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Everything posted by Archaven

  1. There are problems with beneficial or hostile effects. I can't see the hostiu effect. Make the text smaller? Or allow scrolling of the beneficial or hostile
  2. When ship combat start, I think there's no way to board and combat. How is it being done? I haven't seen any options for me to do that. I was thinking to reduce the crew member before boarding
  3. Thanks! If not mistaken heart of fury is single class. In my opinion I think deadfire is torned between single and multiclsss. I think perhaps poe3 should all be multiclassed. But player have the option to focus more on either classes
  4. sometimes i think you have a genius mind. i didn't think of animancy cat!. but anyhow, i feel deadfire summoning build were kind of meh . i was hoping that summoning build was really a thing. you know at first i was really in love with the figurines? because it's an alternative to summoning. but they have to nerf it till no one uses it anymore. at least i know i didnt use even a single one. good job obsidian in chasing your customer out. they can make it as charges. but at least let you replenish it at a price or something. there are so many beautiful creatures in deadfire which honestly can be part of summoner build. the summon shouldn't just locked to ogres, wurms, skellies. on the other hand, i kind of like it if there's a pillars of eternity: king's bounty version :D
  5. thanks! i knew all this but i missed the miasma. thanks for the highlights to boroer and yourself . the only issue i have the debuffs from weapon modals were just single target. so the nukes are meaningless for nuking single target. nuking were supposed to be aoe. crowd control. i feel first poe cc were much better. they not need to do this stat fest. let wizards nukes. just up the enemies HP. nukes were meant to soften up the crowd. but it suxs when it doesn't do as what it's meant to do = nuke. i kind of missed first poe now. kinda mixed feeling.
  6. I'm wondering if there's a stealth nerf in getting ascended. It seems really hard to get asceny now? Or must get 200 focus to be ascended?
  7. Damn I'm really salty about the no random encounter bug for many games already. I was thinking its possiblity due to the default reactivity of poe1. Any good folk can send me their saved games for poe1 that makes devil of carroc armor available? If I can iron this out, we can possibly help obsidian much easier on fixing the bugs
  8. ranger has concussive tranquilizer that really eats up beneficial durations (-30). priest has cleansing flame and magran's fire which removes a little duration at each tick. there's also street sweeper, which shaves off -5s and can be upgraded to only target beneficial effects at -10. but wizard is by far the best. that is one of their core competencies (arcane dampener, wall of draining, arcane cleanse) Thanks! Sadly no ranger plus cleansing flame don't come early for multiclass. Going to try and keep in mind
  9. My takehu has combat focus I'm not sure how he got constantly interrupted by siren. Any insight? One of the issue with this game it has so many bugs and even reoccurring from earlier fixed patch. It's not even funny
  10. Wanted to ask similar question regarding beneficial reduction. If don't have wizard in party, what alternative we have beside arcane dampener? Does weakened -25% healing helps against unbending? Kinda hate it when enemies use it
  11. I have rings of focused flame, devotion, dire blessings, eldritch aim. Arcane dampener, expose vulnerability all missed. Enemy stats has all over 100 defense stats. It's kinda crazy. After few casting of misses, aloth is just a potato. On the other hand eder is a killing machine. Miasma, expose vulnerability, dampener all do nothing to enemies with stats over 100. Chillfog possibly better due to aoe duration it has many roll attempts. I kind of feel that the design of deadfire kinda bad or I possibly just playing plain bad. But my eder picking off enemies 1 by 1 easily. Also at this point I think friendly fire kind of suxs. Position don't matter much anymore. I feels first PoE much better? They need to add +1 spell accui per level back. Thanks all for the help! Will try again.
  12. I feel aloth kind of meh to me. All his nukes missed. But his nukes hurt the party pretty bad lol. Im thinking to ditch him or my MC as wizard instead. Otherwise only way is getting a barb with DW flail modal to get some reflex debuff?
  13. How do you take screenshot? Aloth with Irisdescent scale in character sheet shows: Base: 7 Superb: +3 However during fights with xaurip plaguestriker, the armor penetration shows 14 vs 7 (Aloth's armor). What gives? When you press shift on the attack rolls it shows: +5 Irisdescent scale +3 Superb - 1 Flank = 7 This is penetration of the xaurip which is fine. I understand how it's calculated: 8 Base +2 Strike the belll +2 Exceptional +2 Path of the Damned = 14 But you can clearly see there's something wrong with the base armor of Irisdescent scale? Just wondering if this a bug or there's something i'm not aware of? Thanks for any insights.
  14. It's all about money. You think Feargus and co really have passion in making games? The game designers and developers perhaps. For Feargus and co is just about money. No more steam and gog locking down exclusives to consoles, obsidian literally just gave a middle finger to backers who have supported them
  15. If your character is range, i feel kind of useless as a gunner/bow. Ironclad construct has 16 slash, 16 pierce armor and steelclad has 18 slash, 18 pierce. All range weapons deals pierce damage. Rod deals both slash/pierce and Scepter deals crush/slash. But the damage and penetration are both very low. And against the pen of 16 slash/pierce or 18 slash/pierce, playing as range is kind of a drawback against these enemies? Not to mention they are fire immune as well and they do cast ironskin and flame shield. How do you deal with these if you are playing a range character? Their defense stats are also exceptionally high.
  16. I notice many armor abilities get replaced. For example robust can actually replace paladin armor aura. What gives? Also spirit shield doesn't stack as well
  17. Helwakers really suck for my play-style, as I like to be hands-off. In my testing, Helwalkers died nonstop even when multi-classed with Paladin. I fear I will have a similar experience with Fanatic - which I have also been meaning to try...You see why I’m here lol. I’m between Monk and Cipher (combined with Goldpact) for my next play through. Cipher is too complicated. I just tested Fanatic a bit, and it is surprisingly sustainable - though DPS was also a bit disappointing. I guess I have to be resigned to the fact that I need to throw Rogue in there in any multi-class melee builds that seeks to do tremendous DPS. The Rogue multiplier stacking is utterly nuts. After I played cipher.. I told myself I must have any companion that has cipher class. Let's all be quiet and don't let obsidian notice. They'll nerf everything fun till utter boredomness
  18. MS is filthy rich with money. They throw a huge sum of money to Feargus and Co and they become fat happy and rich. Probably can even stop making games and enjoy life. If i'm Feargus and Co i probably do the same. It's all about money.
  19. Very complicated indeed. I probably go to balance the multiclass itself instead of single class. For example if swashbuckler is broken then fix that multi class but it will not affect the fighter or rogue or any other combinations. Regarding skill resources, I agree some skills are really expensive and not worth investing.
  20. i was about to post the same thing. i'm also in crookspur. after freeing the slaves, the guard yelled "slaver has escaped" and then the whole screen hang. i'm not sure what's going on. anyone experience the same thing?
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