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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. Who does? Most likely 85% of the people on Twitter who voted didn't even play Deadfire... Remember the poll about the Black Isle Bastards' unique weapon...
  2. Do you want to keep your achievements for this playthrough? If not you can open the build-in console (have a look at the game menu: which key is bound to opening the console?) and type: iroll20s Enter Console will close - your achievements get disabled for that playthrough. Reopen console RemoveAbility Player_<name> <name_of_the_ability>Reopen console Addability Player_<name> <name_of_the_ability> Upper/lower case doesn't matter. If you don't know the names - no worry! For example if you want to remove or add Mule Kick, just type "Mu" and hit the tab key. The console will guess what you wanted. If you hit tab multiple times it will cycle through all abilities that start with the letters you typed. If you want to keep achievements you have to install the mod called "Unity Console". There you can do the same without touching your achievements.
  3. Brisk Recitation as also no influence on the chants that do a hit roll to apply a 10-sec effect (Dragon Trashed, Soft Winds, Weakening Chant, Concentration Removal Chant and so on). They only keep coming faster (easier to stack).
  4. Citzal's Martial Power will suppress Dance of Death I think. But you could use Eldritch Aim to raise your ACC by another 5 (if you haven't a PER inspiration already). As far as I know the only weapons are Dragon's Dowry, Kalakoth's Minor Blights (burn version) and Firebrand.
  5. Yes, Brute is also nice. Clear Out and Mule Kick target Fortitude as well - so it's even a good "self-contained" build in itself before getting to Brute Force. I personally like a lot of those spells that target Fortitude. That's why Body Blows is so valuable for me.
  6. Eh - Blood Thirst, not Storm, sorry. You are right. Dazed will get overriden by Staggered once you cast Spirit Frenzy. But since you are jumping into the crowd you want them first to be Dazed and get -4 PEN. Because there will be some recovery until you can cast Spirit Tornado which will Stagger them. Taht dazing It's not a big deal - but Leaping comes with it. You could also pick Blood Storm instead of Spirit Tornado - but since you are not heavily armored the Terrify is really helpful for not getting attacked so much while you prepare your HoF circle which will apply Body Blows. I hastily wrote down the stuff and made some mistakes. +45 Fort ist when you also have somebody weakening your enemies (I used a Chanter with the Weakening Chant at the same time and forgot that he was doing additional -10 on top the barb's -35). It's only -10 Will + Willbreaker. I guess I had my Wizard cast Confuse and the occasional Miasma. All in all Fort and Will defenses where constantly superlow just from Barb + Wizard. I edited the original post so that it's clearer and correct. Thanks for reading it thoroughly. Since Konstanten has such low INT this is not the best build though. You want max INT for this to hit more enemies and for Body Blows to last long.
  7. Skill or ability? Skills is stuff like Mechanics, Athletics and so on.
  8. You can also use Saru-Sichr as alternative with the Paralyze-upgrade enchantment. On paper it looks bad, but all the "poison dipped" DoTs stack in parallel. So with HoF and some attacks here and there you will see some paralyzes.
  9. Yes, especially for a ranged barb it's pretty great. *points at da Pulverizer* By the way: Instrument of Boundless Rage is also very good. It's just a tad too expensive. THe great thing about Blood Surge + Driving Roar is that is does insane damage and hits a lot of people even if you have low INT (hello Berserker). And the chances to not run out of rage via Blood Surge are a lot higher if you can kill stuff for 1 rage and not for 3. It's just a bit sad that a ranged barb is no fun at all unless you reach the highest levels. I tried it, it's meh. Luckily there is retraining so you can switch from your usual barb to Pulverizer just by investing some money. If you meet crush immune foes you are a bit screwed by the way. Better carry some decent ranged weapon with recovery (War Bow or Hunting Bow) or a pike or so.
  10. Yes, the guys that dig into the code and explain all the math or do a lot of testing around numbers are very helpful. I can't force myself to uncompile the code and search through it. I do programming all day long and am happy if I don't have to look through code in my freetime. Not that I don't like my job - it's awesome - but enough is enough. That's also the reason I don't mod despite being a Software Engineer. I just have fun testing out combos I think may be cool. Of course knowing the inner workings helps a lot. That way I can find stuff that you can't find by looking at the code. For example that you can use Clear Out or Whirling Strikes with a ranged weapon (mortars! ) if you only put a melee weapon into your offhand. Try Clear the Path with Fire in the Hole + Scordeo's Edge with Blade Cascade... Enjoy!
  11. I always undress them competely once I swap them out. The build with Driving Roar needs no INT. So it's good for Konstanten. The retaliation one also works with lowish INT. For both you need to be lvl 19. Else you can't have Driving Roar or Bariaric Retaliation. The debuffing one works well as soon as you get to PL 8. What is that? Lvl 16?
  12. Yes, it's not that easy. Shadow Form is only 1/encounter. Even with a lot of Salvations it doesn't last very long. And as soon as you don't kill it's gone. Better to use Shadow Form & Shadowing Beyond: Go in with stealth, shoot, use Shadowing, shoot (repeat until kill), Shadow Form triggers, leave combat and reset. THis way you can kill one foe by one. Powerful but takes some time. Or you wait until Vanishing Strikes: its invisibility doesn't break at all.
  13. I think you confused that with the DLC "The Forbidden Rectum".
  14. Did you kill on that crit? Or do you get a wound refund on every crit? Because Sisters of the Reaping Moon gains wounds on kill.
  15. They can make invocations stronger through Zealous Focus. Eternal Devotion puts a lash on your own Invocations (if you're a Herald).
  16. Did you try to increase its duration with Wall of Draining or Salvation of Time and then check if the PL boost stacks with the of a following invocation? Because if that works... please hush!
  17. Looks more and more like a bug. It's bad though because I wanted to start a new playthrough with a rogue (this time) with mortars (again of course) but I don't want to unless I have clarification if my plans will work out (after a bugfix) or not (because it's a legit nerf).
  18. Yes, it stacks with everything since it's a passive. Like Adaptive, too since it's from a weapon. Both stack with Dance of Death. So with 10 wounds and maxed Dance of Death you already get +22 ACC + Adaptive on top.
  19. No, some stuff like Flames of Devotion or FInishing Blow work as before. Stunning Surge is not supposed togive you wounds. But it may be that you have Dance of Death active and are Nalpasca? Else it's a bug. The refund also happens on a crit from a bounce. Fire in the Hole has a bouncing ecnchantment - maybe that's it?
  20. Try Goldpact Knight/Trickster or Steel Garrote/Trickster with Battle Axe (+ Bleeding Cuts modal switched on) in the main hand (goal is to get Magran's Favor) and Sun and Moon in the offhand. Use as many Full Attacks as you can. Because the looong recovery of Bleeding Cuts does not matter once you use Full Attacks. Sun and Moon is a fast weapon and thus has faster recovery - and it's the offhand recovery that counts when doing Full Attacks (like Crippling Strike, Flames of Devotions and so on). Wear the Ring of Focused Flames. With Eternal Flames (Flames of Devotion Upgrade) your Trickster will get +4 Power Level from Sun and Moon + Magran's Favor and +10 ACC because of the Ring and your following Rogue Strikes (Crippling Strike for example) will get an additional burning lash. This is plenty dmg. At the same time you are quite tanky because of the Trickster's spells and either the Goldpact's +AR or the Steel Garrote's draining which will heal you. With Persistent Distraction you will always cause Distracted which means a Stell Garrote with Persistant Distraction always drains life from its targets. Steel Garrote's draining stacks with Old Siec (chanter phrase) and also Furyshaper's Blood Ward by the way. You can also use dual mortars with the sme setup. Instead of Persistent Distraction you have to enchant the Hand Mortar with Blinding Smoke. Powder Burns modal from mortars will also profit from the Ring and FoD as well. Now you are doing AoE damage instead of single target dmg. Wear the Defiant Apparel to be immune toi Powerder Burn's Distraction. Or you do both and switch to axe+flail against single targets and to mortars in order to deal AoE dmg. Watch out with Tricksters Repulsive Visage: terrified enemies can't be engaged so you'll lose Persistent Distraction. So use it wisely - e.g. if the target is already afflicted by other stuff or you get really pummeled. When using mortars this isn't a problem since you can't engage anyway.
  21. Lvl 20? Variant 1: The Pulverizer Put on the Tricorn. Pick Blood Storm, Bloodlust, Blood Thirst, Blood Surge and Driving Roar. Try to target groups of foes. Once fight starts just roar enemies to pieces. Bonus points if they stand near a wall. It's foe-only and doesn't care for INT (Konstanten has only 10). Proof: We those dmg numbers? Yeah... that's a totally unoptimized Serafen doing it. Konstanten would do equally well. Variant 2: Knocks Fort Willbreaker, Body Blows, Ring of Ov + Ring of Ov., +INT gear, Aloth's armor, Spirit Tornado, Bloodlust, Blood Storm Thirst, Blood Surge, Heart of Fury, Panther's Leap. Leap into crowd, do Spirit Tornado, do HoF with Body Blows, leave for your nuker to target crowd with whatever fort spell suits you. Enemies will be Dazed, Terrified, then Staggered and under the effect of Body Blows which results in -45 -35 Fortitude and -20 -10 Will (and more because Willbreaker does lower Will as well per hit). Very good at debuffing while dealing damage. You can also use Blood Storm and Barbaric Shout instead of Spirit Tornado. But the latter is safer. Variant 3: Heart of Lightning Dual mortars and same procedure as Knocks Fort. But Blood Storm. Put on Heaven's Cacophony, cast Avenging Storm. Cast Blood Storm. Jump in and do HoF with Mortars (Powder Burns). Bonus points if somebody did cast Combusting Wounds first. Variant 4: Bloody Backlash Patinated Plate (Juggernaut), Thick Skinned, Blunting Belt, Blood Storm, Blood Thirst, HoF, Bloodlust,Blood Surge, Barbaric Retaliation, Panther's Leap. Dual Battle Axes (Oathbreakers also works) or Willbreaker or Saru-Sichr, Sanguine Sword. Cast Blood Storm, jump in and let them hit you while you hit them. Dual Battle Axes are best. Recovery will not matter with retaliation. Will not matter with HoF. If somebody dies: Blood Thirst. And so on. Whirlwind of Bleeding Cuts. Nice Variant: Grave Calling + Scordeo's Edge with Blade Cascade. The Pulverizer works like a super easy AI bot, too. Needs no special gear. Not much works with Driving Roar. But the hat is nice since it gives +5 ACC.
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