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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. Here it is (and it's sad): - deleted because total nonsense - Edit: Argh! What I just posted above was the second hit of Driving Flight! My bad! So forget what I said. Sorry for the confusion. It was Driving Flight all along that made me believe it hit twice - that and the two numbers that pop out of enemies' heads because of the raw damage. So it seems to be totally bugged. But I could swear I hit twice with a cipher when I did a quick test - when WMII was released. Maybe 3.01 broke Twin Sting?
  2. I just have checked log in combat. There was one shot. Don't know why - for me it's two hits. Maybe I can check again and post a screenshot...
  3. ^Hehe - and they team up with a trailer monk.
  4. Spiritshift has a bug at the moment where it will apply the Wildstrike lash damage to every hit roll, spells as well as melee attacks. So the hits of Avenging Storm also get a lash bonus. It's good but even without that the damage is jawdropping. You don't need Avenging Storm to score +100 damage hits/crits all the time.
  5. She has 13 INT. That's not gimped. Barbs in the second row with Tall Grass can be fun. Less babysitting that way.
  6. Indeed Flick of the Wrist was applied to all soulbound and summoned weapons. I don't know if they changed it in 3.0, but I doubt it.
  7. Right. Stopped working. They apply a universal "disorienting" effect now that doesn't stack with itself or with other weapons' disorienting. I have to admit it was a real cheesefest bofore that. I still remember that test where I reduced Nalrend and his buddies to -1 Deflection and -4 Will.
  8. What do you mean? Ghosts or what? Never heard of that before... ?
  9. First of all: You should turn off Knockout Injuries if you play a ranger.
  10. It strongly depends on the type of enemy and type of encounter. For example during the Penhelm Fight all those Fighters want to desperately reach your squishies. In other fights - with Ogres for example, it's not a problem. I think it also depends how fast they can move. Slow enemies don't disengange so often while monks, Lagufaeth and Zealous-Charge-Paladins like Xaurip Champoins and so on are more likely to make a run for your backline. At least that's my impression. However - one single tank with 5 glass cannons just doesn't work.
  11. No, Scion of Flame and all the other elemental boosters only work with direct damage, not DoT effects. Might definetly increases the damage of The Dragon Thrashed. However - it's even more useful for the fireballs (together with Scion of Flame). Shod-in-Faith are awesome with high MIG and INT. But most of the time I would put them on somebdy who has lower deflection. Mind Control is always great and can turn difficult encounters into easy ones. Doesn't matter if you accidentially heal a controlled enemy with Shod-in-Faith or not. They are basically out of the game for a certain amount of time and function as additional meat shields. For example all the Lagufaeth encounters get really easy if you first control one of them. All the paralyzin attacks will hit him and not you. I also came to love the lvl-1-invocation "White Worms". With high MIG and INT ist very powerful if you're willing to pile up lots of bodies and lure the enemies onto that pile. You can use the corpses over an over again as long as you don't reload the game:
  12. Well just let the druid cast his storm(s), then let the tanks engage and then flank with the rogue. You can alsways put him in thick armor if he goes down to fast.
  13. You can use this build from KDubya for a monk tank, it's effective, sturdy, deals a lot of damage and is fun to play: The Juggernaut By the way a Ranger with Stormcaller, a monk with Lighning Strikes and a Druid with the storm spells have great synergies.
  14. They are not bad, I agree. And you will cause prone on crit. That's also nice.
  15. For DPS, yes. Maybe two Drawn in Spring would be equal, don't know exactly. Their wounding enchantment stack. But somebody else would have to do the math.
  16. The damage of persistence is higher because of the wounding and maybe a lash. But sadly that doesn't generate focus. So I guess as a cipher who doesn't want to shoot only you're still better off with Stormcaller, what do you think?
  17. Of course Twin Sting fires two bolts. If you look into the combat log you will see that it hits twice - like a blunderbuss hits six times. It will give you +6 focus for each attack if you use it on a cipher. That can be really critical if you fight high DR targets. Wengär is inferior to that as long as you don't enchant it with everthing there is. It's also no problem to take an initial shot with Twin Sting for great damage and +6 focus on top and then switch to a bow. It's a soulbound weapon with a universal Weapon Focus after all.
  18. Don't forget the -6 shock DR of Stormcaller. Together with Pen. Shot you'll get -11 DR. One big dilemma of a hunting-bow-cipher against armored targets is the lack of focus gain. Persistence doesn't help that at all. With Stormcaller you don't have that problem any more AND there's a chance it will proc Soul Shock.
  19. To be honest the Blade otEP is totally awesome on a paladin who wants to evolve around on-kill-effects. It has speed - combined with durgan refnement & a durgan reinforced Saguine Plate you will have an attack speed multiplier of ~1.5 in full plate. That's like sipping a potion of Alacrity all the time. You can totally skip Vuln. Attack because of the -5 DR it already has. And while doing all that it also marks the target for +10 ACC for another party member (maybe a cipher for CC, making it even more easy for you to kill the foe). But all in all I think it's just a matter of taste. The Redeemer's bug will be fixed soon. It's not even specific to the Redeemer: at the moment all spell chance weapons also cast their spells at the wielder. Just ask the wearers of Elry's Jacket.
  20. Build a druid tank with Returning + Relentless Storm like this one: Batsh!t Crazy I'm serious, it works and is highly effective. Just make sure he's not the only sturdy fronliner you have and that you start casting before the enemies reach you - because if he get's beaten all the time he will also be interrupted and the casting will take forever. Use another tanky character with a shield like a chanter or a paladin. A monk will also be great if you know how to use him. One single tank will not work anymore. Enemies will just run past him towards your flimsier party members.
  21. Oh yes it can. Fully enchanted it does more damage because the wounding stacks. But I also like monk's fists a lot. Did they fix the mechanic when you are wielding a single weapon in your left hand (fist in the right)? In former times this was not considered dual wielding (fist+weapon).
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