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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. Nice idea. At the moment you can achive the same with a Berserker/fighter: 100% hit to crit. I'm pretty sure though that Swift Flurry is nor working as intended. A bonus crit should not proc another bonus crit and so on.
  2. Why not? You get it early and the next good unique stilletto is Bleak Fang which comes quite late. By the way, if you meet perice-immune foes there's a neat thing with stilettos: the Lagufaeth from White March use stilettos that do slash damage instead of pierce. Those are good as backup weapon set.
  3. Rogue will alsways be squishy in the early game and you can't do much about it. Picking Veteran's Recovery, skilling survival to 8 at least (for he healing bonus) and using Fulvano's Amulet + having decent CON helps though. Later on, with a bigger health pool and more dmg bonuses, draining weapons are also not bad in order to keep your rogue alive. I once did a 1 INT 1 RES / max CON and max MIG rogue with Tidefall and its draining was enough to keep me alive behind the enemy lines. Since Veteran's Recovery and stuff is bad without INT that was the only source of healing I had and it was sufficient in most cases. Other than that I also like to use a shield rogue who aims for Bargradr's Barricade. Its ToTV proc works with Deathblows. It's a nice combination of tankyness (for a rogue) and offense.
  4. Not a problem if you can spend it at once with permanent Lighnint Strikes/Swift Flurry and Stunning Blows (quite fast with Long Pain), is it? However - this is under the premise that chants and so on get you wounds. Or make Helwalker/Wizard with dual scepters+modal + Alacrity. Wounds all the time beause of selof damage all the time - while being superfast. Too bad Shot on the Run is now ranger only.
  5. The ability will always cost the same. Your resource pool will get bigger with level (but not as fast if you are muticlassing - but then you have two pools to draw from. Doesn't help to increase the uses of Shadowing Beyond though). So with more levels you can use Shadowing Beyond more often per encounter. If you build around (basically choosing Assassin) you get a lot more out of it as in PoE, which I like. There are special abilites that reduce the cost of an ability or refund its use. Corpse Eaters for example have Flesh Communion which will heal you and fill up rage again. But as far as I know there's no way for the rogue to get used guile points refunded (?). Yet...
  6. Please: I'd like simple and clear information about how every ability (basically all mechanics) work. Best if there are one or two examples how it works as well (examples help you understand). It doesn't have to be in the game itself, but then please include a digital handbook or set up a proper wiki (not that unfinished and unmaintained stuff we had in PoE). But even in the game it's sooo annoying to read something like "Bestowes a continous healing effect on all allies in range"... Yeah nice, but what are the numbers? Healing done per tick, range in meters, duration? Come ON! It's all in the game. It's not too hard to write it down. Now I have to level a character and see how that suff works in combat in order to know what it really does - then I have to write that down so I don't forget. MEEEHHH!! Sure, sure: I know this is the beta and so it would be twice the work to write this down and later change it. So I totally understand that the beta doesn't have explicit descriptions sometimes because everything might change a bit and nobody wants to do the same work twice. But... I fear that we are left with the same obscure and sometimes wrong description of abilites/items/mechanics as in PoE. It took us years to figure out how some stuff works. It's also very hard to track down bugs or understand unexpected behavior if you have no idea what's going on "under the hood". As much as I love PoE that's the biggest complaint I always had: the generally bad, really bad descriptions and how poorly the fairly complex mechanics were explained.
  7. As I said: two-shotted him with an Assassin/Soulblade. That says it all.
  8. Did anybody check if spell-like or AoE stuff also generates wounds with a Shattered Pillar? Like Soft Winds of Death or Dragon Thrashed? I imagine a mid-ranged Shattered Pillar/Troubadur with the Long Pain who gains wounds through Dance of Death, chant and dealing the usual damage. If this works he would generate more wouds as he could spend. Stunning Blows work with ranged weapons as does Lightning Strikes. May it's like in PoE where Long Pain also worked with Torment's Reach despite being a ranged weapon. He could also alternate between damaging chant and Sure handed Ila when he can't spend the wounds as fast as he gets them. While not having Long Pain he could use dual Scepter or Wand for the stunning shots... Or even dual blunderbuss with Poweder Burns? Is tehre a way for the monk to remove the distracted affliction passively?
  9. What about paladin with retribution + Helwalker as alternative? Lightning Strikes works with ranged weapons and stacks with FoD, and you'd get +MIG while hurting yourself on top of the retribution. Stunning Blows also works with ranged weapons and is a full attack.
  10. Cool stuff!
  11. What's wrong with the fox? It's basically a wolf companion which I'd prefer on a ranger anyway.
  12. Hehe... Unbroken has higher PEN on disengagement attacks and additionally: all fighters can buy an ability that increases disengagement damage and prones disengaging enemies.
  13. No. You didn't study the fighter ability tree properly I guess...
  14. Does the wizard side bring anything of note other than Deleterious Alacrity of Motion ? Because if not, one might be better served using potions (or boots !) or speed... As I wrote, the wizard brings awesome self buffs (esp. defensive ones). The best thing about the new Alacrity is that it gives you immunity to engagement now. The new disengagements really hurt and this way you can completely avoid them while "catching" all enemies with your multiple engagement slots. And also +100% move speed which is good because Unbroken can't move as fast as other characters. But still only a concept. Had no time to test it yet.
  15. That works from stealth if you are <= 2meters away. Currently there's a bug with Shadowing Beyond where only melee attacks get the backstab bonus. The arquebus modal gives you slower attack speed but +20 accuracy. Rangers can get ok attack cycles because they have gunner exclusively and can buy a hat that also gives you +20% reload speedup. Pistols' modal would give you +100% reload speedup but will also cost you 20 accuracy. They still might be better for backstab because you can dual-wield them - blunderbusses, too.
  16. No crashes so far - also not with those combos. The only probem I have is that the game won't close properly but hangs itself up when I want to quit - which is not that bad.
  17. No class is useless in PoE if you really know how they work. Not Sagani and especially not chanters.
  18. Yeah, that's pretty neat and of course way better tha n using a potion.
  19. I just saw that a combo of Berserker/Streetfighter could combine a high number of engagement slots (shield use +1, Persistant Distraction +1, Barbaric Yell +3, spear +1) with the ability to distract ALL engaged enemies passively with Persistent Distraction... Does that mean auto-sneak-attack with carnage? I also realized that an Unbroken/Wizard could combine a lot of engagement slots (like, a LOT) with hefty disengagement-punishment. Alacrity would allow him to move freely and swiftly and "collect" all enemies in engagement. If they want to leave they get severly punished... I mean besides the crazy high defenses because of Unbroken + Wizard's self buffs.
  20. I'm just thinking: What happens if you pair immunity against engagement (enemies can't engage you) with a lot of engagement slots on your side - and then run around and "collect" enemies like a magnet? Once they want to leave they get punished by disengagement but you won't if you go after some rushers who want to have your squishies for breakfast/lunch/supper. Would that be viable? Maybe I'll try later...
  21. I think that was patched in later (no idea why). There used to be times when Savage Attack and Reckless Assault didn't suppress each other's dmg bonus (or so I remember). But here: a modal from a proficiency that is totally useless once you gain some special abilites is a problem in my opinion.
  22. Atm you would be gimping yourself if you would try to use powers with a Soul Blade. That's the main reason why I would never roll a single class Soul Blade at the moment. You would be forced to take some of the (momentary awful) powers. If you multiclass you can just pick Biting Whip and Hammering Thoughts and put the rest into the better abilites of your second class. There are some really nice combos (Shattered Pillar, Bleak Walker, Devoted, Assassin...). All casters that you build offensively feel really, really bad at the moment while healing and self buffing via spells is very powerful.
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