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Everything posted by Hannibal_PJV

  1. Right click the picture in the dropbox and get a link.
  2. To all you, check out the character completion tab. What does it say. Does it say that character has achieved reward X? Sound like there is conflict in the code so that you can only get reward if you completed scenario, but you still get XP, so your total can get past the reward point and that way cause the bug. A bug in anyway, but it would be nice to know why it is happening. Has anyone has this bug after succesfully advansing the XP tresshold?
  3. Sounds a bug to me. See From the character screen, the completion tab. What does it say. And Also for the devs, take a screen capture From the completion tab view and als the skill view, so They can see is and what is wrong. Some people has had problems with missing powers, so these may be related.
  4. So it is a graphical bug. Not serious, but a bug in anyway.
  5. Well it has been so that you only get gold in legendary a long time. So it is not a new feature. I did have time to try the game and I can confirm what firestormkirby said above. You still get gold by completing missions in legendary, just like before the last patch. Every new player got gold Also at normal and heroic level, but when one party will complete the scenario at normal level, you don't get normal level gold. And when one party complete scenario at heroic level, that player does not get gold From that scenario at heroic level anymore. So it does not matter if you try them with old or new party. It depends on if any give scenario has been completed with any party before or not. I am not sure if this is said anywhere in the game, so hopefully this is usefull information to the new players. You can Also check out the gold reward by clicking the difficulty icon in the game. If it does say that scenario has been completed before, you don't get gold. If there is the "Scenario rewar total is XXX gold" then you get that amounth of gold From completing the scenario.
  6. Go to story mode and make a solo Group with only Ezren in it and beat the Aproach to Thistletop. It is a lot like achievements in Steam. Play normal game a do it certain way to open a perk.
  7. Interesting. Maybe the game has lost jfjohny5:s account. It would Also explain that behaviour. If so try to start the game From the google play app instead of normal way, to see if google play (or game Center) account is still active. Have to find out time to play the game myself to if there Are any changes. Too busy in other stufff at this moment, so no time to try new patch Maybe tomorrow... But in anycase Expect to see some tinkering in the gold in the long run in anyway...
  8. So a new bug. I may try to reproduce it with not so often used device, but it Sounds like new patch has broken something in the tutorial. You get pfid by pressing the Settings button in the Main screen. It is very usefull to dev because They can study your cloud save file and based on those findings make a bug fixes.
  9. It all depends on what They Are trying to achieve. A) if the plan is to allow players allmost to get enough gold by plaing the game to unlock everything so that They have to put at least some money to the game B) allow full free to play C) just lure players to the game and forse them to use some money after They have managed to get level X in the game. We don't have the busines plans of Obsidian. How They Are planning to get back the money investment that They have put in this game, how They plan to make Profit with this game after development cost and salaries has been paid. We don't know exacly but we can make educated ques... One is balanging the gold rewards so that user Are gonna put money in this game in the long run. So far it has been possible to buy allmost everything in this game without paying single penny. And that is not good busines in long run. They have to have system that allows people to try and play the game long enough to get hooked, but forse investments at some point. Now there is that buy Bundle, and buy gold that pring some money to the company. Everybody can think, what is the best way to get paying customers in this game on their own. I can not say, because I am not marketing nor finansial Expert, but I am not so dumb in those matters that I can not see that company has to have some strategy in that part. Interesting to see what it is in the long run in this product. For me personally as a customer, the choise was easy. Buy the Bundle and don't worry the gold. To Paizo as a company the choise is not so easy. I don't have faintest idea how They Are going to make this product profitable except making it so good that everybody just buy it. (Not a easy task...)
  10. There Are Also some that has subtle movement in them, like the dig dice. So there Are at least: - basic colours - special Colour - animated colours - dice with outside of dice effect. And if there really Are something like 3 dosen different rarities... Well some dice Are really special.
  11. They try to get balance right before PC version can come out. That is what I think in anyway. So They try different posibilities and follow what happens. Good plan actually, because it is the harder to make changes, the more there Are players. We have enjoyed ingredible good gold rewards so far. And They Are trying to get best compromise They can get in the long run.
  12. Yes, most likely there Are common, rare, epic and who knows legendary dice. But at least They have different rarities.
  13. Normally Locked characters can not be unlocked. There is some problems with those characters that has corrupted the save file. I have replayed several Locked characters. But not in long time. But so far it has been the only solution to those.
  14. The character rebuilding tool is coming. Not sure when it is ready. But it will help in difficult situations. But if whole power is missing, then it is a place for a hotfix.
  15. Fast hotfix... Coming soon, hopefully.
  16. The dev is rebalancing the gold reward all the time. So far gold rewards have been very generous. Too generous has been the feedback From customers so far. I Expect that quest mode will remain the Main gold farming route, but as I said there has been constantly tinkering with gold rewards and it will change in the future too. But not sure about what has happened now. There has not been announcement yet.
  17. That is a timing issue, that unable to load the update at all is different.
  18. Chose role and press next arrow? Don't remember anymore how the role card prosedure was done though...
  19. Obsidian hard mode? ;-) But, yeah it is a bug, though not as game braking as some above. It just makes game harder.
  20. ... There is definitely something strange is here that I can not comprehend... Well maybe someone can track down the reason behind this behaviour.
  21. If you go back in time, it is most propably game Center / google play account Connection issue. You lose Connection and advancement is not registered. But because advancement is Also stored locally, it is somewhat strange. Do you play with different devices, using the same account. That would Also explaing the last part.
  22. Look this: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/87611-chest-drop-issue-has-anyone-unlock-these-cards-in-gallery/
  23. Hmmm pretty dice has been under development a long time, so it is naturally that it will become available at some point. Ofcourse the dev is doing everything to fix problems because they hinder other upgrades. They just happen to have team members that do the art and visual effects and They have team members who do hard coding, and They have team members who develop new quest and other stuff. So while some departments Are fixing, some other keep on going forward. So Expect to see a guite a lot Bling bling before all bug Are fixed just because different peoples do different things in their team.
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