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Everything posted by Franknstein

  1. That would just make two-handers the undesputed champions of weapons, outside of special interactions between weapons. Would it? No faster recovery, no bonuses from two different weapons, so still 2 bonus points listed by the OP behind dual-wielders.
  2. Hm. Make full attaks add an extra attack for two-handers and single weapons. Problem solved?
  3. Yes, that's all true. And half-swording two swords at the same time – to imagine that melts my mind. =) And, come to think of it, there is the Ring the Bell ability that discriminates between one-handed, two-handed and ranged effects. Maybe all full attacks should do it? Like, basic ability effect w. dual-wield, some hefty bonus for two-handed?
  4. Just start with a generally usefull buff (boost intelligence), meanwile ally gets his unique affliction/inspiration and becomes the only target for the Champion's Boon. But it's just a workaround of course.
  5. Yes, an upgrade to the AI Script system would be nice. More trigger conditions, more targeting options. I try to target specific afflictions/inspirations unique for the target. Like "Target has affliction Perception" for a blunderbuss wielding Streetfighter, or "Target has inspiration Strength" for a Barb, Constitution+Intellect inspiration is a wizard with Infuse w. Vital Essence active e.t.c. For recast control the trigger CD equal to the buff duration works more or less.
  6. https://pillarsofeternity.gamepedia.com/Shimmer_Scale – this one has "counters fampyrs all day" written all over it, with the "Warped Scales" upgrade. And you can get it very early in the game.
  7. I am not shure if this is the right place to write, but having more trigger conditions for the custom AI would be nice. Detection of specific character abilities (Mark, Dance of Death, weapon modals effects) and consumables (drugs, poisons). Would be great to automate ganking the marked enemy, or make the cipher to use his dominate on a taget hit with a club, or the nalpazca monk to use a dose wenever in combat the crush kicks in.
  8. The bonus from Alchemy to the Insect Plague might be a bug (should't there be the "poison" keyword on the spells that get affected?). The bonuses from Arcana, Alchemy and Explosives to their consumables ain't a bug, it's a prominent feature, which should be usable and powerful, yet shouldn't undermine classes. I do think so.
  9. A good balance can't be done without trial and error, and PoE I went all the long way to version 3.07 so i'm quite optimistic for the future of Deadfire. =) A good balance makes an OK game a great one. Even for a single-player game it is much needed for replayability – for why bother playing with another build, or class, or watever if you already found the most optimal path to victory. Yes you can chage your behaviour in the game, choice and consequence and stuff, but it is just so much more fun to do it with a complete change of play-style as well. It was done good in PoE I, it killed Tyrany for me (as much Lore as possible and you are well packed). Like, well, as much Alchemy or Arcana... You get the drift. For the problem of consumables duplicating class abilities – it would be fun if classes and sub-classes had unique interactions with the skills and consumables. Poisons and Assassins, Bombs and Black jackets, Wizards and their scrolls, Corpse-Eaters and some very special foods... they all should have some powerful perks for kinda doing what they are supposed to do. And Sleight of Hand is usless. As an "active" skill anyways. Just saying.
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