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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. I support that. An additional autosave right after dialogue and before encounter starts would be nice. Maerwald and Adra Dragon are examples when things can really get tedious with all the clicking.
  2. As an orlan from The White that Wends you can get 21 PER from the start. you can't reach 30 without food and resting, but if you want to build a good interrupter and crit-hitter you should try to max it out: Effigy's Resentment: Sagani (+1), Song of Heavens (+1), Hylea's Boon (+1), that new +4 PER item (forgot what it was), + Preymaker bow (+1) = 29 (or 28 for non-rangers and melee characters). That will give you +19/+18 ACC and +57/+54 Interrupt which is really great. Try that on a barb with Interrupting Blows. I think all stats can be boosted to 27 minimum that way. CON is another stat besides MIG that can be boosted to 30 points (without food and resting): dwarf(+1) + rauatai(+1) + that new +4 CON item (can't remember what it was) + Effigy's Resentment: Durance (+1), 2* Whispers of Yenwood (+4 - need to use the Helwax Mold to duplicate the sword) + Rymrgand's Boon(+1) = 30 (=+100% endurance and health).
  3. Sickened and Weakened stack. No matter if spell or something else. It's a very powerful debuff and can be cheap, too. All spells that give bonus to deflection stack with crowns for the faithful - giving you up to +50 deflection besides other benefits.
  4. You really have to keep an eye on the shooter though and immediately switch after the shot animation to skip recovery. It's pretty insane and that you can rightfully call cheese. But quick switching in general not I think.
  5. Soulbound weapons use whatever Weapon Focus you have. They are universal. So you could say that they all qualify for the same weapon focus. Same as summoned weapons by the way. Speaking of summoned weapons (no, I don't mean brindle88 although he has that corrosive lash on him) - did anyone tested that summoned Blackbow on a wizard yet?
  6. Chanters are not bad. I'm using two of them as tanks at the moment and they are awesome. But what am I doing? It's a brindle88 thread and therefore good arguments will just make him mad. So I say "spellcasters are OP lol"...
  7. Guys! Don't you remember brindle88? "Rogues are OP lol" and "Paladins are bad lol"? The guy who behaves like a five year old trapped in the body of a six year old whose fingers are superglued to (spirit) caps lock and exclamation mark? You really can't be surprised. Tehehe... spiritcapslock
  8. I forgot: what really helps in that encounter is mind control. Then those Ogre Druids will cast Insect Plague in your favor while being clubbed to death by their fellows.
  9. So... using a bugged power is OK, but quick switching blunderbusses is cheese. Using Quick Switch is not cheating. You buy a talent and then you can shoot two to four times whenever you want. After that you have to reload like everyone else. This tastic also works fine without the talent - it's still faster than reloading the guns. If you want to only use one gun and reload, then I strongly advice to get high DEX and the Gunner talent. But then you'd be better off with a bow instead.
  10. Stack as much ACC as you can and stack all the +0.x to crit damage things. Like annihilating on weapons, the doemenel talent "Merciless Hand", Fur Rabbit Gloves, the talent "Dungeon Delver". Also add Bloody Slaughter.
  11. Wait - you mean a crit barb with Heart of Fury lets foes' chunks fly even farther in 3.02?
  12. Can't say it better. I will just sum up: (Island Aumaua) Cipher + Blunderbuss + Quick Switch + Arms Bearer = superawesome. And try to use Ryona's Vambraces! Sorry that was not summing up but adding something - ah well...
  13. Have a look at the the Ascetic Monk thread. We'll use this and dmg mods and add Resonace Touch for the *boom* at the end.
  14. In my experience (tested this again the other day before 3.0), if Spelltongue prolonged the duration of Suppress Affliction is was like it had been recast on me - and maybe that's the way the devs handle this "stealing" internally: they just add the same buff with 5 seconds so it automatically prolongs the duration of the buff that's already on you. So each time you hit with Spelltonge and steal 5 seconds duration for Auppress Affliction it's like the Spell has been cast again on you (for 5 additional seconds). Seems like they don't have a method to directly set the duration of actiuve effects after they get applied - or they didn't pre 3.0. I had several afflictions like hobbled and weakened and stuff from some Ogre Druids and when I hit them again the suddenly all those afflictions got a "suppressed" message. Don't know if it still works that way in 3.0 though. But this will be easy to test I guess. 3.0 fixed a lot of those gamebreaking tricks (like stacking Disorienting like hell) so maybe the magic is gone.
  15. Hehe - of course you should try. About 2 Resonant Toches: you should deal 2 of them because a full attack hits most enemies twice. Would be weird if it didn't work that way. I tested this ability with those new ranged fists (which are so superawesome that you can easily invent a wohle build around that - Sandals of the Forgotten Friar, Blood Testament, Turning Wheel and Lightning Strikes all work with it). And whenever I did more than 20 damage the enemies received 2 charges of Resonant Touch if I recall correctly. Edit: Oh, and you could also test if Ryona's Vambraces work with Rooting Pain (or any other thing except MIG that could boost the damage of Rooting Pain - maybe also these amulets that give +10% to spell damage). Hell - if there would be a way to boost retaliation's damage over 10 it would be superawesome. Fire Godlike with Sura's Supper Plate, another retaliation item and Vulnerable Attack and lots of dmg. mods to boost it over 10 after DR would be so awesome! Wait - does Turning Wheel also work on retaliation? Then just stand in the middle of a mob and keep get hitting until you pull the trigger - boom! Man, you have to test this please!
  16. And the range is pretty awful, too (same with Take the Hit ). What is the worst thing about defender is that it doesn't work together with several other good modals a tanky fighter could take.
  17. Just try it out I'd say. You can always retrain. It doesn't make a lot of difference anyway when you reach mid levels. By the way I'd always pick Tall Grass or Llawran's Stick or Bittercut + Sura's Supper Plate every time. But I don't think dual stilettos are a bad choice. It's just to risky for my low micro playstyle. And I forgot: for stilettos you can get +4 ACC from that talent "Flick of the Wrist" you get in the Gref's Rest. That's not too bad since it's free and stacks with everything.
  18. Never forget your scrolls of defense, scroll of prayer against fear and scroll of valor and scroll of revive in case durance takes a premature nap. Scroll of Wall of Flame also helps in combination with a ring of Searing Flames. Spam scrolls of confusion to turn the adds, then attack the dragon when he's killing his own minions.
  19. Bash 1: 6-9 (ex: Badgradr's Barricade)Bash 2: 8-12 (ex: Larder Door) Bash 3: 10-15 (ex: Dragon's Maw Shield) P.S. Have tested a few more things in regards to shields with bash property: (tested with Badgradr's Barricade shield which has bashing 1 and grants Thrust of Tattered Veils on critical hit) - damage from bash does not generate focus, nor procs carnage hits. - enchants on these shields that "grant a <spell> on hit/critical hits", trigger only when bash hits/crits. Weapon hits/crits do not proc them. - spells triggered this way, do not generate focus, nor proc carnage hits. This is not intended. I've added a bug about the carnage and focus procs with Bashing. We will try and get a fix in for the next patch. Then maybe it's also possible to make it so that two weapon style applies to bash?
  20. Exactly - it's a total waste of a talent point. But if you really hate resting it may be ok. It would be good if it healed you completely. Even then I wouldn't take it but it would be more appealing. However - what really bothers me about the video is that it's just theorycrafting without an actual test how this build works in action. I tried to build that exact thing some weeks ago (when there was no prone for disengagement attacks) and it didn't work at all. The mechanics haven't changed since then - and although it sounds nice to have that prone on diseng. attack I really doubt that it's worth to craft a whole build around it. Even if you sum up 5 engagement slots most of the time you won't engage 5 enemies. If you do and two of them leave you there will be the chance to prone them (if they are not immune). First of all you need to hit them, then there's the check against fortitue. Maybe the chances are high - but you just took three to four talent/ability points just to make disengangement attacks viable. I doubt that the outcome is worth the efford - also in terms of micromanagement. That's why I would have loved to see that build in action. Not because I want to see it fail. It's good if fighters could be build in more different kinds of styles.
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