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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. If you use Boots of Speed it's much easier to pull off Backstabs. Just make sure to start encounter with another character and keep being stealthed. When battle officially starts, you will be able to sneak much faster. Sneak doesn't work like "OK I have 12 Stealth, so people won't see me". Actually, they will always start to notice you no matter how high the stealth skill is. What the skill does for you is it slows down the time foes need to detect you (how fast the yellow/red circles fill up). So fast movement does wonders. But how you report it it seems like it's bugged at the moment. It was no problem to pull off Backstabs with 8 stealth in 2.0+ games.
  2. Sadly - not anymore. I tried it the toher day and it won't work anymore. Maybe it's just a bug - but I tried again in another playthrough and that also didn't work. You get the symbols glowing, pick up the soul vessel, try to do the ritual - but nothing happens.
  3. You really think 4 ACC make any difference when you do flank all the time and also have Stalker's Link? That's a permanent +20 ACC buff on top of your very high30 base ACC. You could even dump PER to 3 and this build would still work. I wouldn't do it, but it would work.
  4. The cloak is a cloak and the Coil is a belt. You can wear them both at the same time. Yes, it stacks with quick switch for some weird effects. You can easily skip recovery with that setup when you switch all the time right after each attack - before the recovery bar appears. It needs some timing, but it still works: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/83181-nice-item-ability-combinations-what-works-and-what-doesnt/page-4?do=findComment&comment=1752969 Edit: It will also skip reloading sometimes. But this cheese really takes the fun out of the game. But I can see potential for solo runs aiming for achievements.
  5. Huh? Weakened and Sickened used to stack completely. If it doesn't anymore, they surely nerfed that on purpose. It was very powerful.
  6. Search for "The Dull Runner". Or look into the new build index AndreaColumbo did. It's the first thread (sticky). It's also there. I'm on my mobile atm... sorry. Can provide a link later.
  7. Even if it hurts only you? Edit: I don't say it's not worth it. Especially if you are more of a flanker. I'm just curious. Besides that, 3 INT works with paladins. They have some nice abilities that don't use INT at all. My build did rely more on gunshots than everything else, so It's not comparable. But I tried to stick to those abilities that don't rely on INT at all.
  8. Your Sacred Immolation's radius will be really small. Is it worth taking? When I did my 3 INT dps paladin build I skipped it because the radius was so underwhelming that it didn't make up for the self damaging part.
  9. Yeah it gets suppressed by a lot of other debuffs. However - I think it's great a an opener for every encounter because it's fast and... well... it's per encounter. After that your more precious debuffs (targeting defl. or refl.) will hit better.
  10. If bash will work with carnage you could also try Badgradr's Barricade. It has bash and has (or had?) unlimited spell strikings of Thrust of Tattered Veils. Together with a priest or any other buffer/debuffer those would be triggered a lot - adding nice damage to your bash on crits.But looks good only with Drawn in Spring. It's a good thing that this weapon is great.
  11. But - you just could hold back your FoD until you are in need of a lot of healing and then combine FoD + kill = double AoE healing.
  12. I like barbs with shields. How about The Vile Loner's Lance (spear)? It has ok damage, an awesome interrupt time of 1 sec, has +5 ACC because it's a spear and it causes -5 to all defenses on hit. Use Interrupting Blows, buff PER and DEX, use Threatening Presence and the Barb Yell to lower concentration and you will have a nice AoE interrupter who also lowers defenses. Good thing about this spear is that it comes very early. You could also use Cladhaliath for stunning if you like on-crit effects. With axes I would take We Toki - but that comes quite late. Dragon's Maw and Unl. Blade are very nice of course - but they come too late to plan a build around that. You will play at least 70 to 80% of the game without this combo. You can retrain of course once you get them.
  13. Cool. Would be really interested to see this combined with Sword & Shepherd, Shod-in-Faith and Silver Tide. Might result in an unbending party.
  14. Yes, only for the priest - also stacks with Minor Avatar for a nice +10 bonus to all stats.
  15. Two rangers rock. I didn't know the Plague from Twin Sting does only single target damage. Weird stuff...
  16. Well the Drake's Ambassador was one of my two full tanks - and he was sturdy enough. Of course not tanky enough for dragons, but who besides paladins is?
  17. Has this build idea been played yet? I'm really curious how it performs. Any reports?
  18. Good questions which I don't know the answer of. Didn't play this thing post 2.03 - so feel free to test and report.
  19. If I remember correctly you have to console "px1_durgan_iron_igot_refined X". If you forget the _refined, you will have to travel to the White Forge and transform the normal" iron ingots to refined ones first - which is kind of... not so smart?
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