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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. Yes, they are already complaining when you can't penetrate. In addition to that there is TONS of "No Pen" messages popping out if the enemies' heads. How could one miss that?
  2. Yes, that was my thought as well. Invent some passive bonuses that are easy to implement and add up nicely to the corresponding "talent", but can also stand on their own. That would make fighter truly the master of weaponry while giving the other classes access to some basics. Just to express that they are "proficient" with that style of fighting. Fighter would still be better then and everybody might be happy because there's more choice to single class chars while nothing was taken away from the fighter (or barb or whomever). That's a good opportunity to alter the Single Weapon Style ability of fighter by the way. At the moment it's underwhelming for a fighter who can already get high accuracy and can have auto graze capability. Here a hit to crit conversion like in PoE for example would make more sense I think (didn't do any math though nor did I playtest this - just gut feeling - so it may be wrong). At the same time a single weapon style proficiency that lets you turn some misses to grazes with a single weapon that you are proficient with should be pretty nice for not-so-accurate weapon users. Crits are more powerful than in PoE now because they also raise PEN which can lead to the 0.3 damage multiplier when "overpenetrating". This could make fighter's own single weapons style more appealing as it was in PoE1. Maybe at the same time nerf the upgraded Barrage conversion a bit because that seems to be awfully strong atm (50% hit to crit, phew). Somebody already combined that with a Berserker and got 100% conversion when frenzied. Maybe a little over the top.
  3. Hm, if passive talent + passive abilities of fighter stack that would solve the problem that the fighter feels stripped now. Maybe too powerful? What about making them a little distinct then? The talent could be Weapon & Shield Style (+x deflection and reflex) while the fighter's ability would grant something else that is a nice addition to that, like additional graze to miss conversion when using a shield. Same with two handed (hit to crit for example or more PEN) and so on. By the way: does Bill's Will/Bear's Fort and so on from different classes (when multiclassing) stack?
  4. No. Weapons have no effect on casting speed. Not even ones with speed. The only weapon that can speed up your casting is Spelltongue - because it simply puts a buff on you like if you would use the Alacrity spell (but weaker). But things like basic attack speed of the weapon, durgan steel, speed enchantment, dual wielding and two weapon style only affect the weapon use itself. Not casting.
  5. Sounds wrong. This can't be intended. You might want to post a bug report.
  6. Yes - best way to use a wizard at the moment is to multiclass with a martial class and make use of the self buffs only (because they are very good compared to all the offensiv spells).
  7. Yeah sure. That will be the way you have to do it. Same with soulbounds. Devoted having more than one profiency atm is a confirmed bug though.
  8. What is your formation when combat starts? Each char in one corner of the map? You should cast it at the start of combat of course - so that your casters' CC spells can graze. That makes it powerful. Who cares about the fighters? They are OP anyways at the moment.
  9. Funny - it sounds as if I didn't know that. Soulbounds in PoE were universal and profited from any weapon focus. There were no proficiencies. They even worked with the +10 ACC talents of priests, like Hope Eternal (Eothas) or Inspired Flame (Magran). That was easy to code - but now with the profiencies giving a modal which has to be represented in the UI instead a passive +6 ACC it's a coding nightmare. What if a char has 4 proficiencies and finds a universal weapon? Should the game display all modals side by side so that you can choose or should it pick one for you? It's difficult...
  10. Like dual wielding results in an automatic speed gain even without Two Weapon Style.
  11. Not at all. They had Inspiring Radiance right from the start (if you wished) which gave +10 ACC (stacked with everything, even another Inspiring Radiance). They also could have Interdiction + Painful Interdiction. Note that these were talents which are now gone. :/ And of cours one of my favorite lvl-2-spells: Iconic Projection which wa great because it only had to overcome 1/4 of DR and was a superfast cast. Then at spell tier 4 there's the best spell: Devotions that stacks with universal ACC buffs like Disciplined Barrage... and so on... Now the best priest buff suddenly is Dire Blessing because it gives the whole party the ability to graze. That sounds so lame but is so powerful.
  12. Carnage is raw damage - so only the initial target will feel the awesomeness of the rapier's PEN. Skald with Hel-Hyraf and Killers Froze Stiff (also 50% hit to crit conversion) + Berserker is basically the same with a bit more fuzz. But he can add some nice chants and quickly accumualtes phrases for more invocations.
  13. By the way I only use cipher at the moment as deliverer of Soul Annihilation and nothing else. Because it feels that every other power the cipher could use is just worse than to simply keep on hitting stuff with your weapon and use the focus for instant raw damage. All the powers take too long and last not long enough. Another reason why the chanter is currently so great: his offensive invocations are fast and have good effects. Did you notice the huuuge size of the AoE of the new White Worms invocation? Holy Moly...
  14. Hm, I found that if you cast it as your first spell in combat and let the enemy come to you it wasn't so bad. But I agree that summmoning weapons shouldn't take 6 seconds. You are already not using buffs or CC effects when deciding to summon a weapon - so it better be there fast.
  15. from <= 2m range?
  16. Skaen priest summons stiletto & club. Magran summons sword and pistol, Berath great sword, Wael rod and Eothas flail. The appeal of those weapons is that they scale now. They not only become fine/exceptional and so on with level, they also gain a scaling lash (in case of Berath and Wael it's 60% corrosive lash at lvl 6 which is powerful - the rod also has the lash on its blast AoE). So maybe being universal would be too good. I also don't see how the universal thing could work once you have more than one proficiency. How would you choose which one to use with that universal weapon? You would need the whole list of your possible modals once you equip that weapon. I don't think this is gonna happen.
  17. Fighters themselves can already get a 50% hit to crit conversion with the upgrade of Disciplined Barrage. If you combine that with a Berserker, Rogue or whatever adds more conversion you can crit a lot. A Devoted with an exceptional weapon gets +5 PEN on top of the weapon's base PEN and the modal from proficiency. Then you want to have a Chanter with Hel-Hyraf in the party. It causes -5 AR in a cone, is a fast cast and only costs 2 phrases which you automatically get at start of combat. You also want a priest with Dire Blessing so that the Chanter can graze with Hel-Hyraf. Then you can have one char with maces. They cause -1 AR on hit (not +1 PEN!). This all adds up pretty nicely (and breaks the game, too).
  18. Hm, something's off here. Not only the calculation is wrong (like, completely wrong) but also Biting Whip should only give +0.2 on top of Soul WHip, not +0.4.
  19. Good point. There's something around 0.15 missing in that calculation. So here is at least a bug that is totally worth investigating. It's either UI or the calculation itself which is wrong.
  20. Heh? Look at your combat log (the last frame down below, green markings from me) where it says 48.7 x 1.3: I guess it's not in the list above because those are all additive while the multiplicative part comes after that down below. So... what do you say now?
  21. Yes, but he never will get the highest cipher powers and has a pet running around that you didn't want in the first place. But as I said: Given the few special items we saw in the beta I suspect we'll see some more of those that help with this issue.
  22. I have limited time - and when I buy a game and find out that I don't like it that much I quit. Why should I waste my precious time with it? Of course this has something to to with the perceived investment. If 40 EUR would be a lot of money for me I'd be more determined to finish the game. But if it's not that much for me (and if I think my free time is worth more than that) my motivation to finish it - although I don't like it - very much goes down to zero.
  23. I also think that it's ok to remove graze from weapon attacks if you are a martial noob. But when I think about a fireball and how it's supposed to hit the ground and explodes... at least those AoE spells should always have graze. It's silly that it's hit or miss with them. Same with grenades/bombs and so on.
  24. Oh nice find! Does that also mean that when you multiclass a Berserker with any fighter and get the ability that gives you resistance against intellect afflictions that your frenzy will not confuse you anymore? It should shift down the confuse to a lesser tier - and since confuse is tier 1...? Although it can be benefical to hit friendly targets... Skald/Berserker could summon Skeletons and produce a lot more crits for his invocations I guess.
  25. Yes, but to be honest: once the bug with the false 1-sec recovery for one-handed weapons is patched (should be 3 secs - so a melee char can only hit you times while you cast a 6-sec spell instead of 6 times) they won't get interrupted as much anymore. Also I'm pretty sure there will be items like that give you casting speed and also concentration. There should better be some...
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