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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. What? Without twin arrows I had a chance of x% to cause an affliction. With twin arrows I have two chances. Two is two times one - so it's double!
  2. There are lots oft ways to play a good rogue. I tried dual wielding sabres with Resolution & Purgatory (+++), dual wielding battle axes with Edge of Reason & We Toki (++), wielding Hours of Saint Rumbalt & Tall Grass (+++). When you have companions that can cause afflictions for you then I would say there's nothing more powerful (DPS wise) than dual sabres. And there are four very good sabres in the game. My favourite one at the moment is Bittercut because it's damage is slash/corrode. You then can dump int like it was said in the post above. But if you want to cause afflictions by yourself with a special attack and a weapon enchantment like on Hours of St. Rumbalt or Tall Grass then you shouldn't dump int because these afflictions don't last very long and your opponent will shrug them off before you can hit the next time. With a fair int value this rogue becomes very powerful though: most enemies don't get up again because you are stun- or pronelocking them while doing tons of damage. Plus: you don't need a lot oft deflection because they don't hit you when they sit on their bottoms.
  3. I also have a monk like you mentioned above. Exactly these talents/abilities. I combined it with the new shoes that give +2 flat unarmed damage, the robe that casts displaced image on getting a crit and the gloves that do +2% raw damage per wound. I added Force of Anguish because then my rogue with boots of speed runs after the prone targets an finishes them The monk is superpowerful. He's not going down easily and dishes out tons of damage. When I get the two duplicates for him he will be absolutely devastating. Only bad thing is that you constantly have to pause and klick the "turning wheel" button...
  4. I think it's good for taking out one or two casters if you're willing to improve it and skip other abilities/talents for it. I'm playing PotD with my "underwhelming" FoD Bleak Walker and he's not to far behind my rogue, barb and wizard concerning overall damage dealt. You have to pick your targets carefully though.
  5. Other question: do both arrows have the chance to proc special enchantments like prone/stun/confuse? That would be very useful because it would double the chance of causing an affliction.
  6. I used that talent together with the hand and key armour (enchantment "loyal") and some other buffs and +will items (can't remember exactly) plus the +will talent on my priest because of this stupid mushrooms and fampyrs and I had the impression that it worked well. Lots of stacking though.
  7. That's right - Tall Grass procs a little more often because of +10% crit chance. But Hours of St. Rumbalt has +0.5 on crit modifier. I'm using both on my rogue and can't say which is better. Against low defl. targets I would say Rumbalt wins. All these new weapons that proc X on 10% of hits/crits are not so great for rogues who crit half of the time - but they are great for chars that hit fast/often but don't tend to crit a lot. For example a barb hits a lot with carnage but doensn't crit that much. The grey sleeper on my hogh DEX high INT barb is so great because he's hitting three/four/five enemies with one blow which procs pretty often then. Too bad Nightshroud is not for barbs. Maybe it can be cool for a priest of berath that does melee combat (with Aggr. Radiance and buffs and so on).
  8. So why don't you just do save/reload then and see yourself without any risk?
  9. Ah... and by the way: Bittercut is a great sabre for Bleak Walkers because it does 100% corrode damage plus Rakhan Field 25% plus a corrosive lash 25% giving you a weapon that does 150% corrode + 75% burn damage. It's great against most high DR foes because most of the time they have one or two low elemental DR values.
  10. I use Lead Spitter for FoD with a burning lash. In the expansion there are bracers that give extra 3 DR penetration. That adds up to a value of DR -10 (without Penetrating Shot) which makes Lead Spitter very powerful against targets with high pierce DR but low burn DR (there are quite a lot). I constantly get numbers above 120 with normal hits against "normal" enemies and way more against squishy casters thst most of the time die. I'm using a Bleak Walker with Intense Flames and Remember Rakhan Field for extra damage. Using Firebrand also works great against high DR enemies because you get all damage (150% or 175%) as burn damage and don't have to bypass DR two times.
  11. No, but Sura's Supper Plate does, since it's a weapon. Weapon enchantments always stack with other equipment's enchantments. Very sad that they nerfed the rataliation/carnage combo. But I discovered a new combo that's hilarious - but may be a bug: fetch the unique rapier Spelltongue that steals benefical effects and attack speed feom enemies and put it on your barb. In the second weapon slot you put some nice weapon that packs a punch or procs prone or stun or does high interrupt. Now walk to a group of enemies and poke them once with Spelltongue. With carnage you will steal attack speed from all surrounding enemies for a looong time (usually for over 60 sec), now switch to your other weapon and go crazy. I don't know why, but instead of +10% attack speed you will get +90% attack speed and that's so ridiculous. I use Mabec's Morning Star for stunning and disabling and with this trick I can basically do every encounter without the rest of my party because all enemies get stunlocked even if I don't crit because of the strong interrupt. Must be a bug.
  12. Save, apply durgan steel, have a look and reload if it's not working...?
  13. Normally weapon stats stack with bonuses from talents or equipment. So at least your +15% attack speed from gloves and weapon should stack. If the +crit mod. enchantments on the weapon itself (in your case the sabre Resolution) will stack I do not know. I will try out soon.
  14. Also nice - but you can't add ACC by enchanting. So at higher levels and/or difficulty you tend to miss a lot with it.
  15. If you want to put on Blunting Belt and Shod-in-Faith and combine it with draining weapons you don't need superhigh CON. In that case high iNT, MIG, PER and DEX is good. Savage Defiance will be good in cases when consecrated ground wears off and you don't drain a lot from enemies. The new mantle from the westmost house in Stalwart, White March that has "+2 enemies needed to flank" and spell holding Displaced Image is also really good for this since your defl. will jump up once you got critted AND together with OSA you will never get flanked. With this stats and items you can be a great damage dealercin the front line without going down a lot. But stats really depend on your playstyle and items. You could also plan a retaliation and debuffing tank barb with Battle Forged, Sura's Supper Plate and Hiro's Mantle or Coat of Ill Payment together with Blunding Belt or Woodskin Belt. Combine this with all abilities and talents that influence retaliation like Vulnarable Attack and so on and you have a long lasting tank that is happy when he gets hit because he will retaliate a lot with carnage. Here you need no DEX and PER at all because ret. always hits and you don't need to attack by yourself to much. Use Threatening Presence and Barb Yell to cause two afflictions while being the punching ball. Or build a disabler barb with an overbearing or stunning weapon. Mabec's Morning Star is great for this: even without critting, you will interrupt all the time for one second and if you crit, you will stun which leads to even more crits. In this case you don't need high MIG, but high DEX and INT and PER.
  16. On the character sheet you can see your hit/crit ratio. My hearth orlan rogue with maxed per has 50/50. So he has a 50% chance to crit when he's not missing. High acc helps of course, but also every source of hit to crot conversion that you can get. Hearth Orlan gives 10%, so do the two rogue abilities/talents. On top of that you can add the Paladin's Zealous Focus together with his corresponding talent, which adds another 5%. Then there is a nice priest buff that does 20% (that overrides Zealous Focus). So you can get a "passive" conversion of 35%. That helps a lot. Another nice weapon together with the interrupt talent is Mabec's Morning Star (Azzuro sells it), which stuns on crit and has a 1 sec interrupt. That's even better than prone because the debuff is more severe - meaning that you are critting even more if the enemy was stunned the first time. And if you only hit, you still cause a long interrupt. That's also a great weapon for barbs because of carnage.
  17. Yep. That's the best part. Loot Readric's Hold and you've got enough money to either buy Tall Grass or Hours of St. Rumbalt. They improve your performance a lot because of their high acc buffs (+8 or +12) that you normally don't get that early in the game.
  18. An OBS developer said that's a bug and that it's supposed to work. So we have to wait for the next patch I tink.
  19. Dual sabres also have Annihilation and are better dps-wise because of the full attacks that crippling strike and so on provide. But they lack the possibility of causing the prone affliction. So the sabres will go to my monk instead.
  20. Don't know about the Sleeper, but I run a 2H hearth orlan rogue with Hours of St. Rumbalt (Annihilation, Overbearing) at the moment and it's just great. Causing prone and doing +150% damage when I crit is so powerful. It feels better than my dual wielding sabre rogue that I played before. You also don't need that many special attacks to cause afflictions, because the sword does it for you.
  21. So... did you guys know that the wizard's Essential Phantom can use Firebrand instead of it's normal shocking wand? Just put Forgemaster Gloves on your Wizard and after you summoned your duplicate it can summon Firebrand. Against single, high DR enemies that's way better than the shocking attack. If you like, your wizaard can also put on heavy armour, creatin a really tanky duplicate with some nice burn damage output. Also: did you know that when you use Firebrand on your paladin with Flames of Devotion + Intense Flames you get the massive burn damage of Firebrand + 75% as pure burn damage (thats 175% burn damage without other modifiers) against burn DR (instead of 100% slash/pirece/crush against DR and 75% against burn DR)? That's great! You can pimp that with the new rogue multiclass talent, two-handed style and savage attack for a total of 225% burn damage. You may add stellar might bonus and 25% corrode damage from Bleak Walkers if you like.
  22. Right. 2.01. Aw man - I was so looking forward to see my lightning strike monk tunr into a tasmanian devil with the March Steel Dagger and the Sword of Daenysis (both speed, both noble, both fast). Could also be nice on a frenzied barb... but... AW MAN - frenzy isn't working either!
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