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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. Nice. It's refreshing to do a lot of guesswork when trying to help somebody... No seriously now: could you elaborate a bit: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/72439-must-read-how-to-report-an-issue/
  2. Good ideas. I'm very interested in this class. Maybe I'll change my Druid/Wizard for the next game to Druid/Arcane Watcher and complement the build with scrolls. Twinned Shot should work with these spell shots, right? No. The imbues are active attack abilities like Wounding Shot or Twinned Shot. They cost Bond to use (and are not that cheap). Nick Carver (who designed all the new subclasses) already confirmed that the AoE-weapon supercheese with imbues will get fixed. However, the multiple triggering through Driving Flight (and other jumping effects like from special enchantments - see Watershaper's Focus) will stay. So with Driving Flight those might be quite nice. Two or more Death Rings for a few Bind points with very high "casting" speed and good recovery is nice.
  3. That's why I asked Josh for an option to turn them back on. Just for you.
  4. There is no DR as in PoE1. There is Penetration vs. Armor Rating. If your your PEN = AR you do full damage. If your PEN is one below AR you get a 25% dmg malus If your PEN is two below AR you get a 50% malus If your PEN is three below AR (or lower) your get a 75% malus. if your PEN is double the AR you get a 30% dmg bonus.
  5. Summons themselves do scale with char level and the summoning base duration gets boosted by Power Level. The wards do indeed need some scaling though.
  6. Yes. Did you try an Arcane Archer with an AoE weapon + Imbue: Death?
  7. I told you Pernicious Cloud will be great once the PEN is fixed. Has anybody tried Kalakoth's Minor Blights with an Arcane Archer? I mean I have, but I forgot to check if the ACC got influenced - was only interested in the AoE behaviour (which is similar to mortars and Blast).
  8. They can make it so that the spell triggers only on the initial target, not the AoE hits. Fair enough. Driving Flight could keep its spell triggering for all I care.
  9. It worked for MaxQuest. So it's not completely bricked. Did you use the console to get it?
  10. Those two things make you want to quit the game?
  11. I can't remember all the Rymrgand gear from BoW that does something when you are afflicted. Wouldn't this be perfect for a Forbidden Fist?
  12. Doesn't matter at all if you are either ranged (no engagement anyway) or if you don't want to bind enemies in melee like tanks want to. You can always attack enemies without engagement. You just won't be able to stop their movement and do disengagement attacks.Actually a lot of enemies don't have engagement (e.g. Tigers). And most classes also start off with no engagement.
  13. Hm... I added the abilities to Serafen with the console without altering his subclass and other abilities. Maybe that's why?
  14. Hello, in addition that the Imbue spells get triggered multiple times with AoE weapons like rods, mortars and Blights (see my other report) they also get triggered multiple times with Driving Flight. While this isn't game breaking in itself it really goes out of hand when you combine it with the AoE weapons. If you attack 4 dummies with a rod and have Driving Flight you might apply Imbue: Death Ring 8 times with one shot...
  15. Imbue: Missiles and so on of the Arcane Archer has some issues. Blunderbuss omits the additional pellets to prevent multi-triggering the spell - but hand mortars and rod's Blast trigger stuff like FVireball or Death Ring on everybody in the AoE (very OP). In addition Driving FLight also lets you trigger the spells twice. Combine Driving Flight with a hand mortar and use Imbue: Death or Imbue: Fireball and things totally explode.
  16. Hi, If you use those abilites with any AoE weapons like hand mortar, rod with Blast or Minor Blights the triggered spell will get applied to every AoE attack roll. So for example every enemy in range of the mortar's AoE will get hit by Minor Missiles if you use Imbue: Missiles. With Imbue:Deathl it's a real game breaker... Imbue: Eora creates multiple instances. And so on... May be not intended.
  17. Hi, it seems that if you use Imbue Fireball (or whatever version) with a Blunderbuss then the first hit with a pellet will trigger the spell (Fireball). No additional Fireballs from additional pellets will follow. That's good. Multiple triggerings with multi-projectile weapons would be cheesy. But the additional pellets get omitted completely. So you only deal the pierce damage of the first pellet and that's it. The rest gets canceled. Expected behavior: first pellet triggers the spell, rest of the pellets hit as usual.
  18. Hi! The Furyshaper's Ward of Fear only has a base accuracy value of 30. This doesn't get influenced by anything the barb does/has (Power Level, char level, whatever). You can buff its ACC with Devotions from a Priest and other direct ACC buffs, but NOT inspirations like from Blessing. Is this all intended? 30 is very low. Given that the duration of this particular ward is only 30 sec and it costs 2 Rage...
  19. ===================================================================== Furyshaper --------------------------------------------------------------------- Cons:-15 Will (generally, not conditional) -1 to all PL when ward destroyed (see below) you cannot have more than 1 ward active wards count as summons (meaning you can't have a summon active while yopu have a ward) --------------------------------------------------------------------- Pros:+10 ACC against all spirits wards' benefical effects also apply to the Furyshaper Gains Shape Ward: FrenzyPL: 1 Cost: 1 Rage Cast Time: 3 sec Recovery Time: 4 sec Range: 4 meters Duration: 60 sec Noise: quite Effects: Summons Frenzy Ward+10% Action Speed to all allies in range of the ward (stacks with Frenzy and other speed bonuses like Alacrity) 5 meters radius (I guesstimated) Defenses: -15 (all defenses - yes, they are negative) AR: 0 Health: 50 Description: Shape a ward on the battlefield that inspires rage in your allies, granting them action speed while the totem persists Testing: The wards look like the wards enemies can put up (which emit Curse of Death and so on). Gains Shape Ward: FearPL: 4 Cost: 2 Rage Cast Time: 3 sec Recovery Time: 4 sec Range: 4 meters Duration: 30 sec Noise: quite Effects: Summon Fear WardTerrify roll against Will to all enemies in range of the ward ACC: 30 (only! it doesn't seem to get affected by anything. However terrified enemies have lower will. You can also buff its ACC with direct ACC buffs like Devotions - NOT inspirations; I filed a bug report) 5 meters radius (I guesstimated) Defenses: -15 (all defenses - yes, they are negative) AR: 0 Health: 50 Description: Shape a ward on the battlefield that invokes horrific visages, terrifying nearby enemies while the totem persists. Gains Shape Ward: BloodPL: 8 (! single class only) Cost: 3 Rage Cast Time: 3 sec Recovery Time: 4 sec Range: 4 meters Duration: 60 sec Noise: quite Effects: Summon Blood WardAllies in range get +15% draining (=receive health) with all (!) damage they do 5 meters radius (I guesstimated) Defenses: -15 (all defenses - yes, they are negative) AR: 0 Health: 50 Description: Shape a ward on the battlefield that inspires bloodlust, granting allies health based on the damage they deal. ===================================================================== Ward of Frenzy and Ward of Blood are pretty nice. Ward of Fear would be great if it hadn't such a low ACC - but you can malke it work with Miasma, clubs with modal or something else that lowers will. Then it's very powerful.
  20. I think/hope the "Wards" he produces are more like the wards thar enemies have - those that emit sigil of Atrophy or Death and so on. Edit: downloading beta atm. Will report what exactly those wards are.
  21. When you wake up and stumble into a complete mess... Forbidden Fist. Well... I guess that's... ambiguous...? Crucible and Clarity for the win I guess.
  22. Don't know. Normal spells still work though (had a Warlock recently and stuff like Fireball staggers). So I guess this hasn't changed.
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