" Most of the bullet points they mention international visitors, and then give a bullet to explain how they classified an international visitor. But yes, a good chunk of that is probably domestic, as they mention 50.9 million international visitors. If you take the $582 billion and divide it by 50.9 million, you'll get a little over $11000 per person.
  16. I think it might be a bit too easy to say that Dexterity doesn't equal skill. The thing is, even compared to other D20 games (or even AD&D games, or whatever), I found KOTOR's combat uninspired. I'm not saying I need some sort of real time combat for it to be fun. Fallout's combat was some of the most fun I had ever had.
  17. Some USA Info Here's some USA tourism info. Almost $600 billion in tourism revenue, egads! EDIT: This info is actually old I see...2001. Not sure what it is today.
  18. Where did you find this information? I'm curious about this sort of stuff.
  19. Well, in before Jedi Knight II ends, he's still pretty good. The only time he can be good/bad is in the first Jedi Knight.
  20. Well, you'll likely be getting a KOTOR 3 and a JE 2. I think a big thing is that games also take a lot longer to make now.
  21. Wait a minute... You had no problems pre-ordering a game when you had no idea how its combat would be, but now if they make any change whatsoever then suddenly you're skeptical Hmmm, what did you like about the combat? I found it too easy, to slow, and not really entertaining.
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