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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. Xoti's Lashing Vines have an ACC of 34 (Xoti is lvl 20). All summons seems to suffer from this. That's not so great...
  2. Yes, every corpse in range will emit healing. No corpse = no healing. It's very strong if you are at the end of a long fight with lots of corpses lying around. Like in SSS. Pollen Patch works like a charm. I never had any problems with it. Among the most powerful healing spells there is in my opinion.
  3. Don't know. Both Troubadour and Skald generate phrases pretty quickly - if you build Skald right (by the way playing an awesome Konstanten as Barb/Skald atm in SSS - Brute Force + Morning Star + weakening chant + Spirit Frenzy just rules when it comes to generating crits. Enemies fort is always down in the 50s even if they start high). Beckoner has slower phrase generation and his summons cost more - but seriously: double summon count is so good. My concern atm is that all my summons don't scale properly and are unusable. Maybe that's the real problem that was occurring here.
  4. Works. With FoD, Instrument of Boundless Rage and other non-caster abilities that are keyword with fire/burn. Also Scion of Flame and Ring of Focused Flames. If you want to make a paladin build around FoD you should consider those two things as well. Another weapon you might want to pick up is Sun & Moon (+2 additional PL for fire abilities). Makes +4 in total.
  5. Both doesn't work (at least last time I tried... in beta - those guys are so late ) because the AoE attacks of both seem to be attached in a way that they don't work with other AoE attacks. Also not with HoF,Whirling Strikes (Ranger), Whispers of the Wind (Monk) and whatnot. Not even with Instruments of Pain. It's always the initial attack only, AoE gets omitted. Or got. It works with Citzal's Spirit Lance though. Clear Out + Spirit Lance is the Battlemage's no.1 melee nuke.
  6. Mmm, do they stack ? If they do, it's indeed good for barbaric retaliation. If they don't, it's not good for this build but it's very good in general. It makes half-sword basically free for frenzied barbarian (except bersekers who don't care). Half-Swording most likely doesn't stack with Frenzy. I remember people complaining about PEN from modal not stacking with PEN from Tenacious, that is granted by Frenzy if you're Berserker. Just to be sure: We are talking about the deflection malus, not the PEN.
  7. Good call, I'll switch out my lifegiver for a Lifegiver/Priest Just a suggestion. And sorry for the multiple "then/them" typos. My phone hates me...
  8. I read your post multiple times before I posted my reply. Your statement doesn't make sense. Also not with your reinterpretation: why would I want to cast Reaping Knives (3 secs, 30 sec duration) on one Monk and Driving Echoes (4.5 sec, 24 sec duration) on the other if my goal was to use the Monks to generate focus for me? I could cast Reaping Knives on both and get my focus for my next Ascension even faster - and skip Driving Echoes altogether? By the way: does anybody know if Draining Whip on the Cipher influences the focus generation of Reaping Knives (which are carried by allies)?
  9. Sword modal is great for a single class Barbarian who wants to rely on Barbaric Retaliation. Frenzy: -10 Deflection Half-Sword: -15 Deflection Flanked: -10 Deflection Crits here into my face please!
  10. No. Read this: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/99409-mechanics-power-level-compilation-thread/page-1 And you'll need no training area. If you want to find stuff out by yourself then simply go into any area you like and use the build-in console to give yourself levels, abilities subclasses, items etc. and spawn enemies.
  11. Yeah, Reaping Knives work "especially well" with Driving Echoes (+8 PEN) - because they deal raw damage. @Razorchain: yes. If your Berserker is immune or only resistant to RES afflictions ("Mind" includes all RES, INT and PER afflictions) then he won't be confused anymore. By the way: with your party setup (two chars who can profit from being bloodied) you maybe should've brought a priest for Barring Death's Door + Salvation of Time to keep then bloodied/near death and only heal then once BDD is about to in out. Lifegiver/Priest of Eothas (or whatever Priest) would have worked. Just saying...
  12. Hm, besides his special summons mechanic he's not different from a vanilla chanter, is he? So what excatly is meh about him?
  13. Yes, that's why I said you should pick it. It also has a boreal dwarven lore. It's a good weapon dps-wise, too.
  14. It's not. It's just more niche. If you can't find that then better take Troubadour.
  15. Oops - I totally forgot to add the last two builds when I came home from vacation. Wait a sec... Edit: done
  16. Hm. It starts at 5% on my Xoti and is now at 10% with Relegion at 20. I just guess it doesn't scale very steeply?
  17. Yes, I agree. That would be nice. Unfortunately PoE and Deadfire don't have the best reputation when it comes to explaining their own mechanics. Also see stacking rules, dmg calculation, double inversion mechanics etc.
  18. No, it's intended. What makes you think that an enchantment on a weapon that's called "Feather Light" will improve your action speed with anything else than the feather light weapon? Let's say you have no weapon at all and cast a spell. Now you take up a sword and suddenly you can cast your spells faster. Even if it's feather light that doesn't make an awful lot of sense. I PoE there was a rapier called Spelltongue that had an enchantment called "Time Siphon". That gave you a general speed buff - but you had to hit enemies with it first to "siphon the time". Generally speaking: weapon speed enchantments are only for that weapon.
  19. 1.5% was the number for PoE and Deadfire if I remember an interview/talk with BAdler correctly. Unity can compile to Linux and yet there was a lot of work to do to get PoE right for Linux. For example Obsidian integrated a third-party Unity plugin for capes - and realized at some point that this plugin doesn't work with Linux at all. You'll encounter lots of those problems. It's never smooth. Legend of Grimrock 1 came to Linux natively (own engine) but for Grimrock 2 the devs decided it was just too much hassle (looking at the outcome) and went Windows only. I would like more native Linux games. But I understand that it can be too much for a developer. That's why I have high hopes for Proton (since I'm using Steam anyway). It could lead to a point where more gamers tried Linux (since it's free and Windows is not).
  20. I can confirm this for version 4.0.1 with Citzal's Spirit Lance and Whispers of the Endless Paths: no afflictons get transported via AoE like it used to. Hand mortars' and Blast's AoE etc. still work.
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