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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. Yeah it's fun I guess. We discussed that build idea in another threat some time ago. When you get Sacred Immolation and Healing Chain the on-kill-healing will not stop. It may be also worthwhile to use two gunshots + FoD since that really hurts (and can kill even enemies who are at full endurance). Inspiring Triumph may also be an option because you want to trigger on-kill effects anyway. There are also a few items that do things on kill now. You can also wear Sanguine Plate - you want to get a crit anyway because of Shod-in-Faith. Also look out for the Swaddling Sheet: It's a cape that unleashes an foe-only Overwhelming Wave when you get a crit - stunning all foes around you and doing great crush damage. Can also lead to lots of kills. If you want to kill even better then think about using scrolls. Paladins with high MIG and INT are great for that. Fireball Scrolls are cheap and do good damage. Especially if you take Scion of Flame (which you should anyways because of FoD and Sacred Immolation). More kiulls = more healing. Also nice: Aegis of Loyality + Sacred Immolation means you will uncharm every party member within seconds. And now there are also items which will prevent you from being charmed/dominated. Together with your paladin's ability that boosts defenses against that I thin you will come close to immunity. I'd say it will be a great build. edit: also think about using Forgemaster's Gloves => Firebrand. Good for FoD strikes if you take Zealous Focus (meaning +26 ACC with FoD).
  2. It totally depends what role you preist fulfills. But notice that the +10 ACC from Inspiring Radiance do stack with all other ACC buffs. So a Paladin with Zealous Focus and a Priest with Insp. Radiance can boost your party to +16 ACC. Aggrandizing Radiance is often overlooked because people think it lowers the healing the Radiance does. But it only lowers the healing YOU (as a priest) will receive. Your party members still get the full healing factor. I'm running a Priest of Eothas at the moment with Painful Interdiction and Insp. + Aggr. Radiance and Hope Eternal + Weapon Focus Knight (for Morning Star). Since I don't like per rest spells too much I can now cast two per encounter abilities that are really strong. I will lack other talents though. But at the moment (lvl 7) I'm very pleased. Maybe I retrain when I get Spell Mastery - I'll see. I really wonder if Aggr. Radiance stacks with Outlander's Frenzy or Minor Avatar...?
  3. Might be that there isn't an indicator. But there should be, you're right.
  4. Yea the reason I was sceptical about riposte is that it only triggers on 20% of the misses, which is not a lot, if the chance to trigger could be improved later on in the game then probably it would make sense but right now, I guess it doesn't make sense to devote my whole build to a mechanic that has only 20% chance to trigger only if a melee enemy misses me..... Exactly. Tanky rogues are fun. And they do work. But 20% of misses (and it's really hard to boost your deflection that much so that enemies miss all the time) is just lame. With grazes it would be fine. Because a tanky rogue gets grazed a lot. I also tried to trick the system a bit and stacked as much defense against disengagement attacks as I could (good Shield, Cautious Attack, Superior Deflection, Fast Runner, Graceful Retreat, Cape of Withdrawal, Chant "The Fox of the Farmer" and so on). So I had a steallar defense value against disengagement attacks. Then I just took the tanky rogue and ran around a group of enemies to provoke disengagement attacks. They missed a lot - and the enemy mob was like CC'd because they all tried to chase me. But still the amount of Ripostes was so small that I dumped the whole concept.
  5. Torment's Reach is a cone and is influenced by INT. So dumpoed INT = very short cone.
  6. Well technically (and if I didn't do any mistakes) you can't reach 0 recovery with sabres as a rogue by yourself - unless you are willing to drink potions of Alacrity all the time. Even with Gauntlets of Swift Action and durgan refinement you will be at ~1.9 with Vuln. Attack and no armor. With two Rimecutters however you can reach 2.38 even without the gauntles - which leaves room for a durgan reinforced plate armor (or any other armor that has <= 38% penalty) and other gloves that do nice things. It turns you into a sturdy whirlwind of slash & freeze. So I would say in theory two Rimecutters are better. You don't even need to duplicate them. Go to Le a Rhemen, and click on that dial there. Then click "wait" until Azzuro sold you two Rimecutters. Duplicate some other item instead. Like Little Saviour. Having Outworn Buckler and two Little Saviors in your party equals a permenent boost of +15 to all defenses for your front line at least.
  7. As I said in another thread: If you feel like your monk is underwhelming (doesn't matter if Zahua or hireling) you are doing something terribly wrong. Monks - like barbarians - need a bit more knowledge about combat mechanics to get the best out of them. At the beginning of the game I strongly recommend using heavier armor and reduce that step by step. Another thing is weapons: as long as you haven't a specific idea how to use a special weapon with a monk you should stay with fists. They have huge base damage (that's important for all the +x% dmg mods) and are superfast. Later in the game certain weapon setups can outperform fists - but I would say that 95% of the game you are better off with your fists. Especially if you also put on the sandals of the forgotten friar which boost you base damage by +2 (Only +2? Sounds weak? Well it is not). For a tankier apporach choose Shod-in-Faith boots. If you hate micro then drop Torment's Reach and take Swift + Lightning Strikes, Turning Wheel and Iron Wheel plus Force of Anguish and Enervating Blows + Apprentice's Sneak Attack and Two Weapon Style + WF Peasant. Vulnerable Attack is good, too. Also take Duality of Mortal Presence(other defenses). Put on a Ring of Protection. Take Rooting Pain, put on a good armor and use the monk as tank. Set the AI to aggressive and forget about him - just watch him prone whole groups for a long time while also weakening them. If you have acipher, please cast Reaping Knives onto your monk whenever you can. You will be better off if your Rogue uses reach wepons (Tall Grass!) and not your monk. Monks need to get hit all the time in order to unleash their special attacks. If you use him behind the front line it's no wonder he's underwhelming. He's not made for that. Well - unless you want to skill around the Long Pain, which can also be awesome: Skill him towards ranges damage (Marksman and so on), take Swift & Lightning Strikes + Turning Wheel and all the other stuff I mentioned above except the defensive ones. Absolutely put on the sandals. Maybe archer's gloves, too. At the beginning of a fight, shoot your monk in the back and let him cast the Long Pain. Watch him murder everything with superfast flying fists that hit like gunshots. Awesome - and it's a level 7 ability. Ranged monk now totally makes sense.
  8. Lvl 11 is a bit early. I killed him yesterday with a lvl 14 party and didn't even need tactics. 3 levels make a lot of difference. More ACC, higher defenses, maybe better gear.
  9. Sadly, you can only stack 10 wounds. After that you will only get hurt without gaining any more. Regeneration is still great for a monk because you also want to spend those wounds and get hit again.
  10. Looks good. 110 deflection would be enough for me most of the time. You have to play a bit to see if it's enough for you. RES 3 is a strong anouncement - we'll see if that works out.
  11. I really tried to make Riposte work with special builds - it's not worth it. Just keep away. Would be good if it triggered on 20% or 30% of grazes and turned them into misses. But the way it is now it's just not worth spending a precious talent point.
  12. I'm wearing that "25% chance to confuse when post/critical post" glasses.
  13. You can always dual wield "The Flames of Fair Rhîan". I wonder what happens if you duplicate one of those rings that allow you to swap 100 endurance with a party member. You will then have one source ring and two target rings. Will you swap 100 endurance to both targets? Who knows...?
  14. No, it doesn't stack. Chanters are the other class who can stack two different speed abilites: Frenzy or Outlander's Frenzy or Alacrity (or potions) stack with Sure-Handed Ila. That's because the chant only buffs ranged attack speed and not universal attack speed. So with a chanter you can get *1.5 ranged attack speed if you use Outlander's, *1.6 with Frenzy (Sanguine Plate) and *1.75 with Alacrity. Add a durgan refined speed weapon like Rain of Godhag Field or Engwythan Sceptre and you have no recovery with Outlander's. With Alacrity you can even use any durgan refined ranged weapon (that doesn't have to be reloaded) to reach 0 recovery. By the way: did anybody test that new Blackbow spell on wizards?
  15. You get it from a stronghold quest. The quest is called "The Wax Maker" and the item's name is the "Helwax Mold". You can duplicate any item with it that is not soulbound. And it also copies all the the enchantments. The mold gets used up in the process - so you only can duplicate one item.
  16. What? No. Outlander's Frenzy is of no use if you already have any other ability (or potion) that gives you an universal speed buff like Swift Strikes, Swift Aim or Alacrity. Those don't stack (only exception is the Ila-chant because that's explicitely buffing ranged attack speed only, not universal attack speed). But it's the only way for druids, rogues, fighters and rangers (who use Vicious Aim) to get more attack speed by themselves in order to get less (or even zero) recovery.
  17. He's not. Put a weapon with Spellchance on him (let's say Unlabored Blade) and watch him murder everything. Carnage is still one of the best abilites in the game if you know how to (ab)use it.
  18. Yeah - I am a big fan of that. It's so good as opening move (after you buffed yourself & the party with +10 ACC from Inspiring Radiance ). Most Alpha Strikes from cipher will hit after that. Like Phantom Foes. And voilá: you have Death Blows in a huge area.
  19. You are doing something wrong. Monks are one of the most powerful melee classes. If you don't like micromanagement to much (Torment's Reach needs some), then skip Torment's Reach and take Swift&Lightning Strikes + Turning Wheel and Force of Anguish. I have no idea how you can't love monks.
  20. Yeah well - she's fun and powerful and all - but that build unfolds it's retaliation greatness pretty late (after you get Sura'S Supper Plate). Maybe it's not so great for beginners because the early game can be a bit difficult - especially if you find rogues too squishy. What you didn't list is the monk. He fits your description perfectly. I don't know any other melee class that is more fun than a monk. Ok, I also love barbs, but they only start to shine after you get some lvls and good equipment. Before that they are a bit tedius to play. But a monk on the other hand is pure fun from lvl 1 without any equipment at all. His fists alon are awesoe weapons. He's sturdy, does great damage, has the best overall starting stats of any class. He loves it when he gets hit. And don't think of PoE monks are like D&D monks. Monks in PoE can wear heavy armor and wield any weapon. Their special abilities are so much fun and work with any melee weapon. Force of Anguish alone is so satisfying: you basically punch a guy in the gut and he flies through the scene and goes prone forever.
  21. Gauntlets of Puissant Melee are pretty underwhelming. Gauntlets of Accuracy also lead to a higher damage output (because more crits) and also help with CC attacks like Force of Anguish and Enervating Blows. They are the better choice. Mourning Gloves are not bad, too. But if you ever find Gauntlets of Swift Action you'll always want to use those. They stack multiplicatively with Swift Strikes and any weapon speed enchantment and also don't get suppressed by anything. If you get Blood Testament gloves (in Blood Sands) and you normally don't spend your accululated wounds asap (for example if you're using Turning Wheel and/or Iron Wheel): also good choice.
  22. But non player paladins now get a bonus per level on Faith and Conviction. It's not as good as the player's bonus (if he gains the right reputations) - but it's independent from the player's reputation.
  23. Yessir! None which I can remember. I will have a quick look into the game files and tell you if there are any... wait a second (will edit after searching). edit: So, in the game files there's no new staff to be found. At least if you follow the usual naming pattern and search for *staff* or *quarterstaff*. The newest one is the Greenstone Staff as far as I can tell.
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