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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. I don't know how, but I once managed to deal 800+ freeze damage to an ogre with Seven Nights. I guess I hit him with 3 bolts (is it even possible to hit with 4 if you stand really close? Maybe... With dragons this might work more easily). It can be a great AoE spell as well as a great spell to crunch tough single targets. It also works with Bartender's Ring and the hater talents by the way. You could check if it also works with the Cloak of the Frozen Hunt. Because it also works with Penetrating Shot. And the +6 ACC against beasts may be nice as well. Do you know if Marksman works with Seven Nights on the targets that are not too close? Does a Chanter chant while invisible (Cape of the Master Mystic)?
  2. Are you sure that MIG and Secrets of Rime work like multiplicative damage modifiers with Seven Nights? When it comes to Deadfire's Skald: wouldn't a one handed approach make more sense in order to generate more crits (I know it's better in PoE1 to use a shield )? I mean it would be a good justification to go this way this time. I also thought about a Skald with one-handed style and Stunning/Coordinating Cladhaliath who flanks a lot (or Rime Cutter as well because it fits so nicely). Too bad chanter's have no means of raising crit conversion on their own... What about Scath Gwannek? Winter Wind could be a good addition and as far as I know the chanting will not stop when using item bound spells, will it?
  3. Yes. It's really neat if you focus on this. In my current run I use Sagani + fox again and they are a great team when it comes to taking out casters. The range of Binding Roots is very high so I can stuck/hurt them from a long distance where they can't use their spells yet (ahahaha pesky Adragans!) and follow with Persistence's wounding shots while the fox runs towards them and most of the time one-shots with a Brutal Takedown. Tougher foes are also done pretty quickly because of stuck, usually followed by a crit from the fox & the following prone and then crits all along. And when things go south and I really want to take some enemy down as soon as possible I can chain those 5 thorny roots and usually get rid of them (if they don't have superhigh DR like Adra Animats or so). By the way: I guess nobody knows how (Brutal) Takedown works with the stag's Carnage...?
  4. With direct damage spells it should. Now that I think about it, I never really tested this. It should also work with Bracers of Spiritual Power. Could be quite nice to stack +30% damage with bracers + Secret of Rime and then add +100% damage on crit via Azalin's Helmet, Dungeon Delver and Merciless Hand. Which tier-1-phrase do you use?
  5. Without recovery you should be able to dish out Seven Nights every (10 seconds + average animation time influenced by DEX) on lvl 16. I did the same with a chanter + Killers Froze Stiff. You can paralyze-lock whole mobs with this (casting it every 8 seconds+animation time for a duration of 8 seconds base + 4 on crit + INT bonus).
  6. Every damaging spell works with Deathblows, but not with Sneak Attack (except DoT spells - they don't work with anything ). Touch of Rot itself works with Deathblows, too - at least the first part that deals immediate damage. Deep Wounds works with all spells that do pierce or crush or slash damage - also AoE ones. Think of Overbearing Wave, Concussive Missiles, Twin Stones, Vile Thorns and so on. I wrote about a rogue specialized on spell binding gear several times (but didn't write a build). Includes Flames of Faîr Rhian, Taluntain's Staff, Amulet of Summer Solstice, Sun Touched Mail, Bittercut, Animancer's Boots and so on. If you duplicate Flames of Faîr Rhian and use Taluntain's Staff + Curoc's Brand you'll have 10 Fireballs per rest, yes. With the amulet + mail you'll have 6 Sunbeams per rest, too - which is neat because besides the damage it's a nice AoE blinding spell. An Swaddling Sheet + Deathblows + Depp Wounds is especially nice... More info about rogue + spells can be found in my build "Sorcerer's Apprentice" in the build list.
  7. I did a Tall Grass rogue and a Tidefall rogue with Backstab and it's pretty awesome if you don't mind the increased micro. Getting two initial attacks per encounter with +200% damage (Backstab always comes with Sneak - sometimes even +300% if the party manages to apply 2 afflictions before I unstealth) is great and certainly better than stupid Finishing Blow. It's not that great with guns though (as one might think it is when you see it on paper).
  8. You can use Escape to warp to the squishies and attack them in melee. With Godansthunyr + Barricade you can achieve Deathblows after the first strike (Blinding Strike and so on): offhand does blind, Godansthunyr stuns - the following auto-attacks are nearly always crits with Deathblows. Thrust oTV works with Deathblows, Merciless Hand and stuff, too.
  9. Thrust of Tattered Veils works with Penetrating Shot and also Ryona's Vambraces and Effigy's Resentment: Devil of Caroc. You should think about Cape of the Master Mystic and Nightshroud, too - in order to get more invisibility uses. With a ranged weapon you need a lot more stealth than with a melee one to trigger Backstabs. The reason is that Backstabs will occur if you commanded the attack from stealth. It doesn't matter if you unstealth on the way. With a ranged weapon this is not possible because you have to get into the 2m range and then attack the target. For this you need a lot more stealth. Then, with a melee weapon you will get two consecutive Backstabs when using auto-attacks (no matter if dual wielding or two hander or single handed). If you switch guns after the first shot you only get one Backstab shot (the first) - this maybe enough when using blunderbuss thought (especially with Silver Flash + Devine Mark on Deathblows). If you reload for a second one that works - but of course your dps drops like crazy.
  10. Spells have the same recovery penalty as dual wielding: none. That means that with no armor penalty a potion of DAoM would be enough to reach 0 recovery. With Outlander's Frenzy (or a Potion of Power) + Gauntlets there will be bit of recovery left (around 2 or 3 frames with high DEX I guess?). With Champion + Gauntlets you can reach 0 recovery while wearing durganized hide armor. I think Penetrating Shot works with Seven Nights without slowing you down...? Of course Outlander's Frenzy doesn't last forever... And casting Seven Nights near the enemy is a bit risky without any armor. Of course you could enchant cloth or durganize a robe. And pump deflection and use a shield. Angio's Gambeson could give you Alacrity 1/rest.
  11. It's simply an affliction that can happen after some scripted interactions (doing something exhausting). It can also be applied by a unique hatchet on hit. Travelling no longer causes fatigue. Athletics has nothing to do with fatigue any more. It simply gives you a "Second Whind" healing ability. So all in all you will not see that affliction a lot in the game.
  12. In this case the pale elf was just to emphasize on the "chilly" theme. Another intention was that this guy could stand in the front row and be hit by friendly fire ice spells like Chillfog, Shadowflame, Blast of Frost, Blizzard and such without taking too much damage. Pale Elf + exceptional plate + Rymrgand's Mantle + Secrets of Rime will give you 36 freeze DR. A Coastal Auamaua also works of course. But chanters still chant while prone - but not when stunned (except Withdraw from priest).
  13. Just killed Clyver after I did the crucible quest line and after I got Shame or Glory: no additional Shame or Glory on Clyver's corpse.
  14. ACC bonuses that stack: Inspiring Radiance, Devotions, Crowns (through bonus PER), marking, Coordinated Attacks, Inspiring Exhortation, Tactical Meld, Reckless Assault, Vicious Aim, survival bonus, one handed weapon use... and maybe more. Those stack with each other and with Zealous Focus or Blessing or Disciplined Barrage or Eldritch Aim... Most important for me is Radiance + Devotions and marking + Coordinated Attacks.
  15. If this works one could have two dual wielders with double marking setup (2 Shame or Glory + 2 Cladhaliath). Super Double Darcozzi Tag Team! If you enchant Cladhaliath also with Coordinating it's total accuracy overflow.
  16. Maybe you have to do the quest, get the sword from him and THEN kill him in order to get it twice? Same with Lord Gedmar I guess? As if the weapon is only put in their inventory if the quest/option for the weapon is fulfilled.
  17. Twin Stones from Grey Sleeper is foe only. The original druid spell, too. By the way: Grey Sleeper on a ranger with Driving Flight is hilarious. Not overly powerful, but hilarious. Twin Stones works with Driving Flight and it's like a hailstorm of stones and splinters once Twin Stones gets triggered. Driving Flight works with many spells that are targeted (Minor/Concussive/Bounding Missiles, Missile Barrage, Thrust of Tattered Veils from Badgradr's Barricade and so on) or have one or several straight lines (Rolling Flame, Twin Stones). Maybe also Overbearing Wave, but I don't know. It basically works with every spell that also works with Penetrating Shot. Generally all AoE spells that you don't actively cast but that sit on items and are triggered by hits/crits are foe only - for example the Swaddling Sheet's Overbearing Wave is foe only although the original druid spell is not. Only exception I can think of is the blinding cone of Silver Flash: it also blinds allies. But in this case you can aim where the effect will go and exactly when it is triggered. Eyestrike from Eldry's Jacket used to be friendly fire although the cipher spell isn't. But I believe that got patched. Spell Bindings like Fireball on a sabre work like a normal spell (friendly fire). You can cast it like a normal Fireball and thus you can decide if you want to hit your party members or if you want to target/place it differently. Raedric burns his own possy because he is an idiot who can't use his AoE spells properly.
  18. Yarp (just double checked with Redeemr & Firebrand) Yarp (using Firebrand with Durance atm - also did it with Grey Sleeper + Firebrand + Skaen priest in another playthrough) You can, but nothing benefical happens, only one applies. They don't "stack". Nope (used to be so, but got patched) - only applies if it's really a dagger (Reaping Knives & Unlabored Blade) Nope, don't know of any. What Do you mean? They work the same way as normal weapons. They are just more flexible with weapon focus and the priest talents. You can stack Weapon Focus & priest talent - like you can with a Great Sword + WF Soldier + priest of Berath talent or a sword + WF Knight + Magran talent. A summoned/soulbound weapons works with any of those combinations, even Weapon Focus Peasant and Eothas talent or whatever odd combo. You can do that - your Weapon Focus, your Weapon Spec. and Mastery and also priest talent will apply.
  19. Yes, and the spell holding gear is only benefical if it gets triggered before you shift.
  20. I killed Lord Gedmar Doemenel several times but I don't recall getting Misery's End from his corpse. Maybe that's related to the options he gives you (money or Misery's End or a favor for later). Maybe because of this he's not wearing Misery's End before you don't choose that option. But I never killed him after he gave me Misery's End, so that's worth a try. Wenan drops Cloudpiercer - I guess every time. At least he used to. Actually I never killed Commander Clyver...
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