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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. A shield has nothing to do with the armor. If you durganize it, it will reduce the recovery of your main weapon. Example: Weapon + shield: 1 means your unmodified recovery for your main weapon without armor and stuff. 2 means no rovery. Your goal is to reach 2. A durganized shield multiplies with your main weapon recovery like this: 1 * 1.15 = 1.15 A durganized main weapon (with durganized shield) would multiply like this on top: 1 * 1.15 * 1.15 = 1,3 A durganized, speed enchanted weapon plus durganized shield: 1 * 1.2 * 1.15 * 1.15 = 1,6 All other speed buffs multiply further. Those rules also apply to one handed without shield. Dual Wielding: When you dual wield, your unmodified recovery is not 1 but 1.5 for each weapon. You see that now it's easier to reach 2. Two Weapon Style adds a 1.2 multiplier to both weapons. Weapon Speed enchantments and durgan steel only add speed (like above) to the one weapon they are applied to. All other speed buffs apply to both weapons. Armor and other recovery penalties: Armor like plate just substracts it's penalty at the end (50% = 0.5). If you durganize plate it only substracts 0.35 instead of 0.5. Vulnerable Attack does the same: - 0.2 This gets applied on both weapons. A speed enchantment on one wepon doesn't make the other faster. A shield however makes your main weapon faster. At least that's what tests suggested in the past.
  2. What? No. A lash works like this: Example: You have a sabre that deals slash damage. It has a burning lash that deals 25% burn damage. You hit a foe. Now the slash damage gets reduced by the slash DR of the target. The additional burn damage gets reduced by 25% (or 1/4th) of the target's burn DR. Vulnerable Attack or Penetrating Shot only work for the initial weapon damage, not the lash. That's it. p.s.: Elemental "booster" talents like Scion of Flame do influence the lash. You will cause 20% more burn damage. 20% of 25% are 5% - so overall your burning lash with Scion of Flame will be 30% instead of 25%
  3. When the cross class talents came out I tested an unarmed rogue. His damage bonuses from sneak and dethblows resulted in really small numbers - whereas a monk's (lower) damage bonuses resulted in much higher. I found out that's because Transcendent Suffering I alters the BASE damage of unarmed attacks. So all damage mods that unarmed monks get add a good amount of flat damage. Novices Suffering however only adds damage on top of the whimpy base (the normal unarmed damage for everyone except monks). So all those fancy damage mods only apply to that whimpy base. A simple solution (I thought) would be that Novice's Suffering - like Transcendent Suffering - alters the base damage when you take it. The level scaling would only add damage on top of that base - like Transcentend Suffering does. But either it's very complicated to do that (code-wise) OR it's intended to be supercrappy. It's sad, because an unarmed Pit-Fighter and such builds will always be bad interms of melee damage.
  4. A durgan reinforced shield will indeed speed up your recovery - at least that was the case when WMI came out.
  5. My spiritshifted druid indeed only needs DAOM to reach 0 recovery. Hopefully crybabies won't discover it and start calling spiritshift OP. My spiritshifted druid indeed only needs DAOM to reach 0 recovery. Hopefully crybabies won't discover it and start calling spiritshift OP. With Two Weapon Style a Potion of Power or Outlander's Frenzy would be enough I guess? Does this work: wear Sanguine Plate, walk into a fight, receive a crit and then spiritshift? Will Frenzy still be on? I think it will, but does anybody now for sure?
  6. 231 damge hit? Has to be a bug. I did Crädholt Bluffs (partially) today at level 11 and didn't encounter such things. I didn't scale though - because I think my level is still too low for that option.
  7. Did you press the TAB key and then clicked on the compass icon south of the strange machine? You have to sty close to the south end of the map. It also works without TAB when you hover over the edge of the map, but it's easier with TAB.
  8. Actually I nevr switch grimoires - so nope. But now I'm curious what happens.
  9. That's because you seldomly will walk the "optimal" path in terms of encounter difficulty. And at some point, after a certain level and if you have good builds, everything gets supereasy (except dragons of course).
  10. What a mess with this whole attack speed thing...
  11. I'm so tired of reporting bugs. There's so many of them. And every time they release a patch which does more than fixing they introduce like a hundred more bugs. I like the design, story, writing and rules of POE - but the software engineering part seems to be horribly done.
  12. Yep. Might be a bug. It works with Finishing Blow (combat log shows it), but results in absurd low damage numbers. I did a Finishing Blow with Killer's Work and Devastating Blow on the Doemenel boss when he was at 25% endurance. Combat log said Sneak, Deathblows and Backstab and hit (not crit) - and did... 11(!) damage.
  13. Didn't try. You will have to be within 2m. With this char I'm more ranged than in close combat most of the time. Could do that during the day I guess. I saw that backstab doesn't work with the special attacks. So maybe it doesn't work with the missile spells.
  14. Sadly no. The two heraldic shields are also my favourite. If you duplicate little savior you will have +15 to all defenses.
  15. No. It also skips reloading from time to time if you have both items and switch right after the bang. Not every time, but often. Timing is critical. Don't know if it only happens when you switch from one gun to the other or if it glitches with every weapon set. But every time I try a quickswitcher (cipher, paladin, rogue, ranger) they can skip reloading with this setup. It's not reliable and a micro nightmare, but it works. The reloading icon will appear. Then there will be a shudder in the animation and then the gunner will use his shooting animation and fire.
  16. Ok I'll do it! I just kind of dislike the idea of a Rogue using a shield But I'll try it! Great. Tell me what you think. That shield is awesome for a crit based rogue. Edit: wow - missed a whole page...sorry. Great you tried!
  17. Don't think I insulted anyone or used the words "mate", "lol" or "rogues are OP". So I can't find any brindleness in my posts. You may not like what I said, but I never attacked you or anything you said. At least it was not my intention. So maybe you should take a step back and look at it from a distance. I can see that you might think I was mocking the term "superlash", but that was not what I wanted. I just remembered my good old Unreal Tournament days with "Mo-mo-mo-monsterkill!!!". It was not my intention to make fun of you. If you had the impression I apologize. However - this discussion has turned into something interesting around lashes and elemental damage and how to squeeze the heck out of it. I like it! Actually your guys' ideas with dual Bittercuts and Spirit of Decay are great. Never thought about it, but it's the only one handed weapon that does elemental damage. So thank you for that.
  18. I was working on it. Rogue Mage! All fitting items with Spellbinds, scrolls, potions, Deep Wounds (with pierce/slash/crush AoE spells), Dangerous Implements + Golden Gaze (Curoc's Brand and Taltuain's(?) Staff for the Fireballs), Piercing Shot, Ryona's Vembraces, Aspirant's Mark, Prestidigitator's Missiles and finally that spell stealing Morning Star. Once you have that Shadow Step totally makes sense: teleport to a mage, hit him to steal spells - teleport back and start casting like crazy. Also Escape and Coordinated Positioning are nice with this. Golden Gaze is also funny with those special attacks: first projektile hits and causes affliction - second one hits even harder with sneak and stuff. Implements with affliction on crit also work nicely.
  19. Really? Cool, I never noticed that. That's good to know.
  20. Please try a weapon & shield rogue before giving up. With deflection over 80 and higher DR he will not get swarmed anymore and will still do good damage - especially when focusing on crits and using Badgradr's Barricade. You can try it with Rimecutter. If this is still lame - go for the fighter.
  21. That's right. Only bad thing about it is the annoying crash afterwards. Bu if you're going to rest anyway, it's cool. Potion of Power is also an ok way to boost your attack speed (25%). It's way easier to craft than the potion of Alacrity and also has a stat buff. For some chars Alacrity means overdoing it, so Potion of Power is the way to go.
  22. That sounds like fun. Please report how it goes. Hm... since FoD is a Full Attack maybe a fully enchanted Drawn in Spring with burning lash would also be nice. You will have wounding on top. By the way the license costs for my patented Monsterlash are not too high.
  23. It's my Monsterlash. Don't nobody make fun of my Monsterlash!
  24. I meant that a pike user doesn't want to have an armor with 40% recov. penalty. If you stay behind the front line you can do with lighter armor and gain speed. Of course the Devil can use a pike. It's just not optimal. Doesn't mean it's bad.
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