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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. Usually soulbounds can't be enchanted. The recent patch notes didn't say anything about a change in that regard either.
  2. To test this you have to roll a Wizard/Soulblade. Since you can't level higher than lvl 9 and thus won't get to the Sprit Lance yet you have to add the weapon manually via console with "giveitem". I think this is a pretty nasty thing since it shows that Citzal's Spirit Lance is implemented in a way that it's prone to game-breaking effects whenever it comes to abilities with on-hit or on-crit effects like Soul Annihilation, Lightning Strikes, Swift Flurry and so on. The same might be true for Kalakoth's Minor Blights. It doesn't work with Soul Annihilation obviously but does have weird effects like with Swift Flurry and Driving Flight (as I and several others already reported). I guess it's the same implementation of the AoE effect as with the Lance.
  3. Or introduce some "magical" items that have an impact on your shifting - like the Wildstrike Belt had in PoE1. I'm pretty sure one could come up with some more neat ideas that wouldn't take ages to realize. A normally pretty furry hide armor that gives you +1 armor when shifted, a quite badly sewn fur cap that gives you -5 ACC when in human form but +5 ACC when shifted - stuff like that. But maybe that's already in, who knows?
  4. Currently the only class that can change damage type efficiently is Black Jack, if all summon weapon spell is instant cast, what is the point of Black Jack?"What's the point of the Black JackET anyway now after the PEN system got changed?" some would ask. First of all most wizards who want to focus on summoned weapons won't use them as backup weapons for situations where their damage type doesn't fit but as main weapons. And even if there will be some melee wizards who only use them as an alternative to weapon switching: they still have to invest a precious ability point and a spell use to get an alternative damage type. He's faster with summoning than a Black Jacket can switch? Well he pays for it I'd say. The Black Jacket can not only have up to four weapon slots but can also switch weapons faster than any other character by the way. Besides some quick switching builds that you can realize with the Black Jacket you can also use his quick switching to omit recovery I guess. Didn't test it yet but I guess you can just switch weapons after you used a spell/ability with a very lengthy recovery time to cancel recovery. Not intended of course, but this could make the Black Jacket useful (until OBS decides what proper perk they want to give the Black Jackets). I for example would like so see that hey get improved modals for their proficiencies. Like... higher bonuses or lower maluses. For example Savage Attack could have a lower ACC malus when used by a proficient Black Jacket. Anyway, I don't think Black Jackets and summoned weapons interfere at all when it comes to balance.
  5. As I said before: consider it to be a self buff (which it technically is). Nearly all self buffs have a casting time of 0.5 secs. There's no mechanical difference in buffing yourself with +15 ACC or summoning a weapon which has +15 ACC (as long as you only intend to attack with the weapon)
  6. If you have problems hitting with Force of Anguish: make sure you don't use it with fists. Transcendent Suffering's ACC bonus doesn't get applied to Force of Anguish (and also Torment's Reach) for some weird and buggy reason. Instead, If you use a single handed dagger/rapier/club/spear, your Force of Anguish will have +17 + quality enchantment's ACC instead. So for example a single handed Drawn in Spring would give you +29 ACC compared to your fists. That way you can send them prone very reliably for a long time. FoA is a primary attack anyways. After that you can switch to a more damaging setup to finish them off if you like.
  7. Blood Sands, Twin Elms, in a hidden treasure room. You can get them without a fight but I guess you need 10 (?) mechanics.
  8. You can simply use St. Ydwen's Redeemer and destroy them quite easily. You don't even need to bind it. The vessel destruction also works without binding. You only need to have at least the same level as the Eyeless, so don't go there underleveled if you want to use the Redeemer. Another way is to use Tidefall or Drawn in Spring since the wounding even works if your physical damage roll is 0 due to immunity (wounding dmaage gets calculated pre DR and immunites). You can add Blood Testament Gloves' raw damage lash to that, too. Those should also do damage with Battle Forged and other retaliation effects if you have some wounds. Blood Testament's raw lash works with all forms of retaliation (except Rooting Pain).
  9. That's because it's very hard to reach defensive values that make enemies miss you all the time. Have a look at the accuracy vs. defense mechanic: Attack Resolution You can see that you need a very big gap between enemies' accuracy and your defense to achieve only misses. With 120 fortitude the enemy can still graze you theoretically if they only have 36 accuracy (which they usually don't ). And if the enemies' special attacks even graze then the affliction will affect you, but it will be 50% shorter. That's the reason why Fenwalkers are so good. The -50% duration from graze, paired with the -3 second means that if you get afflicted at all it's a very, very short duration that's left.
  10. Exactly. And they knew that (if you followed the answer of Cdiaz in the bug forum). I really don't get why they decided to go with char level. Multiclass chars can make up for power level shortage with a variety of good synergy effects, like Summoned Weapons + Lightning Strikes/Swift Flurry/Flames of Devotion/+PEN from chosen weapon/Sneak Attack and whatnot. Just think about a faith attuned Great Sword of Berath + Lightning Strikes: +attack speed + 60% corrosive lash + 50% shocking lash... ouch! A single class char could then have the advantage of higher power level scaling. Sounds totally fair to me. Then they could rebuff the summoned weapons a bit without having a guilty conscience when looking at multiclass powergamers.
  11. I'll put 100$ on Edér being interested in an homosexual relationship. Who's in?
  12. Jojobobo, do you think you can keep up those truly impressive numbers during the whole fight when soloing? I played a melee solo wizard in an ultimate attempt (given my unpatient nature I failed in WM II in a random encounter of course ) and while the self buffing (and the awesome summoned weapons) are truely great I often had problems to uphold the high defenses during longer bounty fights (for example the WMII bounties have some guys with very high deflection + reflex defenses that are hard to hit reliably and take some time to pin down). What do you think? Granted: in a party this wouldn't be an issue at all and make this guy a very effective tank. What I always like about non-paladin and non-fighter tanks is that they not only withstand most things that get thrown at them but also can contribute in some/several other ways. Wizards can do so much cool stuf during a fight even if you skill them completely for defense.
  13. There's a ring that gives you immunity to stuck (Wyrwood Ring, but if you're doing a "pure" solo run you can't get it since it's from a stronghold adventure) and the stag helmet that also makes you immune (Fire Godlikes can't wear helmets though) as well as several items that give you +25 defense against it (Wayfarer's Hide, Orlan's Bramble Ring, Tempered Helm (again: FIre Godlike, so no)) or +20 and 3 secs reduced affliction time (Fenwalkers) which is even better in my opinion. This can cause grazes of stuck to be very short or even get omitted entirely. Then you should use potions of protection (very powerful against all afflictions) or even better: Scroll of Prayer against Restraint which will make you immune. You need 6 lore for that. Against Sirens it's also crucial to avoid getting paralyzed which can be done with the same items, but you need a Scroll of Prayer against Imprisonment (lore 10) to become entirely immune. I feel that most of the time a high fort defense (that you'll have with this build) + Fenwalkers is enough to deal with those afflictions and thus you don't necessarily need the lore.
  14. Yes, with rogue's Full Attacks a bashing shield is better than a normal one because you can "prepare" the victim with the first strike (which is the offhand's bash) and then your main hand follows with the more hefty hit which already gets Sneak Attack or even Deathblow bonus. Badgradr's Barricade is great with a rogue. ToTV on Deathblows does tremendous damage (most of the time the Thrust also crits which means +150% damage, even more if you have Merciless Hand and so on - can be boosted up to +200% on crit) and also with Cladhaliath (or other stunning/proning weapons) and decent INT you can score crits + Deathblows all the time with just one Blinding Strike while being very tanky (for a rogue). I used a similar setup with the Devil of Caroc but used Godansthunyr instead of Cladhaliath - mostly because of the looks of the hammer which matches the body of the construct. It was a great offtank-dps setup. So I can totally recommend this build.
  15. (in Kana's voice) "Hello? Hellohooo?"
  16. Beautiful! (If I ever decide to complete my paused crpg project I will def. hire you. ) I really wonder why it wasn't done like this in the first place. All those slightly different recovery values now! What for? I agree that summoning weapons should take a short amount of time. Comparable to self buffs (basically summoning a weapon IS a self buff), so 0.5 seems like a good value.
  17. There are currently six "types" of summoned weapons in the beta: - Kalakoth's Minor Blights - Firebrand - Concelhaut's Parasitic Staff - Citzal's Spirit Lance - Priests' faith attuned weapons - The Long Pain Except the Long Pain all summoned weapons got nerfed in terms of base damage. In PoE1 they all had higher base damage than their mundane versions. In Deadfire they have not. Priests' weapons all get a +60% corrosive lash at lvl 6 which is very good. I guess the lashes will get altered in later stages of the beta to fit to the deity. Citzal's Spirit Lance's AoE effect now works like Carnage did in PoE: it works with on-hit effects like Swift Flurry or Lightning Strikes and also generates focus. That is more powerful than in PoE1. The same is true for Minor Blights. They are awesome with Swift Flurry for example. The rest of the weapons have the same effects than in PoE1 I think. Combined with the lower base damage it means that Firebrand for example is not better than a usual great sword. It just does burn damage instead of pierce damage. The weapon that remains nearly the same is the Long Pain I guess. In PoE1 those weapons didn't scale with your char level (exception: Long Pain). In Deadfire they do. They don't scale with power level, but with char level. The worst thing is that the summoning process now takes a whopping 6 seconds and they can only be summoned in combat. This means you lose a LOT of combat time before you can actually join the fight, which is a shame. Other self buffs are usually instant or fast casts, but weapons take ages to summon. All in all summoned weapons feel nerfed. Mostly because of casting time. In the case of Firebrand obviously because it does nothing special except doing burn damage while it costs you one spell use and 6 seconds of casting time. Parasitic Staff "only" drains health but besides that is a normal quarterstaff. Its awesomeness in PoE1 stemmed from the fact that it came exceptional and with high base damage which was very powerful at lvl 1. Later on it wasn't that useful any more. Now it's okish at lvl1 if you want to cast around for 6 secs - and stays okish until the end because it scales. I liked the old approach better.
  18. Parasitic Staff and Firebrand don't generate more focus than normal weapons of the same quality because they have the same base damage as their mundane counterparts. That is different from PoE1 where they all had higher base damage. Priests' faith attuned weapons do generate more focus because the powerful lashes also contribute to focus gain. But you will have to summon the weapon which takes 6 seconds - in which you could have attacked with non-summoned ones. So it depends how long the fight lasts if this is beneficial or not. Citzal's Spirit Lance does generate a ton of focus because the AoE damage also contributes to focus gain and has a very weird AoE behaviour with Soul Annihilation as I already described above in an earlier post. I think it's bugged and I reported it in the bug section but got no reaction.
  19. A bashing shield doesn't give you the 50% recovery bonus that dual wielding will give you (at least that was still the situation when I played a shield rogue at PoE version 3.04). That's the main reason why bashing shields usually lower your dps compared to a normal shield (because bashing does way less damage than most weapons and you simply alternate between bash and weapon attack with speed gain. Bashing has low recovery so it speeds you up a bit compared to a single weapon, but the bashing damage usually is so low that it will ruin your overall dps). Exceptions a Full Attacks obviously (also, bash has quite high ACC and works well with applying blind/hobbled and so on. Bash gets +1 ACC per char level because it's considered to be an ability) and special bashing shields that apply some nice effect when they hit/crit, namely Badgradr's Barricade (Thrust of Tattered Veils on crit, works with Deathblows) and Dragon's Maw (which can't be soulboud by a rogue).
  20. Holy cow outta hell! Where did you get that awesomest Krampus sweater, Katrina? I desperately want one of those!
  21. Yeah... good old tradition of OBS to screw things up even more with a patch.
  22. Crit damage usually is +25% in Deadfire (not +50% like in PoE1). So, something's not right with Assassinate: either description or implementation. In the first iteration of the beta it didn't work at all with ranged weapons while it did with melee ones if I recall correctly. Maybe this fix now wasn't done properly. You'd also want to add Backstab when using an assassin and maybe some dev got confused with all those dmg mods out of stealth...
  23. The raw DoT doesn't stack?
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