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About joelpaschke

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  1. If a cipher casts Reaping Knives on a barbarian, does the Cipher gain focus from the damage caused by the barbarian's carnage? If anyone has tested this, let me know. Thanks.
  2. I've found Gauntlets of Swift Action, but the ones I found only gave a +1 bonus to movement speed. Are there gauntlets with a similar name that grant a +15% bonus to attack speed or did the Gauntlets of Swift Action get nerfed in one of the patches?
  3. You can apply a Durgan steel enchantment to reduce the armor speed penalty of your armor. Suppose you applied the Durgan steel enchantment to ordinary clothes which don't have a speed penalty associated with them. In this instance, does the Durgan steel effectively give you a +.15 speed enchantment on your attack rate? Or does the Durgan steel have no effect because the armor speed penalty cannot go below zero? Curious to see if anyone has tested this. If so, let me know what you found. Thanks.
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