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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. I think I found all new items - because like you, i searched the whole folder for new items (not only px2).
  2. For a minute there, i shat my pants. I gave up on trying to upgrade this sword. Really takes forever, unless you bind it to a 1h rogue or something. why is that?
  3. A wizard with Binding Web is also nice: stuck lowers reflex a lot and the Dragon chant targets reflex, so...
  4. The most powerful ones for example. And some of the most powerful ones I've seen aren't even soulbound.
  5. Outlander's Frenzy is essential if you want to reach 0 recovery with your dual wielding cipher (without consumables). When you get Time Parasite you may want to retrain - but I don't know if it's worth the costs. Amplified Thrust and Pain Link can only be cast onto allies, not yourself. But nothing stops you from having two ciphers and cast that on each other. It's a good setup (also with the beams and Tactical Meld). A nice combo is having two hearth orlan ciphers, skilled for critical hits with marking weapons who always attack the same target. One can be ranged, the other melee - or both melee, doesn't matter. With Tactical Meld and Marking they will give each other +50 ACC while also converting 10% of hits into crits (and maybe also flank for another -10 deflection). You can give one og them Aspirant's Mark (-8 defl., -8 reflex). That's also great for the beams (which target reflex). Cladhaliath with Stun on crit and marking (+10 ACC to partner) plus the Vile Loner's Lance (-5 defenses on hit and very long interrupt) is great. The other guy could use the Blade of the Endless Paths or Shame or Glory & Sura's Supper Plate or dual wielding with another sword or an axe (+0.5 crit damage, We Toki is nice). Most of these weapons come really early. And I don't even know which awesomeness awaits you in WMII (soulbound stuff hoorray). However, this way the spear guy gets +5(spears) +5(disorienting) +10(marking from buddy) +10(flanked) +8(Aspirant's Mark) +20(Tactial Meld) +8 (Exceptional Gear) = +66 ACC and 10% hit to crit conversion. With durgan refinement it gets even better of course. The Blade of the Endless Paths guy will get nearly the same bonuses. With Shame or Glory a bit less and more critical damage while also prone on crit (We Toki). But stun suppress prone, so maybe you want Cladhaliath to do +4 ACC instead o stun. Then maybe you want to give one of them Gallant's Focus for another +4 ACC? Weapon Focus also can be put on top (+6) So you could end up with ~80 ACC for your two ciphers and it would mostly be passive. You'd only have to cast Aspirant's Mark and Tactical Meld. Even without Tactical Meld it's still +60. Not to mention all the CC spells they could cast in order to lower defenses further. Crits will be near 100% if you fight against enemies of your level.
  6. Exactly. Another thing with cipher is that they stop shooting in order to cast powers anyway - so they can't reach that high dps number as a rogue or ranger with a bow (who will fire nonstop). A gun is ok for this. You fire now and then for a big chunk of focus instead shooting quickly all the time. And as I said they are also viable against enemies with very high DR. You'll run into focus famine if you have to fight such enemies with a bow. That said - I think a bow will still generate more focus over a longer fight - if you just have one gun without quick switch. But the 4 slots in combination with quick switch do the trick: At the beginning of a fight, cast some CC powers to lower defenses (or even DR for your blunderbusses) so that your focus is near 0 (you don't want to overstock your focus), then fire those 4 shots (takes about 5 to 8 sec I guess if you switch right after each shot). Your focus will be full. Now you can cast all the time. Maybe you only have to shoot three times because else you overstock. Then just cast a power and shoot again when you want. THis is a bit micro-heavy though. AI will not quick switch on it's own, which is sad.
  7. Not that it stacks the damage you might receive. But it refreshes it. So if you got hit for 25 damage already and have 5 left - and then the next one kicks in - you're at 30 again and it all starts from the beginning. This only works great if you are a group of tanks with high deflection and thick armor. Only the damage that comes through counts toward the damage shield. Combine this with 6 times Ancient Memory and you're nearly unkillable in normal fights.
  8. You can also search for things like "_armor_" in that folder and also get new items from stronghold quests and other things that are new to the game even if they are not related to WMII. For example the new helmets for the fancy plate armors (sanguine, argwe's, he carries many scars & white crest).
  9. Aspirant'S Mark is very nice on a high ACC & high INT character like a fighter.
  10. In Stalwart? You have to complete WM Part I first and then rest outside of the white march.
  11. No, it doesn't. You get your extra talent. And The Dragon Thrashed awaits you al lvl 9. For the second chant I can recommend the damage shield - but chant it so that it's not applied at the same time but in succession. You will not get damaged anymore. With a Ring of Searing Flames it all gets even better. For a quick finish use the White Worms invocation. If there are already more than 5 corpses from your chanting then this thing is devastating. You can even lure enemies onto piles of corpses.
  12. I did a quick test with a quickswitching gun cipher - and as I said before you get so much focus at the beginning of a fight that you don't need to "reload" your focus in normal encounters. It's very powerful and also works great when you encounter high DR enemies. Those are a problem for bow ciphers.
  13. Look at the damage of that dagger and then ask again.
  14. It doesn't stink. Reaping Knives generate focus for you - so you can get focus while you cast. That's pretty awesome! You can still dual wield yourself of course. Or maybe you build another cipher and you two cast Reaping Knives on each other. Don't know what this will do, but sounds fun.
  15. Sure thing. Why not? Grab two weapons, use Vulnerable Attack and take Two Weapon Style. Your dps will be a bit higher and your deflection & reflex a lot lower. It gets really good if you can reach 0 recovery with abilities * weapon enchantments * item enchantments + two weapon style. E.g. Time Parasite (1.5) * 2 Durgan Refined Weapons (1.15 * 1.15) * Gauntlets of Swift Action (1.15) + Two Weapon Style = 2.48. You could now take Vulnerable Attack (-0.2) and wear any armor that causes 0.3 recovery penalty (e.g. durgan reinforced mail armor) and still have no recovery. If you even get speedy weapons you can skip the gauntles and wear a plate with 0 recovery Best thing is: high DEX doesn't matter then - it will have no influence on your recovery because whatever +% or -% of zero is still zero. You could retrain an leave DEX at 10 with no visible slowdown - well maybe a bit while casting. DEX does more for guys that use two handers and have long recovery times. But you will be squishier without shield. If you're KO you don't do damage, so you should play more like a rogue.
  16. Guys, quick question - where do I get the helmets for Sanguine Plate, Argwe's Adra and so on when I already got the armor and then installed the patch/WMII? Maybe I can't get them at all (without console)?
  17. I always wanted to do a fighter build around Defender and Wend-Walker - but every test just revealed that disengagement attacks were crap. Maybe this new talents that lets them cause prone will make it worthwhile.
  18. Hey, barbs don't suck! They are bad for soloing and take more knowledge of unique items and class synergies than other classes, but are very invaluable when well built. Still one of the most powerful classes for party play if you know what you have to do - in my opinion. Just the combination of spell chance + carnage is superpowerful. Try Galvino's Hut with a barb wielding St. Ydwen's Redeemer and then do the same with a fighter or rogue...
  19. The bug report for this is ages old and still... they didn't change it. So either it's intended or they don't think it breaks the game too much.
  20. Yeah - just too bad you can't just decide to lay down for a nap while your auras burn everything to the ground.
  21. You basically want your tank to go prone. There should be a modal that switches between prone and normal.
  22. Don't know. I would have really liked to use Nightshroud with a barb. But some soulbound stuff in WMII binds with any class. And there are some other weapons that are very, very nice which are not soulbound.
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