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Everything posted by Hannibal_PJV

  1. The card pool is the same, so it does not differ from story mode in that aspect.
  2. I did try the Lini, and it seems to work as it should. So there has to be some strange combination that causes this. First the amulet and Animal trick. D4 for str, d4 for Animal and d8 from the amulet https://www.dropbox.com/s/u6t7klgwaxe6z8w/Photo%2025.9.2016%2017.30.29.png?dl=0 Then the beast form and one d4 change to d10 as it should. https://www.dropbox.com/s/3t0oki6ze7pac8a/Photo%2025.9.2016%2017.30.39.png?dl=0 And then roll... https://www.dropbox.com/s/kq4b1o6mht33lor/Photo%2025.9.2016%2017.30.53.png?dl=0 I did try it several time and each time the beast form was working. https://www.dropbox.com/s/bcec764gu3g39hr/Photo%2025.9.2016%2017.33.52.png?dl=0 I even did try one time overkill and use blessing and it dublicated the beast form d10 to another d10. It did Also work with weapons. So in your case there may be something else happening... what that is the hard part to tell. There may be some spesific combinations of things, but I was not able to reproduce your problem. Check out again all powers, locations and character. So maybe we can find out what was happening with your Lini.
  3. Hmmm... Sounds bad. Have not used this skill after the newest upgrade. Have to pull Lini upp from the naftaling and check this out.
  4. Customising only before the first scenario. If you play any scenarios, you Are not allowed to custom the (whole) deck. I would Also start completely new croup. Not sure what happens is you add new character to old croup...
  5. Screen would be nice but check out that you were trying to activate the active player. Also it may be Nessesary to drag the reshargeable card the the deck.
  6. Ok. Lini seems to have too Many spells, so you have to remove one of them. Then you have to give that spell to Seoni because she has too few of them. Then you should be able to press the arrow icon and fill the Empty slots to the rest of the characters.
  7. At this moment there is no way of changing powers. The dev has some plans for character editor, but They have not revealed any information how or when it could be available.
  8. Can you send a picture of that screen? Most likely you have characters that have !-mark above them because They have too Many cards. You have to remove extra cards from them before you can continue. You remove cards by dragging the to the bottom of the page. It does say something like 5/3 for weapons, so you have to remove two of them in this example case. Check all card types and Also if someone has cards that would be more usefull for someone else. Also some characters may miss cards. 1/2 for weapons for example. So you have to move an extra weapon to them to fill that Empty slot.
  9. What happens if you manually drag card to bury pile?
  10. Using trash can icon instead arrow helps in most situations...
  11. Sound very normal, for player who has put a lot of money to ccg cards... you can get multible same rares and not some at all. So Sounds like it work as it should... not ideal, but belong among normal random distribution.
  12. Did you check what skill was after blessing? You may have to switch the skill back to original. The game sometimes ques the optimal skill wrongly and you have to manually change it to better one.
  13. On close location only the original character should have change to close, so it seems to work as it should be. Normally only character who closed location, should have option to resharge. Did you use trascan icon or arrow icon? Try that trashcan. Not sure about the third one...
  14. A lot of crashes can be by too low system memory. The game engine seems to like memory.
  15. It is the settings inside the pathfinder app. Sorry for incomplete instructions. So start the pathfinder app. Then go to options and there settings. The PFID is in the buttom of the screen.
  16. Go settings and look there the PFID. Then the dev can see your cloud save.
  17. I Also have used amulet with Lini, Also with beast form. So something else in here I supose.
  18. You see your pfid From the settings screen.
  19. Just to be sure. Was the hensman summoned by skeleton horde barrier, or was it normal hensman? If it was summoned, then it should not allow closing check.
  20. It has happened to me so Many times, that when in doupt I check it out and guite often the pfid says that I am not logged in... then I close the app and restart and vola, the app says that this time i am actually logged in. Not sure if it is server, or the device... but in anyway it is a worth of looking out. But if it does not help, contact the support / or devs, They can check it out From the server side!
  21. Sounds like the dayly cold was not registered to your account. Contact the dev or support and They check it out. They need your PFID for it. It is always wice to check that PFID is active.
  22. How do you chose and / or develop treasure chest cards?
  23. Game Center can now be found From the settings. Below. Music, videos... iTunes... Fast ninjas in here....
  24. Sounds a lot like the Tankard. And yep, only available in physical version with iconic heroes 1 set. The promos you get Are those that was released when Rice of the rune lords was released.
  25. Promo cards goes to the card pool that you can find From the locations. You can customise your character deck before the first scenario. Just click the big P Letter: manage deck in the right low corner. But you can only do it before you do any scenarios. After that you can only change deck by using cards that you find during the adventure.
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