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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. *waits for the violin* In other news, I am playing it and enjoying it. It is nice to see that the AI isn't completely retarded. When choosing it's targets, the fighter-killing corvettes prefer to choose fighter targets, rather than near invincible capital ships. Large fights with Mon Calamari Cruisers and Imperial Star Destroyers are a ton of fun. The wreckage floating through space makes it all worth while. I don't care as much for the land combat personally, though I don't mind it. The space battles is where I have all of my fun.
  2. Err....all you really did was repeat what he just said Shadow.
  3. They are rarely bulit on a stable foundation to begin with.
  4. I like the "action sequence" music a lot. Seems especially fitting when zipping down a dirt road with a helicopter doing strafing runs on you. The Mafia really, really doesn't like me any more
  5. No goalie puck of head incidents this year?
  6. Hehe, fair enough. I was sad that Johnathan died. I liked his character.
  7. Can Lana die? I don't know enough about the comic book, but I know her character is still alive in Superman III.
  8. Hehe, that was a doozy of a game. So much fun. I never did beat it though, as I sucked at the game. Though I was like 8 or so.
  9. Joy to us Canadians, who get to play that Russian squad in the quarterfinals.
  10. For me, it takes at least a month (rather than each passing day) before my level of "wondering" increases. Video games typically aren't spat out overnight.
  11. Unfortunately....I did not see this block of text until after acquiring said game. Oh well. It's been fun so far.
  12. You just don't pay for it. No shame in that "
  13. O RLY = silly "fad" that ranks up there with l33tsp34k and 'pwned' Hudson is forever.
  14. Well, the ironic thing is that swords were still typically used as stabbing weapons in combat...especially larger scale combats.
  15. I would bet the new Indy has a "passing of the torch" type theme. Dr. Jones is getting pretty up there in age....and you can only keep it in the 30s for so long.
  16. That actually doesn't surprise me. I felt the Russians would be strong and would do better than the USA. Though both pools have their share of wackiness going on.
  17. Hehe. That would be interesting. The one thing I always loved is how insecure Clark is with Lana, because he's different. Though it seems as though every person out there is an absolute freak in that town. We've had people splitting into two, electroman, etc. etc. Clark is pretty normal
  18. I'd bet that the ratio of crap:good is probably pretty common between the platforms. In any case, one cannot possibly say that there is more crap on the PC than on the console, simply because of the sheer volume of console games. Quality controls? I remember Nintendo had them back in the NES days. Doesn't stop people from releasing some absolute **** titles for the consoles.
  19. I do remember that. But so much in Smallville seems to just be episodic, and not really carry on to next episodes.
  20. Come on Paladin....you could say that most of the console games are crap too.
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