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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. But cipher's Eyestrike is foe only. Why should the jacket be different? I'm pretty sure that's a bug - given how late in the game you find that jacket.
  2. That build was somewhat a theme build (dragon/drake), so the Drake Summon was an obvious choice. Drakes also have a lot of endurance and make better meat shields than ogres. But they are clearly not the best summon. I hardly ever use summons because I like other invocations better. The new ability "Brisk Recitation" that chanters get automatically on lvl 4 speeds up your chanting. On higher levels you can really feel the difference. However - tier-3-chants still take some time to build up the phrase counter. The paralyse invocation is one of the best. I strongly reccommend this. But a real powerhouse in terms of damage is "white worms". At first it doesn't look like much, but you can cast it on corpses over and over again. And the explosion radius is 2m on every corpse. Here it's no problem that your invocation need some time to get charged: just make sure you killed some enemies before and then use White Worms. You can even lure wussie enemies to choke points and pile their bodies up to a big heap. Then lure the really tough encounters there and cast White Worms. You can eradicate whole bounties with this. Especially useful on open maps with a lot of enemies (Crägholt Bluff for example). Here's a screenshot: The invocation "Seven Nights" is extremely powerful if you stand in the midst of a mob or right in front of an enemy. Usually you can hit with three bolts simultaniously. I often deal more than 200 damage to a single target with that (not to speak of the damage the other enemies suffer). With a chanter you generally want to decide if you want to use lots of invocations (that means you have to use short phrases) or if you want to rely on powerfull chants (so it will take more time to load your invocations). Both is viable. My build I posted above focuses more on chants but still can fire off one or two invocations. The White Worm invocation fits this playstyle because you'll have to wait to get some corpses lying around. If you want to go full tank you can also dump PER and MIG and use summons and buffs only. You can keep a lot of foes busy that way while buffing your buddies with some neat chants. But I find that kind of boring. I love The Dragon Trahsed becaus it's a great mob killer and speeds up annoying trash fights. The AoE is so big that most of the time all enemies will get hit. Another source for fireballs is Taluntain's Staff. You can buy it in Twin Elms. It also has 3 fireballs per rest. So you can have 6 fireballs per rest. With the high MIG and high INT it'S really powerful. Scion of Flame also does it's share. However, pleas note that Scion of Flame does not work with "The Dragon Thrashed". ONly direct damage is affected by those talents. Since that chant deals DoT and not direkt damage it doesn't get buffed. Sad but true.
  3. Yeah you can of course use other equipment. I took Redfield because I also had Outworn Buckler and Little Savior in my party. Those herald auras and the harbinger aura from Redfield stack, giving the whole front line +13 to all defenses. And I took it because of the looks.
  4. Didn't know that. I'm playing on Linux. It all runs pretty great but I can't see cloaks. The Unity Plugin that renders them doesn't work on Linux. I agree that dual rapiers looks a bit silly.
  5. If you hover over your party member who's in frenzy you can see the color of that question mark. Green: you have more than 76% endurance Yellow: under 75% Orange: under 50% Red: under 25% (I guess) So you have an indicator. It's not great but better than nothing. Outlander's Frenzy doesn't stack with other abilities, potions or spells that buff MIG, CON and universal Attack Speed. However it can be used to counter attack speed debuffs like from Cautious Attack and Vicious Attack. It also stacks with abilities that exclusively buff ranged attack speed like the chant Sure Handed Ila.
  6. You have to make sure that he doesn't get sneak attacks. So you should watch out for afflictions that you catched. Especially getting flanked can be a problem and there's no spell against that. Another thing is that the Dragon's Breath doesn't target deflection but reflex. So 250 deflection only is of little use. You also need a lot of reflex and fortitude. If you want to block the dragon a bit longer try the Withdraw spell of your priest. Cast it on two of your party members who can then block the way of the fat dragon. You can buy a lot of time that way. Perfect with animal companions I guess.
  7. If the enemy who's hit by carnage qualifies for a sneak attack than your 15% bonus gets applied. So an AoE affliction like Phantom Foes or Painful Interdiction is great for a barb with Appr. Sneak Attack.
  8. Most people here know that I think. At least the ones that visit this forum more frequently. Detonation also generates focus by the way. It's a known bug and will likely be fixed. Lots of folks don't want to use it because it feels cheesy. I can understand that. It's one thing to discover a game breaking strategy by testing an playing - there's some merit in that. But just use a bugged, obviously overpowered ability can feel... don't know... lame? First it's a lot of fun but it gets boring after some time.
  9. I like the new helmet of He Carries Many Scars. The new helm for Argwes Adra looks a bit amphibian like. That's why I gave it to Kana the Frog.
  10. I don't know for sure/can't remember exactly but I think Firebug works with Pen. Shot. Yes, since it's an effect from a weapon it stacks with everything. Could be - if you duoplicate it - that two Spelltongues' stealing would also stack. Never tested that.
  11. Speaking of good looks: the Maegfolc Skull only looks bad on elves, orlans, humans and aumaua. On dwarves it's quite nice. That's because on all the other races it's way too big. On a dwarf however it looks more like a cool face mask than a bone chupa chups lollipop.
  12. Ah ok. You can still achieve 0 recovery with one Rimecutter + durgan steel and another axe with durgan steel PLUS Gauntlets of Swift Action. But then maybe you want to wear a bit lighter armor (max 40% recovery penalty) or also durgan reinforce your plate.
  13. It's not that great though. But it looks really nice. I still don't get it why we can't loot the nice plate armors from Deathguards.
  14. You have two Rimecutters? That's great. Then just enchant them with durgan steel and there's your 0 recovery with thick armor plus Vulnerable Attack. I like the Coat of Ill Payment because it looks nice and has Retaliation. If you buy or craft some potions of Flame shield you can do some serious damage with Retaliation while hacking away with Rimecutters like a whirlwind. You should also consider taking Heart of Fury. It can turn tough encounters (bounties for example) into easy ones if you unleash it when you're surrounded by a lot of enemies.
  15. Have a look for inspiration (you don't need to use that mind control thing) - that worked like a charm on PotD: Drake's Ambassador Also works good with Kana. However, because you have a Druid AND you want a tank, you could also try this: Batsh!t Crazy One of my favorite tank builds. Also works with Hiravias. I played both recently in 3.01 with WMII with great success. Here's an unusual ranger offtank/healer/dps who worked really well in 2.03 - I think it's still viable in 3.01: Riptide Quite powerful, but no pure tank. But a good mixture of sturdyness and damage. Heals your party all the time. New in 3.0: Stunning Shots also works in melee now. It's even better than before. All those build need relatively low micromanagement (because I don't like that). By the way: The Dragon Thrashed also triggers Predator's Sense. And the Sure-Handed-Ila chant lets rangers shoot even faster. So chanter and ranger usualy make a good team.
  16. An Island Aumaua Bleak Walker with the Executioner's Hood, Wayfarers Hide, Redfield and that persecuting, bloody club would look so awesome.
  17. You can do that of course and against enemies who deal a lot of damage per hit that's ok. So against Ogres, Dragons and the like it's good to have a lot of DR. But if your DR is already very high then stacking even more of it won't help you a lot against normal and numerous enemies. If the damage of an attack is lower than your DR a MIN portion of damage will go through. Doesn't really matter if you have 30 DR or 25 against an attack that's supposed to deal 20 damage. More deflection or other defenses on the other hand can totally avoid that damage. So your defenses should always be your number one priority, DR comes after that. For example I used Hiravias as a tank in my last playthrough and it really made no noticeable difference in terms of survivability if I put him into Blaidh Golan (hide) or Argwe's Adra (plate), both crush proofed and with a blunting belt. He just got a lot slower with the plate. Vigorous Defense on that breastplate is so much better than just a few points of DR.
  18. If you want a good tank with good damage then you should use the chanter. Only take defensive talents and pick the chant "The Dragon Trashed". Deals lots of damage while standing around or even when prone.
  19. If you have Edge of Reason and We Toki I would recommend using those on Maneha. AoE prone plus AoE draining is nice. If you have two Rimecutters you can acutally attack with 0 recovery while wearing plate or brigandine. That's one of the best melee dps setups there is. And it looks good, too.
  20. Oh - this will be so great on a rogue with Deep Wounds: Overwhelming Wave does crush damage and therefore will apply Deep Wounds. Stun + crush damage + raw damage = supersweet!
  21. I wonder: Does anybody know if the on-kill-effect of Steadfast (Crowns for the Faithful 25% on kill - with a rogue for example) also triggers if you don't kill the target with Steadfast itself? For example if you're dual wielding Steadfast and the Unlabored Blade and you kill a foe with that dagger. Will the on-kill-effect still work?
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