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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. I did notice some mistakes. Like the Bone Spider being a Large Construct, and the Iron Golem being a Medium Undead. They're likely just going over it with a comb to make sure little things like that aren't present.
  2. I don't think the bite marks were present at all. Meh, I didn't think it was silly. Who knows how fast those marks heal up once you've been sired.
  3. I don't think Diablo 2 is a very good example (I assume you mean Diablo 2 and not Diablo 1) for distinct templates. How many people actually play Elemental Druids. And the last time I played Hammerdins were coming out of the woodwork. In Hardcore it gets even worse, with every sorceress being cold spec. Barbs were all frenzy barbs. There was no such thing as an assassin. It was much worse to find out that by the time you got to hell, no one wanted to party with you because you were a fire sorceress. Though I guess Barbarians won't ever get to cast spells (though that wasn't the case in the original Diablo). There's no overlap between classes, but is it really much better when everybody of a particular class is a carbon copy of each other?
  4. The patches in WoW aren't "fix game stopping bugs" patches. Many of them are content patches, that actually add something new to the game (which is appreciated given the monthly subscription fee). Given the nature of the game (i.e. millions of people playing it), other patches have been introduced to address exploits that have been discovered, or other subtle balancing issues. So I'm not sure how your friend could have sold you off of it because of patching, unless he was confusing "Hey, there's new stuff in my game" for "OMG they finally added the bugged stuff that was 'missing' from the game" or some other nonsense. Unless he's one of those people that had fun manipulating an exploit to his advantage. And while there may be many patches (actually there really haven't been that many), many of them are tiny, as in smaller than 1 MB. They don't come out with a new 600 MB content patch every day of the week. And even then, it's when those 600 MB content patches come out that make me pick up the game again, since it's something new and usually fun.
  5. I'm not being an apologist. I find your accusations absurd, as you take a small amount of PC games and then say the entire industry requires patches. Most PC games do not have game stopping bugs. The only "fault" here is that you were gullible with respect to Bloodlines. I mean, what the hell were you expecting from a company that had only had buggy releases in all of its previous games. And you use this to stereotype the entire catalog of games. Genius! As for being an apologist, I have already pointed out that I have acknowledge issues of patching (and cost and almost everything else) in PC vs console. The only reason why I'm adamant about yours is because this is a public forum, and your bitterness is spreading misinformation. Someone else might look at your posts and think that PC games all require patches, and all have gamestopping bugs. Not sure how. You've already talked up your game buying habits, while at the same time talk about replaying your old games, yet spend most of your time not playing video games and hanging out with friends. You should get some sleep. Maintenance teams are already getting better. Though you'll likely knock it, Empire at War had a patch out pretty much the day it was released. As for the "hassle," the autopatcher quickly downloads it and automatically installs it. You couldn't even miss it as the game mentions the new patch automatically when you load the game. Having said that, the game wasn't broken upon release, as I was able to beat the game without the patch. The reason why I didn't have the patch at first was because the demo didn't answer all of my questions with respect to how the galactic conquest worked, so I found a pirated copy. I liked it so I bought it. When looking into it, there were some final tweaks and some issues for multiplayer that were missed. But I guess it's a bad thing that they supported their product so well. Too bad you'll never play the game, it's actually pretty fun. I guess I should clarify (again!). I don't wait for patches for all games. Civ4, Half-Life 2, even KOTOR 2 were all bought almost immediately after (Half-Life 2 the day of). I get through the vast majority of my games without any problems, even if I haven't waited for a patch. When it comes to games like Bloodlines though, I exercised patience given Troika's track record. Though I ended up getting the game for Christmas and played it prepatch anyways. If it's a lesser known title, from a developer I am not familiar with, I typically wait. And not necessarily just for a patch, but to see if people think the game is any good. Don't get too comfortable. Patches already exist for the XBOX, and with the PS3 getting HD support, it's going to be possible on that platform as well. I guess you can find solace in the fact that the HD will likely be optional. Though hopefully that still won't stop the devs from releasing a patch for some buggy games like Warrior Within.
  6. No need validating it when I had already understood your point. In any case, I'd rather not support lazy development to the point where they just create predetermined level paths for our characters. I'd much rather they continue to give us the choice, and just make more appropriate force powers, or at least situations for them. It still doesn't change the fact that overlap is easy to avoid, and it does not gimp your characters. Given the insane power of the PC anyways there's not much you can do to gimp him.
  7. As in someone flipped the switch prematurely. Atari can do whatever they want though. It's their game. I don't recall any official announcements that the page was active anyways.
  8. I found a ton of old news clippings about suspected ice on the moon. http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/planetary/ice/ice_moon.html http://www.sciam.com/article.cfm?articleID...4A8809EC588EEDF http://whyfiles.org/060moons/ourmoon.html Though this more recent article is more skeptical. http://www.newscientist.com/article.ns?id=dn4378
  9. Is he trying to say that Obsidian copied Bioware's game design or something?
  10. When did I say otherwise. Read what you quoted: I choose to not kill random respawns just for the hell of it. If you were finishing around level 36 every game, well, I'd figure you're lying. I can't possibly see how I missed 260,000 experience in the game when the only quests I had remaining were the broken ones. Not only that, but missed it multiple times (played through the game 4 times, only once exploiting hssiss). What secret level did you find?
  11. The gold that you get demolishes any money you'd make from goods anyways. Besides, the best way to ever get the Treasure Fleet or the Silver Train was always in town, since you could get ALL the ships at the same time. I only ever raided them when they were in town. I never noticed any difference in goods when the silver train/treasure fleet was in town. Not sure why it would be anyways. Selling the goods would also be a nightmare anyways, as you'd have to go from port to port selling a handful at a time since the merchants rarely had much money on them.
  12. It does occur only if you want it to occur. Then that's a fault of the force power selection. I'd rather NOT be restricted in how I develop my characters. Furthermore, not overlapping your characters does not gimp them in KOTOR 2 anyways. I don't have to "take steps" to avoid overlapping anymore than you have to "take step" in order to overlap. I exploited the Hssiss bug to hit level 28 at an earlier point of the game. When I finished at level 28, it was without a Hssiss exploit.
  13. Cargo Space is irrelevant for the gold that the silver train and the treasure fleet bring in, even in the original.
  14. A ****ing echo in here? That's what I said they aren't doing much except publish the game. If they did some actual work on it like Bio and Obs than yeah maybe it should be on their site. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yes, they're "only" publishing the game.
  15. Which still gives more than enough time for everones powers to overlap especially if you have the consulars. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> My level 15/13 Consular/Jedi Master did not have 31 Force Powers, 12 of which were down their own unique path (i.e. I didn't even have the low level one). If you have significant overlap, it's your own fault. And that's with a level 28 character that also exploited the Hssiss bug to gain some levels. My first playthrough, which was still extensive though not exploiting finished my character at level 28 (the save game I just checked had her at level 28 while on Dxun). Even with the consulars, the overlap can still be minimized. Moreso if you get them at a more normal level, as it means they will not need to spread out their powers as much as they can get the higher level powers quicker (since it's based on character level). If you're making your Jedi at level 15, it is insanely easy to minimize overlap.
  16. Yeah, but you're getting them Jedis at level 15, not level 2.
  17. I haven't looked into it (until you mentioned it). Seems like it is, as many resources use XML and whatnot. Looks like there are some mods in development already.
  18. I don't see why not. Though I'm not 100% sure what they'd put in. I'm most looking forward to playing against my friend as we'd be building huge fleets for huge fights.
  19. I think that that is only the case if you play with hindsight and have them be Jedis at insanely low levels.
  20. Empire at War and Boiling Point. My offensive in the USSR has been put on hold in the mean time.
  21. There aren't "crossovers" perse. The way the Rebels get tech is by stealing plans from the Empire, but as far as I can tell the Empire doesn't actual use those tech skills. Basically it's just "when the empire hits tech level 4, the Rebels can now steal new techs from them." There is some crossover I imagine, in terms of buildings (Turbolaser towers, Ion Cannons, and whatnot). But not with space/land units. Which is a bit too bad....it would be kind of funny to steal AT-AT plans as the Alliance.
  22. Wouldn't that be the "fault" of the person that selects the skills/feats for that Jedi? No one is forcing you to pick the same feats/force powers for all of them.
  23. Or at the very least disconnected from the gaming sight. At the same time though, there are probably those that enjoyed morrowind and Fallout, and they actually probably were happy. Are we just an extremely vocal minority (well...not me...I am happy as we'd never get a FO3 otherwise).
  24. Hmmmm. Starcraft is pretty big. I'd say that SC is a better game. I like a lot of the flavour of Empire at War. Having a fleet of Mon Calamari Cruisers get into a combat against a large fleet of Star Destroyers is just a ton of fun. Protecting your Y-Wings so that they can get Torpedo runs off on the shield generators (torpedoes by-pass shields...so TIE Bombers and Y-Wings are terrifying to big cap ships that only have turbo lasers). I like the hero units too. I've only played as the rebellion, but the Millenium Falcon is a fighter killer, as is Red Squadron. Luke can use the force to get a "lucky shot" which seems to instantly kill smaller ships, or take out components (like shield generators or hangers) on the larger capital ships/space stations. The land battles are okay as well. I actually prefer the lack of resource management. Infantry can secure build pods on the ground, which let you set up turrets and healing stations. My first experience with Obi-Wan was cool, as he could heal all infantry units in a small radius of him. I'm not sure why, but I've never had a successful Tow Cable attack on an AT-AT, so they can be pretty scary. I was one of the few that was actually a big fan of the fleet combat in SW: Rebellion though, so I'm probably a little biased. Big fleet fights are always fun IMO. Nothing scarier than taking out a star destroyer only to see that another one has been called in for reinforcements.
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