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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. Then that is your shortfall, not the PCs. Still not sure how that relates when you can download it when sleeping. But if you can handle missing out on stuff because of a tiny download, then have at 'er. I prefer to not deny myself any opportunity.
  2. Yes, Lionel is Jor-El. Been Jor-El since last season. He's trying to be Clark's father. We still don't know what was on that picture... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Heh, I completely missed that.
  3. You won't get 100% out of your consoles for 5 years. This can easily be shown just by looking at the graphical quality of a console's first generation games compared to their last generation games. As for a long time patching, not sure why a 5 hour download is a big deal. I typically do those downloads while I'm either sleeping....or browsing internet forums. The thing I like about it in WoW is that it often results in new content. And I got my first mousewheel in 2000. A friend of mine had his since 1998.
  4. Meh, I'd wager it filled their pockets moreso than drove things forward. Given their track record, I'd wager that they still would be coming out with the stuff now. Though it would have allowed them to acquire outside IP. I don't recall when the 3dfx buyout happened.
  5. Hmmm...I think I prefer Lois over Lana. Not as much of a Kristen Kruek fan anymore. Oh, I just saw the most recent one...Lionel knows!
  6. Aside from MMPORGs I've never done that. Most MP is saturday afternoon FIFA stuff or just the family playing something. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I just played through System Shock 2 with a friend this past weekend. It was great fun!
  7. Actually, you'll laugh at this, it was Nvidia screwing xbox. And it was well documented. The xbox had a special chip that they paid through the nose for the entire run of the unit. Which is why they refused to go through Nividia on the 360. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hehe, bold move by nVidia.
  8. The people that you play against online don't have to be faceless either. The most fun I have playing online is with my friends. And we often use VOIP to trashtalk. The only thing that's different is that we're not actually in the same room.
  9. How can people be so certain about the cost of the XBOX at the end of its life? $300 to make the XBOX? Unlikely. I suspect the majority of the "XBOX is losing money" on its sales was for the fixed costs of R&D. Unless Intel and the rest of the companies that make the stuff is totally giving Microsoft the shaft in prices. Intel could sell the processor for the XBOX for $1 and still make a profit on it. The only thing that could be increasing the cost is that Intel doesn't have many fab units making the old cores. Making a microprocessor is ridiculously cheap. Even then, upgrading all of the components in the XBOX to the components in your computer, is still chump change. The prices that we see for those components are not the prices that the big OEM companies pay.
  10. What makes you think no profits were made though? Keep in mind that companies like Dell and Compaq can acquire parts for mere fractions of the prices that we can get from an OEM reseller (for building our own computers).
  11. Yeah, well, I can put a sign saying "free" anything I want on computers I sell too. Doesn't mean the customer doesn't pay for it. It's marketing.
  12. Laughing at Ving Rhames being Aquaman?
  13. Yup, but PC companies also sell at a loss on low end units, because MS pays them to. I know they lost money on mine, and my wife's. It is what it is. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> How do you know this? What type of computer do you have?
  14. Oh, Windows is most definitely not packaged "free" with current systems. That price is included in the total retail package, but it's not free. Otherwise, you might as well say the video card is free, or the computer is free, with a donation of X dolalrs. Even the big boys like Dell pay Microsoft money to "bundle" Windows with their computers.
  15. This assumes the demand for video game consoles is inelastic. I doubt it is.
  16. alanschu


    I haven't seen any Olympic games, but I think Pronger's speed seems slower because he's a very big man. Having said that, he's not the fastest. Though he's easily been Edmonton's best and most consistent player this year.
  17. No. I play Gothic & Gothic 2 for a sense of freedom. Morrowind seems open but because you can't climb in that game, it's just as dead and dumb as any linear jRPG (which almost always have corridors even in forests!). Daggerfall actually had a climb skill, which was awesome. If you maxxed it out (and maxxed out running) you could run up against a house, climb up its wall with amazing speed and then fling over the ceiling like a rocket. Sometimes you had so much speed, the fall would kill you even if the house was a one-story building. ) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> So much for making it believable.
  18. I don't know if I have one favourite, perse. Some of my favourites include: Reaching the Surface of Black Mesa in Half-Life 2 Reaching Polito's room in System Shock 2 Meeting Liquid on top of Rex in Metal Gear Solid I know there's more, but I just can't think of any at the moment.
  19. Favourite? Hopefully as in "so bad it's good!"
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