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Everything posted by Hannibal_PJV

  1. So the safest could be to have phone team and pad team... So if there is synch problems it would not affect the other team.
  2. You don't lose you gold if you reinstall the game as long as you use the same store id and same game id because that information is saved on the server. But try first forfeit the game button. Easier and less cumbersome.
  3. Seems to be old check difficulty bleeding again. The modifier affect wrong items. Has been around a long time.
  4. Try to restart the app. I did see my dice after that. The disappearance of other buying options is real question. Only one special offer / account?
  5. There is Also posibility UI problem where dice shown and dice rolled Are not same, so it is really hard to check these out!
  6. The picture seems to indigate that you have to drag the thieves tools to you hand, but you can not do it for some reason? Does the go to vault, come back trick help?
  7. Yes. I was Also forced to force close and restart the app to see my Bundle. The funny thing is that the chests did come immediately, but the dice did need restart...
  8. Most propably a item that may come to the shop officially later. This has happened Also I "real" shops. Some new product leaks to the online shop but is not actually available at that moment and is removed later...
  9. Yes. It is possible to Harsk have 6 deadbane crossbows... or allmost any other boon. Some item Are market unique and it should only be possible to see one of them. To the others there is not upper limit.
  10. These seems to be things that may come out.
  11. Contact the Obsidian customer Service and They can check the purhase from there. Also Aarik D has been most helpfull in these cases. http://forums.obsidian.net/user/154743-aarik-d/ They need to know you pfid, time of purhace and most propably you store account Name/adress and the receipt.
  12. Nice Bundle, if you like shiny things!
  13. I think that Pediatron is right in here. It is update with less bugfixes in shorter time period or more bugfixes with longer time period between patches. And IMHO it may be better to have 3 fixes out of 60 out in one month than wait 10 months to fix 30 bugs from 60... the end result is allmost the same, but in previous model you get some upgrades faster. From previous patches it seems that most common and most game braking Are fixed first. Special cases later and some seems to stay guite long... for example the here comes the Flood was fixed to the next iteration, but some character based Are still there. Also if the dev can not cause the bug internally, it definitely is taking longer. It is very hard to fix something if you can not reproduce it. (Some device spesific bugs for example)
  14. Check that you have the same pfid in both devices.
  15. Do you have same pfid in both devices? But you can always contact the Obsidian support if there is problems with dayly gold or other online items.
  16. From earlier post, the dev have some plans for those... but soon tm may not apply to class decks Those would be really nice, but I don't personally Expect them before multiplayer multiplatform is ready. They would be really cool in online multiplayer games, and They Also could pring a lot of hard money to the team, if They sell them like 15$ per character or something similar.
  17. Most propably level cap 50 to quest mode and some bug fixes. Then most propably ad5 or facebook loggin. All except ad5 has been mentioned in other post by devs, and the level cap 50 is mentioned in the app. So ad5 not so soon is most proper ques among those posibilities.
  18. No because the experience and character development systems Are not compatible. In story mode the story and scenarios themselves give perks. In quest mode characters get XP that gives perks. So different leveling system.
  19. 1. The harder modes just make the game more interesting to the player. Just like in other Computer game. If the game is too easy, it is not fun. So player can modify the difficulty by using difficulty settings.
  20. Hmmm... could it be Google+ account. It is allmost as bad as Facebook account, but a Little better, because you have a Little bit more controll than in the Facebook... but yep, the Facebook account is much more popular so it means less hasle... sigh...
  21. The problem is that characters cull cards from different "game boxes" so it would not work... The only option would be to force player manually cull those 80% of cards in the Beginning of each scenario, and that would be really tedious task... maybe a couple of years more time Until next ad? Or the option to move characters between croups aka different game boxes have to be removed. So big part of the game mode should be rewriten... a long task... while not doing any other coding in the meanwhile. Who knows, maybe in the far a way future, but there Are parts that Are not compatible. Manual culling vs dynamic vault vs dynamic Gaming parties.
  22. You should click Story and then click new party instead.
  23. Wow, take a pick of it! This Sounds really interesting! Some class deck characters can collect temporary banes to their hand. But not these ordinary ones...
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