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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. Rooting Pain's damage is just too low to make it really awesome with Resonant Touch. That's also a reason not to pick too light weapons when you want to use that ability. Torment's Reach also builds up Resonant Touches in an AoE by the way. Very nice synergy - especially with fists (=high base damage and full attack - meaning two Resonant Touches for each enemy that got hit most of the time - sometimes more if your damage is over 20).
  2. Wrath of the five suns is really good for taking out casters. It's fast cast (or feels like it) and has 10 DR bypass. I combined that with Penetrating Shot and Ryona'S Vambraces for a total of 18, also took Prestidigitator's Missiles (8 DR bypass) and all the Missile Scrolls and -items (also get 8 DR bypass on top). Then I gave her Arms Bearer and Lead Spitter and an Exceptional Blunderbuss and Bittercut & Outworn Buckler. All weapons with a burning lash. At the beginning of a fight she usually takes out three casters with all those missiles and FoD shots and then switches to the melee set and turns on Sacred Immolation (got that lately). Scion of Flame makes a lot of sense with her.
  3. That's not half as cool as I hoped for. Thanks for testing!
  4. What? You didn't install PoE on your office computer? You're not a real believer!
  5. Really? Looks totally normal to me. You really don't need to build your paladin as if he would have to tank a dragon in every encounter.
  6. One handed bonus doesn't work outside of melee attacks with that weapon - as far as I know. But shields do indeed lower the ACC of spells.
  7. Really? Oh man - Outmaneuvering on a chanter with the frightening chant plus a barb with Brute Force & Threatening Presence, then a priest with Painful Interdiction and a cipher - ouch! Will will be lowered by 42 points and fortitude by 48 points. And only one active ability needed to raise the crit chance of some good invocations, cipher powers, barb's and chanter's melee attacks... Melee Wizard with Steadfast and that Repulsing Visage instead of a chanter would also be awesome.
  8. No, it's great! It doesn't last that long anymore, but the healing is way more powerful now. Just make sure your fights don't last forever and you're good. I build a heavy armored fighter with Constant Recovery, Rapid Recovery, Cloak of the Tireless Defender and a Trollhide Belt and this guy really refuses to die if you combine that with Unbending - even if he's skilled for pure DPS and not deflection. A nice combo of dps and tankyness. You will have to rest a bit more because of health issues - but if you have a wizard/preist/druid in your party then not more often than before.
  9. Wow, there are as many "ideal" compositions as there are players I guess. It all depends on your playstyle and favourite tactics. A very powerful party composition for example is 6 wizards - if you can stand all the micromanagement. 6 Chanters is the opposite: very powerful (but slow) and not much micro. Most of the time a good composition evolves around one or two special abilities: - Threatening Presence+Brute Force+Painful Interdiction+Force of Anguish: hefty debuff of fortitude and will, great for the barb's crit chance, lots of cipher powers target fort and will, monk's special attacks target fort. - Combusting Wounds+Druid's DoT spells+Come, Sweet Windes & The Dragon Thrashed+Predator's Sense: lots of damage! - Ectypsychic Echo + Binding Web + Flagellant's Path + Stag Helmet: run into the mob with your monk so that they gather around him, cast Binding Web on the monk and his surroundings (debuffs reflex, monk's immune due to Stag Helmet), cast Echo(s) on the monk, dash through the mob (lowering defenses by 10) and wtch them all die because they can't get away and theri reflex is severely debuffed. Then add other party members to that who can further contribute.
  10. Yes, but look at the Reaping Knives which are summoned weapons. This bug could affect all summoned weapons. And since the mechanics for them seem to be the same as for soulbound weapons this bug could also affect those, too. As I said: very few people take two weapon foci so maybe this was simply overlooked. Or maybe not... come on - do some testing, I'm curious!
  11. Or maybe get higher crit damage from one handed style? That would suit the higher ACC best. However - as it is now I never used it in one of my builds. I had that idea of max ACC twin ciphers using Tactical Meld, marking weapons etc. on each other. +12 ACC would fit the theme but wouldn't really be neccesary to achieve 100% crit rate I guess. Now if it gave me +0.3 crit damage... that would be a whole different story.
  12. I think stilettos are not bad for a dual wielding cipher. They are fast and give you 3 DR bypass. It's like adding +3 damage to every hit. That's a good thing for fast weapons. Then there's a rending stiletto in the game (Bleak Fang) which is really nice, although it comes quite late if you choose to wait with Act III. If you like to unlock Act III first and then go do the expansions it's not so late. You could even use the Helwax Mold to duplicate a fully enchanted Bleak Fang. That would give you two Spell Strikings of Touch of Rot (really nice AoE damage for free) and a DR bypass of 3(stiletto)+5(Vuln. Attack)+3(Ryona's)+3(rending) = 14. You can then cast Body Attunement if your target has way more DR than that. But with all fast hitting weapons that don't do a lot of damage per hit you have the problen that a) the +x% damage modifiers work better on higher base damage and b) you really don't want to get interrupted a lot. So dropping RES is maybe not the best option. As Mocker22 said: higher PER is also needed if you want to hit better with your powers. You could lower INT a bit. 15 seems to be sufficient. So with Stilettos and as the main character I would use stats like (race & background included): MIG: 10 CON: 08 DEX: 15 PER: 15 INT: 15 RES: 15 Your dialogue options will be good, your reflex and will defenses also. Fortitude is not so great. You could swap MIG with RES if you feel you don't need the dialoge thing, you want to do more damage with your powers or if you don't get interrupted a lot (depends on your party composition and playstyle). But that'S just my approach. It really depends how you play the game. Luckily you can always retrain if you feel a build or stat distribution doesn't fit your playstyle. Edit: Oh and I forgot: With the buffed Psychovampiric Shield and light armor you should do well if you don't get surrounded and flanked. A nice thing is to have two melee ciphers: Casting Pain Block onto each other is great - as well as using Tactical Meld together and flank one target.
  13. I don't know - that's the question of the day. I'm sick and weakened (I mean in real life - curse on you, virus cipher and virus priest). So maybe someone else feels like testing this.
  14. Like all summoned weapons, it uses whatever Weapon Focus you chose. But it shouldn't use two. Maybe this bug is also there when you use other summoned weapons and take two Weapn Foci. Since very few people spend two talent points on Weapon Focus, maybe nobody found out yet.
  15. I would give it a hit-to-crit conversion - that would be nice. One Handed Style is totally stupid at the moment. The +12 ACC however comes in handy in the early game. And maybe a low ACC class like a barb can make good use of the +12 ACC when he's wearing a one handed weapon that has an on-crit effekt like We Toki?
  16. Starcaller is not speed enchanted - that's Unforgiven. Sadly, disorienting doesn't stack any more, also not from different weapons (somebody here reported that). Tah would have been so cool - wielding two Strike Hards.
  17. That's a really nice one if you put it on a monk who has Enervating Blows by the way. Sickened + Weakened is a really sick combo.
  18. He's using Wound Binding. Also Guardian Stance is pretty useless if you don't like to fight roman turtle style. 2 meters is a really small AoE. And he doesn't show how it works in action...
  19. I would be funny to roll twins who look the same, wear the same gear and also the same awesome weapon. Like two rangers with wolves and both use Persistence with... wait for it... Twinned Arrows!
  20. Yes, enchantments get duplicated. So it's best to duplicate an item that you already enchanted. I like the idea of duplicating a one-handed weapon so that you can dual wield it. 2 * Godansthunyr for example would give you +2 MIG instead of +1. 2 * Whispers of Yenwood will give you +4 CON and so on. Two Resolutions would also be nice. Another item that is really powerful if you put it on the right character is Shod-in-Faith.
  21. I don't have enough time at the moment to even play properly through WMII. If my current project (I mean work) is done I will try to update my build and even add new ones. All those new abilities like Reaping Knives, that ranged fist and stuff open up so many possibilities.
  22. It's always worthwhile to look into this forum - even if it's just for some laughs.
  23. I believe the highest crit damage with one melee attack you can get is with a Death Godlike barb with Bloody Slaughter, max INT and MIG and Heart of Fury, dual wielding durgan refined Resolution and Purgatory. And on top the crit related MC talents. And Rabbit Fur Gloves or Azalin's Helmet. The more enemies are in range, the more absurd that damage numbers get. I once managed to fit in 7 kith enemies into the AoE (Crowns for the Faithful for the win) and they just exploded. Don't know if there are spells which can compete with that (maybe there are). Heart of Fury adds +0.5 to crit damage multiplier, so does Bloody Slaughter, Merciless Hand adds 0.3, Dungeon Delver adds 0.1, Fur Gloves 0.1, the sabres add 0.5. So this barb will have a crit multiplier of 2.5. Now add to this that he will hit all enemies in that AoE with a full attack and from every primary hit carnage will be triggered - you can imagine how high the damage is. But it's just 1/rest and works best on trashmobs, so... edit: forgot durgan refinement - so it's 2.8 instead of 2.5 - sorry!
  24. If I build a cipher around Blunderbusses I always make sure I have a wizard (Expose Vulnerabilities) or a ranger with the Golden Gaze by my side (hey - it's not as bad as it sounds. Vicious Aim and Dangerous Implement work quite well with this. Expose Vulnarabilities and tons of crits... ) edit: Well... not really always.
  25. Yeah that's true - even without Stormcaller. The pet alone - if used correctly - does so much damage. And then comes stunning shot. I think even a melee ranger is on par with a melee rogue: He has his own speed modal, Stalker's Link (with Stalker's Torc)... and Stunning Shots now also work in melee. If a melee ranger and his pet flank an enemy I'd say their combined dps is higher than that of a rogue. And a ranger has better deflection. I did no tests on that but when I played my "Riptide" build it felt much more powerful than all the rogues I played before. But I like Deep Wounds on a ranged rogue. I also like Deep Wounds on a retaliation rogue.
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