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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. Don't know. I would have really liked to use Nightshroud with a barb. But some soulbound stuff in WMII binds with any class. And there are some other weapons that are very, very nice which are not soulbound.
  2. What do you mean? That it's good? Yep! Although there are so many awesome (soulbound) weapons now for barbs that I wouldn't want to overwrite them with these soul daggers. What I really want to know is: What happens if you cast this sould daggers onto another cipher? Will he generate focus for him AND you?
  3. Monk's outfit with durgan reinforcement - so basically wearing nothing concerning recovery.
  4. It will be otherwordly on a barb. All the new melee soulbound-stuff is. THere's also a new Halberd that grants an aura called "Zephyr": -30 Concentration to all foes in an AoE. Also has strong Interrupt (0,75). This will be a great weapon for any interrupt-build (=barb )
  5. I found a lavander headgear that sickens everyone who hits you. But I think it's not from WMII. I put it on my monk and now all his foes get weakened (Enervating Blows) and sickened. Then Force of Anguish...
  6. Is the FoD cast by this modified by Pallegina's new talent because if it is can I just say yumyumyum. I don't think so, look at Sanguine Plate's Frenzy: also doesn't work with Greater Frenzy.
  7. The shield only binds to fighters and barbs.
  8. The Long Pain works with Penetrating Shot, not Vulnerable Attack. So I assume it also doesn't profit from other melee-only talents like Savage Attack. But it works with Resonance and that is really great. With Lightning Strikes and Turning Wheel you always cause Resonance and you can "mark" enemies one after anoher without overkilling them. Then run into their midst and trigger the raw damage - all dead! Edit: Savage Attack doesn't work with Long Pain. But Marksman and the Wood Elf racial do! Welcome, Wood Elf Monk, finally. You can shoot very fast with this fist. I had nearly no recovery with Lightning Strikes and Penetrating Shot. Paired with Long Stride this setup can turn you into a great ranged character. I wonder if you can wear a shield while having this. The durgan reinforcement from a shield would make you even faster. And with the Alia Braccia and Soul Mirror you woul reflect spells and arrows like crazy while shooting fast at the same time... Edit2: the duplicates don't cause Resonance. I didn't test scrolls, multiclass talents and spell bindings yet.
  9. It pulses every 3 seconds for a duration of 15 sec (base). Like Chill Fog, Sacred Immolation and so on. It's great. You can also hire a wizard and a sticky barb: when the barb gets surrounded and goes down with Vengeful Defat, you cast Behold the Martyr on him and let the wizard or druid cast some AoE on that spot. For a retaliation/vengeful defeat barb there are also some really nice, new items out there that retaliate with afflictions if you get hit. My monk just causes weakened (Enervating Blows), Sickened (item) and Daze (item). Great!
  10. I'm pretty sure it applies to any attack so long as it deals more than 10 damage. I'm wondering if it'll also work on their fire and ice clones, probably won't but it would be amazing if it did. I',m just testing this. Torment's Reach works. The ranged fists are one-handed - so no speed bonus from two weapon style. But Lightning Strikes works.
  11. The barb will be like a living focus generator if this works with carnage.
  12. Behold the Martyr is great! Does anybody know if Resonance gets applied with Torment's Reach? That would make it great, too.
  13. It says allied target, so probably not - but why would you do that anyway? The trick is that someone else can collect focus for you while you are casting.
  14. If it works like Sanguine Plate, then it won't.
  15. I don't know how FoD behaves with carnage, so let's see. I do know that carnage will trigger the spellchance often though.
  16. Hi! I already collected some pretty nice soulbounds - one of them being a two handed war hammer - that's right. But I haven't had the time to unlock them so I will wait a bit before I post them in full detail. But what I found here will be my number one weapon coice for my next Retaliation-Vengeful-Defeat-Crit-Barb (I'm planning to clone this with the stronghold replicator item. Guess I have to take Gallant's Focus in order to be a Paladin light):
  17. Reaping Knives sounds really cool. Giving your mates some nice raw damage daggers which generate focus for you while you can spamcast - nice!
  18. Avenging Storm sounds really nice for my druid tank. Maybe I should also give him all my retaliation items...
  19. Yes - still buggy. Great in combination with Backstab.
  20. That bug is in there for more than 4 patches. Maybe it's intended. By the way: only weapon damage works. Damage from stuff like Prestidigitator's Missiles also doesn't work. Flame Shield works and Retaliation, too.
  21. For a melee rogue the Cloak of the Master Mystic is still the best in my opinion.
  22. You have to melt the dwarf from the ice first. And when you defeat the Alpine Dragon you can find some more in a hidden spot left of his hoard.
  23. Me? I never did any video. I only posted 11 class builds.
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