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Everything posted by Hannibal_PJV

  1. One of the most interesting features to quest mode is the custom scenarios. Can you reveal anything about how They Are doing at this moment?
  2. Any news about multiplatform/crossplatform support?
  3. Well pathfinder has long history as a board game, and it is quite shelff heavy game. It eats a lot of space. So it may be declining, but it still have quite strong fan base and the next big box is coming out soon. I Expect that the app and board game version still support each others. I don't beleive that They eat eachothers. The app is superb for solo playing and soon reasonable good for multiplayer too, but there still is difference to cather together with a friends and play together some physical game. I think that declining in popularity is just normal situation to the physical game at this moment. So don't worry man! There will be new adventures in the Pathfinder for some time at least and Also hopefully new digital too.
  4. Do you have same acccount in the google play app as with previous device?
  5. Yes you Are... http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/89065-33-here-comes-the-flood-unbeatable-bug/ It is working just like it should be.
  6. I have found Magic candles in another situations too. But not twice during the same scenario.
  7. Drag the extra cards to the buttom of the screen.
  8. At this moment crossplatform is not supported feature, but it is coming. If you stay within one os architechture you Are fine.
  9. Made same mistake my self. Then compared real physical cards and digital versions and there it was.
  10. If They both have same account, They work as one. Just to be sure to completely close down the app in another device untill starting it in the another! There can be sync problems in otherwice.
  11. Large chest is difficulty 9/10 normally + the scenario Number. So in your case the level difficulty is automatically calculated to the card. I personally would prefer the original Number in the card and the real in the check box. But it is working as intended.
  12. This Sounds a lot like my Ezren, but that is the beaty of this game. You can meke very different builds and They all works reasonable well, when you use the advanteges!
  13. Yas, that information has vanished. It was there before!
  14. Only one Samisen. But any of your croups can find it while adventuring.
  15. Hmmm... if so, what hensman was removed instead of it...
  16. Loggin in the game Center app first. It can sometimes happen that the game Center account turn of for some reason.
  17. Yes. Every card that you unlock goes to card pool that can be randomly accessed From the locations and possible scenario rewards.
  18. Well... I don't think that any bug is awesome, but this is definitely not so annoying as some others
  19. Interesting one. Did you try to drag the card directly to your hand? This could be the same Ghost buttons problem like other situations where you don't see card power buttons.
  20. A check is a combat check only when it says so. So any check against bane that don't say combat, is not a combat check. For example Satyr check is a dexterity check, not a combat. So any normal Divine check against bane is noncombat Divine check. https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/1030181/satyr-hero-serial-killer https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/87641-fighting-with-satyr-is-not-considered-as-combat/ http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2q4ht?Defeating-Siren#17
  21. The app is very demanding. Even big iPad air gets hot while playing this game. So smaller phones definite will be strugling. And the hotter device the worse electricity balance will be. Time to move on to iphone7 or faster with this app! Turning animations off From the settings help a bit.
  22. Log in the game Center. It can be an app in old iOs versions, or you can find it From settings in iOs 10.
  23. Indie actually start the list allready to wiki http://pathfinderwiki.com/wiki/Digital/Wild_cards If you find that I have missed any wild card let me know and I will update the list, or ofcourse because it is a wiki, you can do it by yourself.
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