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Everything posted by the_dog_days

  1. Architect, which is shorthand for "introvert who doesn't like people and doesn't take crap from them."
  2. Denerim still wasn't as disappointing as the city of Orlais. It was supposed to be the largest city in Thadus, but boiled down to a single small level. At least Denerim is kinda explained away by Ferelden being a poor backwards country.
  3. I work for a small law firm and we've had several interns who were formerly teachers. Apparently they found paying student loans for law school preferable to teaching elementary school children.
  4. I'd rather see the actual broadcast numbers than a survey. That said, I doubt 12-ish% of viewers stopped watching because of Kaepernick. This survey sounds like it was designed to trigger a specific response from the people taking it.
  5. BOOK SPOILER I honestly believe that Ciri as Empress ending was created with players new to the IP in mind as a utopian ending. It stands out because the books ended with the main character's (which was Ciri and not Geralt, by the way) patents' death (Geralt and Yennefer). The north had just won a seemingly impossible war against Nilfgaard, Ciri escape capture from the Aen Elle, and the whole family was back together forever, right? Nope. Peasant riot, Geralt steps in and takes a pitchfork to the chest, Yennefer tries to save him with magic, depleting her own like force in the process, and they both die. Anyway, I don't particularly like the Empress ending. IMO, it doesn't belong in the Witcher-verse.
  6. The more people know the better they can defend themselves.
  7. For me, the reason to play a POE tabletop is the attribute system. As long as the attitude system holds true to the video game (no DnD min/maxing), I'm sold.
  8. That's a negative, Ghost Rider. If 4x have taught me anything, it's that I'm terrible at economy and everyone hates me. I need the help. Tale for president 2016. You've got my vote. :D
  9. This is possibly the greatest thing I've ever seen.
  10. Why wouldn't you bomb a fictional city? Those percentages are way too low.
  11. That's not just PC port problems. After GTA this will be a hard sell. Are we sure this isn't a Bethesda game? No way. The engine is still several console generations ahead of the Creation engine. Bethesda Fanboy: But it can be modded! Me: It has to be modded for it to be worth playing.
  12. I'm tempted to write something about getting excited about '17 releases but I'm too old and bitter to get worked up enough to mock.
  13. It's a bit clunky but it was a fun 2D Deus Ex. Payed €18 or something for it and was fairly happy with that. 2D Deus Ex, eh? Color me interested. Can you ghost it? I haven't played very much of it, but it's kind of like SNES Shadowrun mixed with a beat 'em up. I'm not using the stealth approach, though. Mostly been using the 'punch anything that moves' approach. But you can stealth at least some of it? You don't have to kill everyone? Okay, messed around with it for awhile. I think there are large sections you can stealth, BUT there's no stealth skill (which may or may not be a bonus depending on your gaming preferences), must of the time you'll be using stealth to get around and get insta-kills on NPCs (although most of those sections you can avoid killing if you so choose), you'll still have to fight a fair bit, and at least the first couple of bosses you can't be stealthed (which should totally be a word, but isn't) around. Note: This is from speedrunning the first few quests and not from trying a stealth approach for an entire game.
  14. And this is a problem because... ? A guarantied way to make crafting worse is to make it real-time. I don't want to leave my computer on for ten years to get a master crafted sword.
  15. It's a bit clunky but it was a fun 2D Deus Ex. Payed €18 or something for it and was fairly happy with that. 2D Deus Ex, eh? Color me interested. Can you ghost it? I haven't played very much of it, but it's kind of like SNES Shadowrun mixed with a beat 'em up. I'm not using the stealth approach, though. Mostly been using the 'punch anything that moves' approach.
  16. Hearts of Stone is an independent story that doesn't connect with the overarching story of W3. Blood and Wine does, and, more importantly, is supposed to be a big send off for Geralt. Narratively, Hearts of Stone fits best before the start of the game while Blood and Wine belongs at the end. B&W becomes available (though I wouldn't do it that early) after finishing the A Poet In Need quest.
  17. That's why I always play a rogue. It's amusing to pickpocket teammates and bail in the middle of combat.
  18. There's an extra male character model in the PC version.
  19. I suppose it's too much to hope that they'd send you a royalty check for the use of your pic.
  20. Jade Empire was made by BioWare and was ported to PC by LTI Gray Matter.
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