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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. I guess so you can't trigger active (per-rest) abilities from items with them and to reduce micromanagement.
  2. What game version? On 4.0.1 I have the impression that Knockback in general is not working (Clear Out, Driving Roar, Force of Anguish etc. all knock down but not back).
  3. It has very high base damage, targets Will instead of Deflection and weakens on hit. It would be too powerful if it would last as long as other summoned weapons. But a bit longer than 1 hit would be nice, I agree.
  4. Since mortars' AoE still works I guess that Kalakoth's Minor Blights also still work. The advantage is that it's one-handed and thus can either provide you with more ACC for your attacks or more speed (with an offhand weapon).
  5. Troubadour is considered to be the best subclass and I agree. If no guns or crossbows then only bows or implements are left. Those have no special synergy with Chanters. Would a reach weapon be a possibility? Because Pike + modal + Skald works ok as well. Eld Nary's Curse scales extremely well with Power Level (gets additional jumps). With the Singing Scimitar can turn Empower into 1/encounter. Empower adds a lot of Power Levels. If you like that then I guess Bellower would be a nice subclass as well.
  6. You go here: https://forums.obsidian.net/forum/130-pillars-of-eternity-ii-deadfire-technical-support-spoiler-warning/ And write a thread like "[bUG 4.0.1] Citzal's Spirit Lance (and Whispers otEP) suddenly don't apply afflictions in an AoE anymore" or so...
  7. Sure Handed Ila used to be verygood with guns because those got the bonus (20%) twice for some reason. Maybe that's still the case? Besides that: go for Eld Nary's curse and stack Power Levels. You can still use the Singing Scimitar in a seperate slot and switch to it when you want to empower your Eld Nary 1/encounter.
  8. I tried it just now and you are right: e.g. Toxic Strike only gets applied to the main target (game version 4.0.1). Also Stunning Surge only hits the initial target. This seems to be a bug because the AoE damage gets omitted completely when using an ability with the lance. Meanwhile, Hand Mortars still apply all stuff in an AoE... Could you file a bug report? Maybe it's fixed in the beta already. There was a problem with Citzal's and Whispers otEP in this patch (also doesn't proc in AoE) and maybe that's related.
  9. The expected (and current) behaviour is that it gets removed after a successful hit. What's not expected is that it still doesn't work with Spirit of Decay.
  10. OR - you die, but do a 360°-Thaos and remember your past life. There, I did it. You can thank my later... "I'll take rebirth for 2000!"
  11. Or (since we are speaking about PL9) you take 5 Berserkers, take Blood Storm, Bloodlust, Driving Roar and Blood Surge, go frenzy and cast Driving Roar for one flipping Rage on everything that comes along your way. Nobody moves, everybody gets hurt. Or you take 5 Druids and cast 5 Great Maelstroms. Or you take 5 Chanters and cast 5 Eld Nary's Curses. Wait - doesn't count. It's PL8 only. :oops: Or you take 5 Paladins with Divine Immolation who dance ring-around-a-rosy... Or... wait for it... that's totally revolutionary for a party-based RPG: you mix it all up! I guess the lesson is that PL9 stuff isn't too bad generally...
  12. That, too. But with Deadfire I don't think I can ever accumulate that many hours. Work just takes up too much time dangit!
  13. I hold a science degree in being awesome - but nobody cares because my arguments are usually shyte.
  14. Can't remember. I just found it was one of the most nonsensical but at the same time funnily bizarre sentences I ever read.
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