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Everything posted by Hannibal_PJV

  1. What is the place where you should drag the card? Banish, bury, hand or deck?
  2. My ques is a corrupted save file. Contact the dev and send you pfid to them so They can inspect your save file.
  3. Yep, They would... But in the long run it would not hurt to have pick and chose option. But this is not in the short list, not even in semi long list of things that devs Are planning to implement in the future. But maybe for the very long list for the things that may be considered. Some people want to be surprices, some people know exacly what They want. But bug hunting and some ad:s Are coming before we can dream on some other enhancements. But people have to dream, so that They can live!
  4. Does any other character have extra cards? Sometimes some loot cards can only be seing in all cards section...
  5. Or a separate part in the shop where you can buy with real money any item that is available. Obsidian Magic shop or something like that. You could buy any item, any card any dice available. If the price is so that you can either buy one spesific item or Lets say 4 treasure chest with same amounth of money, there could be plase to both options. That would mean 16 random item vs one that you really like to get. Different options to different peoples. I would like that!
  6. If I am not wrong it was mentioned in the Paizo page that blessing actually work with wands... It gives one more dice of the same type as the item is already granting. Did ask it by my self about one and half years ago....
  7. Let me see... Ferry 2 Academy 1 Villagessa house 3 Woods 0 Waterfront 2 Store1 Dam 1 Cave 0 Scenario 8 Total = 18 Yep calculating error in my end... Plaing this game too few times
  8. Aaa... I mean if you allready start the app and it does not connect, you can not connect inside the app, but have to first check out that google play or game Center Are working correctly. Didn't catch that From your first ansver
  9. Yep. Some users has reported problems when there Are several accounts in the same device. So the safest way is first login the google play or play Center and start the app From there. If you have only one account in the device it can be easier.
  10. My ques is that problem is that the game is saved in two places, cloud and locally. It causes situations where there Are different Local saves in different devices. And when there is a sync problem (happens time to time) it may not be so easy to tell what is the newer version. For example: If you play with device A. There is a sync problem and you have only the newest save in Local You then play with device B, and use old cloud save. But do worse than with device A. Then device A managed to get contact to server... What is stored to cloud at that moment? Local From device B or device A? Even worse is if you don't force shut the app in your devices and both devices sync to the cloud at the same time. I am not sure if there is an easy solution, because most games only keep one save, Local or cloud. At least there should be information, if the game does not get contact to the cloud save, and/or if the server sees two or more Connection to the same account at the same time. The system is most propably based on the time stamps of the files at this moment. So that is why I Expect that it is server Connection problems and/or the Connection at the same time with multible devices.
  11. 1) yes, it is correct. 2) not sure of this....
  12. You have to go to story mode and select the croup. Then go to character screen and press three dots button (look the picture below) https://www.dropbox.com/s/ughvy6o3hs796er/Photo%2011.9.2016%209.07.27.png?dl=0 Then give each members a nick Name https://www.dropbox.com/s/7bzjvq5412xldd4/Photo%2011.9.2016%209.07.35.png?dl=0 (In picture, I have my B-team, so I did put B after each teammember Name, so it easy to know what teamthey belong to) Do the same to each your team. Then delete all the character that does not belong to any of your teams. (For me it means, that I can delete all characters not in my team A, team B, or in team C.)
  13. Here comes Flood, short description. - game calculates every card that Magga eats. It is the Number you see, and Also the real number of allies it eats, the Number that you don't know. - the game calculates how Many allies the gamer saves. - if the saved allies is same or greater than the secrect Number of eaten allies, the plaer Wins. The safe point is half of the allies in the game. - with 6 players there are 18 allies, so you need 9 allies - with 5 players there Are 17 allies, needed 9 - with 4 players there Are 15 allies, so you need 8 allies saved. - with 3 players there Are 13 allies, so you need 7 allies. - with 2 players there Are 10 allies, need 5 allies. - with 1 player there Are 9 allies, need 5 allies. - Magga eats From random location, so it can try to eat From location where there is no cards. Actually Here comes Flood has been one of the easiest scenarios after the "eat last card" bug was fixed. Have to check if it has come back, but that would be really strange. Update: I did check out. The Here Comes the Flood is working perfectly. I did get the minimum of 9 allies and win the game with 4 characters in the team. So the game is calculating correctly. https://www.dropbox.com/s/23svnbx61nr3fkq/Photo%2011.9.2016%209.36.35.png?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/a3hb0g47embwb5y/Photo%2011.9.2016%209.37.54.png?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/orghltjk61szq2q/Photo%2011.9.2016%209.38.10.png?dl=0 Update: corrected ally amounths. I did collect too Many allies... Have to try to collect only 8... Have to play badly so that I can do that...
  14. You have to connect by logging in google play app or play Center app. You can not connect in the game app.
  15. Well then no problem because the new versioon is better in 3,5" phones than the previous... The truth is newer so easy. Obsidian is making UI for devices as small as 3" to as large as 105" so there will be compromises. Jumpthegun is right in there that making good suggestions is more usefull.
  16. It is 1.99 for 30 days subscription. And you have to manually collect it each day. ...There Are Ninjas in here...
  17. It is all balancing the things. But in anyway the devs will be tinkering the monetary system all the time. They need easy start to free to play peoples. But income in the longer run. For buying Bundle peoples They need other type of gold/money sinks. I am sure that They have some alternate plans, but I don't Expect to hear about them untill those Are put in use. Who knows, maybe the last 3 scenarios can only be bought with real money? Who knows but all in all this is an aspect that we as a customers have very Little to say, except opinions. There Are Many interesting old conversations about this subject in these forums. And there Are very neat some quite bizarre ideas about this matter in there. Try to dig them out, They Are entertaining read!
  18. Allmost feeling young again after seeing this
  19. This is the normal difficulty? 1. Sounds like it should be. The difficulty increases all the time as it should. "When you encounter a haunt, put it in Front of you. Then roll 1d6 and add the number of haunts in Front of all players" so the check gets harder each time. The more haunts, the bigger +. 2. Did your check to defeat the have Magic trait. Normally only the Kyra can defeat the Iesha. Everybody else fails, because there is no Magic trait. 3. Not sure of that. Have to check out my self. There should only be two of them. What was the location?
  20. https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/600x315/c4/cb/65/c4cb655cb55dee843962ee2cb928e79a.jpg
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