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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. Barbarossa push. Manstein's progress in the Northern part. Guderian attempts to encircle the city of Kiev.
  2. Sooooo, where exactly is the Bulk of the US population located?
  3. I laughed my ass off when I heard that.
  4. Those things that saved Brian were particularly humourous, in a WTF sort of way.
  5. Were those the things that picked up Brian when he fell from the Tower?
  6. At the same time though, if a game is great and has crap graphics, no one will play it either. Just speculating, but I bet bad games with great graphics would ultimately sell better, on the whole, than good games with crap graphics.
  7. alanschu


    Rangers can't do anything to the Olympics. The NHL teams agreed to allow their players to compete in the Olympics. Besides, I think the NHL is the ones on the bad end of that contract they signed with the IIHF back in 1996 to allow NHL players to compete. The NHL has already handicapped teams that have to go through the preliminaries, by not releasing players to compete. As a result, these teams have to make decisions about their Olympic rosters, because if they want to field NHL players, they have to recognize that these players will not be available for the preliminary rounds. In July 2005, the NHL, NHLPA, and IIHF agreed to continue the arrangement, allowing players to compete in the Olympics. If the owners are too worried about their players getting hurt, they should never have agreed to it. Some people are speculating that the NHL agreed to it because of the Salt Lake City arrangement in 2002. There wasn't as much owner grumbling then as there is now. Perhaps the main reason why they agreed again is because of Vancouver 2010. Perhaps not surprisingly, deputy NHL Commissioner has heavy reservations about whether or not the NHL involvement in the Olympics will continue past 2010. Much like most contracts, I feel that if the NHL agrees to allow players to compete, they should be held accountable. Funny to see Volourn defending the owners though, who "treat the players like slaves and commodities," when it's clear the player can choose not to go if he does not want to.
  8. Or woman! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Man as in homo sapien
  9. I don't really think it's as much of an issue as you are trying to make it out to be though. KOTOR 2 was out very shortly after KOTOR 1, and it's not like KOTOR 3 is just going to be out in the next year.
  10. Yeah I know. It's just I expect only the best from him
  11. I'd get up close and personal, just outside of attack range, to incur maximum damage with my Spaz. Axe/Sledgehammer for the running heads, and the Anaconda for those guys that shoot the green goop at you.
  12. What's up with Hermann? Only Silver@!??
  13. alanschu


    Played briefly for the Canadiens.
  14. I actually just use my on board sound. I don't have the setup to take advantage of an elaborate speaker set up, and when my onboard sound card provided better sound than my outdated Live! I figured it was time to toss away the Live!
  15. They're like 3 "bodied" type beasts. Resemble a female of some sort, with their stomach split open, and are in the sewers.
  16. I find games are much more static in their prices today. Furthermore, price reductions aren't necessary, even if a title is not selling, if you will not be requiring the inventory and, more importantly, shelf space in the near future. Clearly I have, hence why I asked you a question? Have I read everything you have posted? No. I am not following this thread all that closely, so when there's a huge post a typically skim over it. In any case, stores in my area sell KOTOR 1 and 2 for the same price.
  17. To be honest, I was actually a little surprised that it affected vampires just the same. I didn't like the blast back much because I thought it was too over the top, with people flying back into walls and sticking there for a while before falling down. Those big things that chuck bodies can be killed with a single Spaz clip though.
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