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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. They don't seem to scale with PL (at least not ACC or PEN - dmg is hard to check since PL adds base damage and you can only determine that with many dmg rolls if there's no tooltip like in this case). But I just saw a dmg roll of 6.1 for Missiles which usually only have 6 base damage. So maybe PL affects the dmg roll. The spells' ACC scales with Arcana and other ACC buffs of the ranger - which leads to very high numbers - for a spell I mean. Easy to land them. Especially in case of Imbue:Eora that's pretty neat. It's cool if you as a Ranger can cast this spell and the Wizard can do other stuff then. Also the attack speed and recovery are that of the weapon, not the spells - also good in most cases. The low (non-scaling) PEN is really really bad though.
  2. I didn't check. Maybe not. In the past several abilities did profit from stuff although they didn't have the proper keyword in the UI. It's easy to test though. Make a druid with the console and give him a spell that you think should work (e.g. Venombloom) and check the tooltip in the ability bar. It tells you the bonus from Power Levels. If this changes when you put on/off the Poison-Bonus item then it works.
  3. This was fixed. Alchemy is supposed to only affect potions, drugs and poisons, not abilites. Direct Poison Power Levels (e.g. from items like Spider Silk Robes) do affect spells that are tagged with "Poison". It's a change that was introduced pre 4.0 beta with a previous patch. So you will most likey not get an answer here.
  4. Quick update on the Arcane Archer: - AoE weapons like mortars and rods+Blast now only trigger one imbue effect per shot (AoE hits don't trigger imbues). - Driving Flight and all sorts of jumps will trigger an imbue spell with every jump (intended) - Watershaper's Focus is once again top notch because it can have 2 jumps with Driving Flight... - Multiprojectile weapons still not fixed (first hit will trigger imbue, consecutive projectiless get omitted). QA is looking into it. - AoE weapons don't work with the Driving Flight's multi-triggering I mentioned above! Seems the devs prevented multi-triggering of imbue spels on AoE-attacks from weapons completely. I guess that's not intended - I did report it. Mortars can't switch off their AoE so they can't trigger imbue spells multiple times with Driving Flight. Rods can if you switch off Blast. As soon as Blast is on Driving Flight will stop proccing additional spells.
  5. Hi Nick, the issue itself is fixed. Thanks. However, now there's another issue with these AoE weapons, have a look here: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/106917-40-beta-arcane-archers-imbue-whatever-with-driving-flight/?do=findComment&comment=2119801
  6. Hey Nick, I just tested the Arcane Archer with version beta and there's the following issue: While Driving Flight triggers the imbue spell a second time (as promised - thanks!) this only works for "normal" ranged weapons that target a single enemy. BUT: AoE weapons like mortars etc. will not profit from that. We talked about preventing multiple imbue triggers from AoE weapons and that was indeed fixed - but it seems the devs went a little bit too far and also prevented triggering imbues from Driving Flight with those weapons. I know, I know... sorry! Edit: rods do trigger imbue spells with Driving Flight once you turn Blast AoE off. Once you turn Blast on it's gone. Since you can't turn the AoE of mortars off, they don't work at all (in this regard).
  7. What's that with the double thread? https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/106998-been-out-of-the-loop-since-summer-anything-new/
  8. Yeah I reported that in beta (right when it came out, Furyshaper was the first thing I tested). I got a response that they'll look into it and now it seems with they fixed that issue. Like they did with Tactician's Interrupt-based refund of Discipline. The wards are damn squishy and the debuff from a destroyed Ward is hefty, but the effects are damn nice. Remember that it's still a full-fledged Barb! I didn't really play with this subclass (only tinkered around a bit), but I guess Furyshaper could become my new favorite Barb subclass.
  9. Just flag it. If it's not understandable why it doesn't trigger then it's bad enough to justify a report. Either the description is wrong or badly worded or the ability just doesn't work properly.
  10. So like a suppression basically? That would be nice. Since you can "play" a little bit more with Power Level than with char level - so you could achieve better values once you buff PL but won't fall beneath the level scaling. Cool! I actually have no problem with twofold scaling per se. I think it's pretty nice if a Monk/Priest of Woedica or sombody with Monastic UT can get a bit more out of these fists. Only atm the numbers are way off, especially for ACC and PEN. Double dmg bonus is not that OP because it's only additive. So maybe TSuff and MonUT could still give a bonus to Woedica's Fists, just not as big as it does to "normal" fists. Maybe that's possible to do without too much fuss?
  11. Thanks Andy - my favorite QA superhero from the OGU* )* Obsidian Gaming Universe
  12. engagement also gets canceled by several afflictions (on enemies or you). You can check if you engaged enemies: only then you will see those green "dotted arrow lines" that connect you with the enemy. So far Mob Stance worked very reliably for me.
  13. Since one of the protagonists of Forgotten Sanctum is Maura tentacles are a given.
  14. Hi! With Woedicans as NPCs we already noticed (and reported) months ago that their Spiritual Weapon "Fist" scales with character level (as all summoned weapons do) - but also that Monastic Unarmed Training or Transcendent Suffering get applied. This leads to a kind of double-scaling: one scaling with char level, the other one with Power Level (through MonUT/TSuff). I gave Xoti that spell an also Monastic UT, look what happens: It's very potent and a lot of fun of course. And it was ok until now because we couldn't pick that class anyway (without mods). But I guess it's not intended?
  15. Yes. 1 Spell use per spell tier per 6 seconds. While Fighters gain 1 Discipline... I already suggested to alter the effects of Brilliant based on the resource pool (regain spells less frequently, for example every 20s) but so far it's still this imbalanced mess.
  16. That was the case when they were NPCs only, yes. I haven't tested the new iteration yet. But if people say the summoned fists still profit from Transcendent Suffering...
  17. That's because you haven't leveled enough I think. The summoned fists scale with char level while at the same time Transcendent Suffering or Monastic Unarmed Training scales with Power Level. This gives the Woedica Fists + Transcendent Suffering basically double the ACC bonus and double the dmg bonus - which works extremely well with the raw lash. As comparison: normally the "base" of Transcendent Suffering, the monk's fists, don't scale at all during the game and still nobody ever comlained that monk's fists with Transcendent Sufferung were weak...
  18. Shattered Pillars can still generate wounds with the AoE damage of Spirit Lance as long as they only use auto-attacks and no attack abilities with it.
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