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Everything posted by Franknstein

  1. I say "Bad" could be approached from the "Bland and Boring" angle. Very subjective, but if any combination of classes/sub-classes can be made viable mechanically, that's a way to gauge something undesirable. For me that's the Fighter/Pally variants. Stay front, whack stuff, heal. Meh. (very subjective, as I sad)
  2. How do you mitigate the accuracy penalty? My Mirke couldn't hit the broad side of a barn, let alone crit something to get the refund even in a target-rich environment.
  3. I feel like a relapsed alcoholic. My brain is on fire trying to optimize the best builds, party composition, skill synergies, ship crew and equipment, and consumables, and quests order, and stuff. I am nauseated by the starting Island and the Engwithan Dicksite after a bazilion restarts. I'm doing 3 playthroughs simultaneously. A blast, I say! X)
  4. It's the Ultimate Nerd Egomaniac. Hates every other Wizard in the world, because they are lame! Sometimes own castings fizzle, because the Spell bears the name of a random lame self proclaimed Archmage!! So angry!
  5. The one I did (after watching the magnificient gif Boeroer presented) was a Pale Elf for more Per & Dex, Helwalker, with 5 Con & Res (after Berath). Still worked as a charm (in a full party). Used Aloth (Battlemage) for the Pull of Eora and Pallegina (Herald) for aura buffing.
  6. 1. Skip the fight, I say. Or bring along an assassin/bleak walker MC (max Might and Perception) with an arquebus. From stealth, weapon modal on, that one can one-shot most mobs on the street and re-stealth.
  7. Hm. Okay! Now we have "ASAP", "Soon!(tm)" and "soon." it should be possible to triangulate the position of the upcoming patch in time and space! Gentleman! Keep up scanning the esoteric spaces of that exotic mediums that are not the official forums (they are so last century!), nail that basterd!
  8. Hm. If it's the "Soon!" I know, then we are into a long wait. Glacier movement magnitude long. It's trade marked for a reason.
  9. The eye is used to remind the barkeep in port Maje about the proudest day in his life. He gets so sad if it's lost...
  10. C'mon Boeroer, it's German after all, the right term should be: "Benutztfäkelspracheumseinenunmutauszudrückenobwohlereinfachnurnocheinetütehättequarzenmüssendamitihmallesegalwäre".
  11. I speculate that all able bodies at Obsidian are shifted to the work of finishing Outer Worlds. Or the two and a half dudes still responsible for Deadfire are on a holiday. =)
  12. That's the culprit. See, Deadfire follows a complete opposite design philosophy from the "grind for new gear every X levels", which comes from the MMO games, where one has to be engaged in the grind for years, and ARPG's. There the grind is the game, and the gear, often times, substitutes for the build. So, yeah, in Deadfire your first favored sword might carry you through all the game, no problem. A unique "low level" brigandine stays relevant at any level. Is it universally no fun? No way. Does the booty suck? Nope. It's just not your thing.
  13. That ramp near Torkar is weird, it has kinda reversed LoS, one can't see and shoot down from above. On the Digsight, to the other hand, one can see and shoot the boars, and they can't see and engage you.
  14. Yo, I see no reason for a fight here. Deadfire is cool and awesome, speaking volumes for a good balance, were there is no clear "best" option and one can do as one likes and be efficient at that. BG is old. Game mechanics design went a long way from there. And tangents are the flesh and blood of these forums! The most epic stuff! =)
  15. Well, that is play-style dependent, obviously. One could arm a wizard with a bow and ignore his casting completely. On PoTD. Solo. I guess... Yet, if one does the buffing routine, – the script is a godsend. The same goes for the priest (and if there is no need for the priest buffs, there simply is no need for a priest in the party).
  16. Self-buffing the wizards with all their buffs is better done with a script, or the tedium would be unbearable. It's ~6 same casts every combat... A workaround would be to give the character an affliction, or inspiration, that nobody else in the party has. And than target the buff at that character. For example, with a monk, one can scrip to use swift strikes whenever not under an dexterity inspiration. And script Xoti to target the buff at the ally with the dexterity inspiration.
  17. It's the general interaction of 1 turn duration – get's applied at turn 1, wears off at end of turn 2. Correct me if I'm wrong, please. And, even if it'd wear off at the start of turn 2, what would stop one from doing the disengagement trick on turn 1 (with the "end turn after action" option disabled)? And that trick is doable in RTwP, no?
  18. This. I mean, there is big talk about how the "turns" are implemented wrong, and it all has to be changed. If it gets changed as proposed, all slugs with their 3 Dex + Heavy Armor are going to be screwed. My drunk and high orlan corps-eater/bellower will definitely be screwed. Have to wait.
  19. Did you play Kingdom Come: Deliverance? They built a whole game out of it! =)
  20. It goes like that: - to be an AoE attack the ammo has to explosive - the warrior, in slow-mo, Max Payne style, tumbles between the smucks and sticks the ammo onto (into?) them - than with a single (!) well aimed shot that warrior causes an explosive chain reaction - BOOM!!! Edit: best class – none. To much context dependency to develop some relevant ranking, I say.
  21. King is very uneven of an author, that's true. I like the first three books of the Dark Tower opus magnum, and it's fun for me to find traces of the stuff in other King's works. Definitely worth a try, I say.
  22. Erm. In a TT RPG one can be whatever one wants to be, and can literally do whatever one wants to do, imagination the only limitation. Railroading is like vampires. It sucks.
  23. One use per round for every individual free action might be the right thing.
  24. 1. Realism. Why do we have stats? Well, back in the time the guys who wanted to play their TT wargames wanted to express IRL soldier squads in the rules. So they gave them squad stats. Than demilich Gygax came and sad "Let's make this stuff personal!" Ditched the squads for individual combatants. Those individual combatants had stats that expressed IRL fighting capabilities AND the their capabilities to do magic stuff, and it was playable as TT game. Chainmail was born, we had our OG RPG. So the legend goes. All praise Gary Gygax! Point is – RPG character stats try to simulate reality. In a playable way. With magic. So, more realism is good, yet ain't crucial, and one has to do a good job explaining how the unrealistic stuff functions and has to be consistent about that. 2. Intuitiveness. The dictionary tells me that's "based on what one feels to be true even without conscious reasoning; instinctive". So, I'd say, stats are counter intuitive. One has to explain, that the Strength stat does this and that, and one's expectations might be strongly contradicted (edge alignment and footwork have not so much to do with strength, but contribute to sword damage tremendously). Yet, this explanation has been done a lot of times by all the D&D games. And one's expectations about what's true about a stat without conscious reasoning might very well by dictated by that. All hail Gary Gygax! So, is PoE's Might intuitive in this way? I'd say no, it isn't. 3. Might in PoE is not strength! But it is. It's in the description of the stat: "a character's *physical* and spiritual strength, *brute force* as well as their ability to channel powerful magic". It's just not only that, but also a lot more. Yup, in Eora one has to be strong as an ox to add that extra punch to one's fireball. Magic works that way in Eora. Physical power works that way in Eora. And that's OK, I say. Side note about guns and strength and Might. One needs a steady arm to aim. Body weight is good to. The influence is more subtle than with a giant mashing stuff with a club, yet it's far less so with a decent sword fighter. There is so much more required to be effective with a sword than only strength. So, if we say strength governs melee damage, we might as well say strength governs ranged damage. The influence is there. And Might being the expression of ones bloody raw will to destruction somehow reminded me of the King's gunslingers: "I do not shoot with my hand; he who shoots with his hand has forgotten the face of his father. I shoot with my mind." And this tread is epic. Love you folks. Cheers.
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