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Everything posted by Hannibal_PJV

  1. I Also like a lot that movement restriction! Yep. 6 player party is about spreading out, cornering the willain and temporary closing. Smaller parties can close individual locations and so on. The strategy is different in Many way. But is is easier or harder... it is in the eay of beholder. With big party you have right tool to everything, but more locations. With solo or small party you have less locations so more time, but you lack tools to owercome obstacless. I like Lonshot idea about chosing your own Path with difficulty. It Sounds a lot like making your custom race in the Master Of the Orion. The reward system is now Locked to normal, heroic, legendary, but maybe in the Skull and shacles the team can give more freedom to the players. In this system each wildcard would give independed gold multifier. The problem would be how to open those Legendary rewards, but maybe if you take high enough combinations They will count as "legendary". There is always posibilities to tinker. Ofcourse some players like randomnes, so pic random wildcards button would be there to those players. I did hope for movement restriction togle to normal and heroic games too a long time ago, but there were much more pressing issues back then, so it was not possible back then. But with programs there is always room to change and improvements so maybe I can play this game with movement restriction in lower (low) difficulty levels too.
  2. Look settings. Options button from the app.
  3. There is limit in parties and Also limit in experienced characters. So if that is the case you have to delete the old ones. Three dots...
  4. Select new character tab, not experienced if you want to start from the Beginning.
  5. Yes, if you just not happen to know the rules in and out very well. New player can be totally lost with these modifiers. You suggestion would definitely be usefull. +1 str, + 1 melee, -4 not proficient with weapons = -2 would help a lot new player wondering why Kyra would be so bad after getting new fine Sword instead of old wooden staff...
  6. Those Sneaky bastards! Yep, have seen these invisible enemies Also... what did I just say... "I see invisible enemies." I have to check out my medication... I hope that you too will get better and stop seing invible things Obsidian, we need stronger medicine!
  7. I would recommended that you write email to the support adress mentioned in the post above.
  8. I have opened 80 or so chest. So in 10 years it will be near 3000... Hopefully I am allmost completed collection... Nah... most propably will newer, but it is not a problem at all!
  9. Only if you want to get result 3 or better 3d4 is better than 2d8. But hearistic in using the right (tool) dice in all possible situations is not easy. I would allmost prefer that you see a list of all possible dice combinations and just chose from those the most suitable. But it would make the game longer, so not sure about that either.
  10. That is actually a good idea. A lot like shopkeeper doughter vs blacksmiths son in the banes. The real pain would be making all the animation to those new skins and Also some minor changes to conversations he/she etc... So allmost as much work as with completely new characters, but not quite. No need for test for if and how powers work etc. The "problem" in the story mode is the character interactions. There Are a lot of it and that is why really love this app! But it makes adding any new characters to story mode somewhat hard. Maybe we get those to multiplayer and no character / villain interactions and/or quest mode. But in anyway it will be interesting toiseen how these will come out. My crystall ball tells me that ad5 and ad6 will come before this feature will come out. And if my crystall ball is not completely broken, multiplayer will Also be before this. But I have to say that my crystall ball has newer said right Numbers in the lottery, so I may be completely wrong in here
  11. Contact support@obsidian.net. They Are your only hope!
  12. Only reason for it being attack spell would be to restrict it from characters like class deck Damiel that can not use attack spells. So a good question.
  13. You Are Gaming veteran so this propably is futal, but did you check out that there was not any power that increases checks? Most propably a minor bug in the accuire Number, but just checking out.
  14. Check Also that your game Center id is the right one. Also try to start the app from the game Center. Before that force close the Pathfinder app! The pathfinder app seems to not like if it is suspended to the backround. I always force close it after playing the game.
  15. Heh. That would be really messy! But Lets see what happens. Timelords Are not easy to deal with!
  16. Holy batman! Congrats! But if you do videos: - how to start new croup and modify the deck - how to do fight agains enemy that has multible fights (Many heroes against one enemy situation) - How to select role card and then your power feat. All situations that Are not included in the tutorial. Make them short 2-3 minutes at most. It would be very usefull to new players Also next videos would be nice but harder to make - how to log in the game Center and to the app (iOs) - how to log in the google play and the app (Android) It seems to be difficult task to the new players.
  17. I did pick up Virtuoso for the same reasons as you did. Old Runelords characters were not in balance. The new class deck characters really put you thinking what role to pick. In these old there normally is only one that just is better...
  18. See this http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/89583-the-other-characters-in-the-pathfinder-class-packs/
  19. Try to restart the app. Sometimes the vault does not recognice new card untill you restart the app. If that does not help, then better to contact support.
  20. Ofcourse, but you can get ahead from that point. The only long term solution is a bug fix but in the meantime...
  21. They Are nice in quest mode that is Also online only add on. In story mode only if you seems to have difficulties in legendary mode. They give a Little boost to player decks. They make normal mode that is too easy even without any outside help even easier, so that is their drawback, but you can togle the treasure cards off from the settings if the game seems to be too easy. In quest mode They Are quite usefull indeed because They offer variety to the card pool.
  22. See this http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/89617-not-receiving-full-reward-from-store-purchase/
  23. Yep, during the scenario, you just see total cards eaten. After scenario you see the resqued allies vs eaten allies and that is all that counts towards the winning.
  24. Yes the support have been great, They just have limitations how fast They can responce to each query.
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