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Everything posted by Hannibal_PJV

  1. Yes They Are more meaningfull in the tabletop version, because you play it less, but one of the biggest complains in the Paizo (original tabletop maker of this game) forums Are random card rewards, bacause They mostly Are meaningless... So thats why that brutal generalization. The quest mode is so long that you get more cards during it in anyway, so it is a completely different beast in itself.
  2. Yes i understand but tradition in this game is than random reward has always been junk They Are junk in Runelords, They Are junk in shacles, They Are junk in wrath and I supose that They will be junk in Mummy. So I consider junk random cards as a tradition in pathfinder adventures. In the digital version They just carry on that tradition. So for me personally it is not a problem at all. I always Expect to see junk random card as level rewards and am surprices if it is not. But it is not a bad hope at all that it would be tier bound, I just don't Expect it based on the long historia of tabletop version of the game.
  3. Yes, if you fail for any reason at this moment, forfeit before "reward". It is your only hope... https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xIFJLMyUwrg Untill the patch I mean...
  4. We know that there Are problems in certain cards and Also with quest mode rewards, so hard to know for sure. There is ten days left so it is possible that ad4 may come out. But They will let us know when They know themselves. Summasummarum what this means is that They don't know it yet, when ad4 is ready to lounch.
  5. I am guite sure that Paizo has given Obsidian information of how Many persent of basic and elite is removed From the game normally. (That is what I would do in anyway) so the amounth of removed card is more or less in same level as in the tabletop version. So it Also help chances Also in digital version. But there always Are those cards that don't belong to basic or elite that will hang around (like in physical version too).
  6. Well this feature is directly From the tabletop version of the game. And even in that it very randomly is usefull. I don't count on level upgrades when I build my deck. Would it make reward drops better, if They would be level depending. Maybe. But the idea of the game is that even among the same level there Are useless and good boons. So if the quest mode does change the random stuff it will have very Little change to actual game play. In good and in bad. I would not be too worried about this "feature" it will and has always been irritating (both in digital and Also in tabletop version. Actually it is more irritating in the tabletop version, because you normally have much worse deck than in this digital version.)
  7. Yes, this is an old problem with that wand. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/88187-wand-of-enervation/?hl=%2Bwand+%2Benervation And the original? http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/87459-wand-of-enervation-resets-dice/
  8. The patch to this problem has not been released yet. So it will happen again. So far the only thing you can do, seems to be forfeit, if you lose quest.
  9. Yes, that is what I did say At this moment at least. Ofcourse you have to start playing at legendary level at some point or use quest mode.
  10. Not a kind, but ofcourse there is that 24h limit, that will cause limit. I am not sure if you can walk to anyone of will in this, but I really supose that not.
  11. I think that I did see opposite where one auto recharge blessing did not tricker the count, but not sure of that. Did not happen again during that game. So I may just disremember that...
  12. Many phones has too Little system memory to handle this game, and some prosessors Are not supported by the game so it is possible that some of these problems Are very device spesific, but some phones should be just fine, we just not have a list what of those does work.
  13. Hmmm... Yes It sound like bigger game corruption case. Propably uninstall reinstall is only way of to Remedy this case. It would have been usefull to get the save file to devs, but it Sounds that it may not be possible this time.
  14. True, it is at the end of turn. I think that it is still at the end of the turn even the app ask it at the Beginning of the turn. If you refuce you have turn left. If you close your turn is over.
  15. Ram... If you have 2.7 Gb ram Empty, it should be plenty.
  16. Iexplorer and similar will allow to see app folders. But what Are you planning to with that?
  17. You can contact the support via email and ask the cloud save delete.
  18. Hmmm... Try to close the game Center and restart it. The log in in the game Center, and then start the game From the game Center. There seems to be Connection issue with your game Center account, or maybe some game Center related allowance issue.
  19. Do you log in using the game Center app?
  20. Did you use the combat ability? If you did, it is not possible to use it again in the damage delivery phase.
  21. That or the system memory is too small. This game seems to like memory.
  22. Some legendary Are just bad compared to "common". It has very Little to do with cards power level in this. (And that is a good thing). They Are there to offer variety.
  23. No it does not. This was hotfix for the tutorial quest.
  24. Firestormkirbys advise is the one to follow. The cloud save of the situation may be the only way of finding out what happened. There has been missing characters because the game file or save file has been corrupted. Also some character powers has been reported to cause cards to vanish. But I have not here a case like this before. Not even during the beta stage. So this is definitely worth of looking for.
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