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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. I remember one game where the only person strong enough to take on Diablo and not die was my bear. It was a loooong fight, but people went and ran me mana potions so I could continue to resummon him once Diablo killed him. It was HC so everyone was too afraid to get close.
  2. Go play the PSX version of Fantastic Four.....
  3. Which is equally inconclusive. Since we are only talking about something as trivial as a game I go with the caution side. But since we have a rating system here it's not particularly relevent. I dont know why some people are so opposed to them. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The reason it's inconclusive is because there's plenty on both sides. I was not saying that mine was right and yours was wrong.
  4. The research is inconclusive. There's plenty of research out there that indicates that the relationship is tenuous at best...and often does not indicate a causal relationship. I showed this to you before, but you just plugged your ears and closed your eyes because it didn't support what you believed.
  5. Heh, I'm not too worried about dumbing it down. I mean, they CAN improve it quite a bit :D
  6. I have yet to play the single nation coop. I could imagine the entertainment as two people try to fight over where that unit goes :D
  7. It's a ton of fun. Tanks rock, but are expensive to build, and also supply as they also need oil. Few things suck worse than having your tanks immobilized because of insufficient oil. There are some nuances to the game, but once you wrap your head around them it is sooo much fun.
  8. Didn't miss gaming!??!/1/1/4LKGDsdfjer... Error: Unhandled Exception: FabricOfRealityWarped was not caught and handled. Initiating Reboot... Anyways, off to bed
  9. I'm actually surprised how popular the Mac platform is in my CompSci program at my University. Seems almost everyone here prefers Linux to Windows, and they love the fact that MacOS gives them that, but with an actual nice looking GUI. All without having to worry about setting up your proper X-Window Managers.
  10. You mentioned you went "back" to gaming Steve. Why did you stop?
  11. Just played through SS2 with a friend. Pending a decision to purchase Boiling Point, I'll probably go back to conquering the USSR.
  12. You refer to the comment about not wanting to read plot suggestions? Actually I don't pay that any attention. If people want to post plot suggestions then they will and should. Besides, many of us have posted them in the past, only we didn't exactly want the same things in the game. Oh well... I don't discuss it anymore, because I sort of regret that I posted my own ideas. Not that I mind other people reading it, but now I'm thinking I'll be disappointed when K3 does come out and it's not what I expected. I would have been better off not thinking about it and instead just accepted the surprise of the next game's plot... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I was referring to this:
  13. I don't mind wookie speak, when it's used as it is in the movies. Whoever thought it'd be a great idea to have a Christmas special featuring giant scenes of exclusively wookie speak should be tortured though. I wouldn't have minded it in KOTOR, if "ok" wasn't translated into: "Rawrrrr..rooerararRARRswrsraarw..rrrarraawr..roarrararaa.rarrarrrrRRarR.rRo araRerararaeadsr"
  14. Saw Two for the Money and Serenity today. Two for the Money was alright, but I really enjoyed Serenity. "Uh...we may be experiencing some turbulence and then..uh..explode."
  15. I don't know if any game has really changed my life. I've been a game geek as long as I can remember. For changes in gamestyles.....hmmmm. Uprising taught me the joys of mouselook in FPS games. Ultima VII was my transition to PC Gaming (though I had already attained years of gaming on Apple computers). FF7 got me into Final Fantasy Games. Ultima VI into RPG games. Doom made me like FPS games. Privateer 2 was the first game that made me get a joystick for my computer. Half-Life pretty much single handedly bring PC gaming back into my life, after being almost exclusively a console gamer for many years. I'd say it probably put me on the PC bandwagon for good. Baldur's Gate 1 initially sold me off AD&D based RPG games, since I struggled with the game and felt the first level characters were weak enough to make the beginning of the game unnecessarily frustrating. This was in spite of my previous knowledge of AD&D CRPG games...but I hated level 1 characters then too. It was with the insistence of a roommate that I play through BG1 again. THough I think learning that Bioware was a local developer also helped. As for consoles...hmmm. Mario 3 got me an NES. Starfox got me a SNES. GoldenEye got me an N64. FF7 got me a PSX. First game I remember playing: Lode Runner for the Apple II
  16. alanschu


    You can't suggest that someone *should* do something that they are incapable of doing. If you wanted to make it clear, you should include something along the lines of "be able" as in "they should be able to sue." Saying that someone "should" do something, implies that they are able. Fixed! In any case, there's plenty of dirty hits that don't get suspensions, fines, or any sort of repercussions. Jarret Stoll got blasted completely from behind head first into the boards. The player was ejected from the game. No fines, no suspensions. LOL, "severe lack of caring." HAHAHA. Well, that might be because when they were growing up they were unable to compete for Olympic Gold!. And since you feel it's "PC crap" that they do it for the love of their country, then why are they competing? Perhaps it's because they want to win the Olympic Gold? Did Mario Lemieux play through his injury, to the point where he didn't play another game that season after the Gold Medal game, because he didn't feel like winning an Olympic Gold? I have yet to meet an athlete that did not have favourable memories about winning an Olympic gold medal. You are talking out of your ass, and just bitter because a player on your team got hurt. Even though the Owners agreed to let him play, as well as himself.
  17. If you're complaining about everyday debit card fees while living in Canada, you aren't looking hard enough. I haven't paid a fee for a debit transaction in over 5 years. Nor do a pay a monthly fee for my debit card. It's interesting, because I guess it just doesn't exist, at least not large scale, in Europe.
  18. The Blessed Hammer became THE skill for Paladin's in 1.10
  19. Well, since it's clear Ender won't be coming back, he has no need to run up his totals anymore.
  20. The multiplayer of EU2 was great. I was England, one friend was France, and another was Spain. After Spain started making absolutely retarded amounts of money with the trade in the new world, France and I attacked them. Prior to the war though, we continued to fund pirate activities in his unprotected sea zones, to mess up with his trade empire. One of the most fun things about the game (and Hearts of Iron 2) is the events that happen. On occassion, huge events come up that allow you to alter history, or perhaps follow it, that just make the game so much fun. They also lend a little bit of predictability to the game, which for the most part can be played out in insane ahistorical situations. I remember playing one game as the Ottoman Empire and having a blast pushing into the middle east, as well as Eastern Europe. But after a while, the countries got pissed off (I had accumulated a ton of "badboy" points since I was a major aggressor), and pretty much all of Europe declared War on me. The combat can be pretty tactical too (though pales in comparison to HOI...given the limited unit types). I think copying from Risk, they have basic Infantry, Cavalry, and Cannons (though they are different in EU, unlike risk). Cavalry is great in open fields, and very fast. Infantry is more versatile, and so on. Plus, weather can play a key role, with heavy storms slowing units down. Winter is a monster! Certain provinces can only support armies of certain sizes, and if you are an aggressor, a winter province in occupied enemy territory suffers from insane attrition. It makes fighting battles in the north more strategic, as well as a ton of fun! Nothing like hearing the guy scream because the Russian winter has saved Muscovy from annihilation. You could also research improvements in your land units, convert "heathens" to your religion (useful when conquering places), and so on. Discovering gunpowder was a TSN turning point, as it gave you a "free" attack against non gunpowder nations, before you engaged in melee combat. I prefer HOI2 because of it's increased strategic diversity (much more difference in unit types), and I'm a WW2 buff. But my experiences with EU2 made me look at HOI2, because I really enjoyed my experiences with EU2 first. The biggest knock on the game is the interface. Though I felt they made a world of improvement with HOI2, so hopefully the trend continues. As for people calling it a TBS game....I'm not sure why. I mean, unless you conisder each day to be a turn, with the fact that the days move ahead automatically on their own! I'd call it an RTS game first, but not like a standard RTS game. It's actually strategic, rather than tactical. To be clear, I typically consider TBS games to be games where you have to click an "end turn" button to proceed to the next turn. EU2 was definitely not that.
  21. I always forget to load crossfire
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