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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. Wow, you were fast. The right ones look a bit blurry, but only at the top. That might be caused by the slight "embossed" effect that adds a highlight to the top edges and darkens the bottom edges. The ones you did a few weeks ago for the "alpha" version didn't have that. Therefore they look sharper - like the original ones. Here's the atlas file from the mod: I think I prefer them without that effect.
  2. Deltro's Cage is the armor, Deltro's Cage Helm is the... helm. Would have been nicer if the helm had it's own name, like Deltro's Stockpot or so. Unfortunately the Druid has no ability which can be used to inflict shock damage to themselves except Greater Maelstrom - at least I think so. I mean besides scrolls or Rakhan Field Boots + Essence Interrupter.
  3. Hm, weird. Maybe it's a Turn Based thing? Maybe you could have hit more enemies if you had attacked the most right enemy (clicked on him)? Because afaik the weapon spins clockwise. Maybe after your ally the game decided that there's no adjacent enemy and canceled? Shouldn't be like this but who knows?
  4. Yes. It works with Returning, Relentless and Avenging Storm as Well as Greater Maelstrom (and others). If you also put on Deltro's Cage you'll get +5 PL for all those spells. Which is +25% base damage (and more PEN and duration and ACC).
  5. Unfortunately it's just a bit of a ****ty combo. The abilites with which you could cheese a bit (e.g. Whirling Strikes) are PL 8 or 9 non-priest. Rogue sounds like the best bet. I wonder why they didn't keep the arquebus as signature weapon of Priests of Magran - as in PoE.
  6. Lightning Strikes I presume? It's either Lightning Strikes or Swift Flurry. SoT-cheese with Brilliant aside: There are other options that do a lot more dps - especially on mobs (not necessarily on single targets) but they trivialize the game so much that it's no fun. E.g. Berserker/Beckoner with Ancient Brittle Bones and Chilling Grave from Grave Calling. Usually instadeath when you proc 18 parallel Chillfogs at once that all profit from the weapon quality enchantments (meaning +dmg and +PEN etc.). Monk with Whispers of the Wind and a scroll of Avenging Storm, combined with Hand Mortar (Blinding Smoke) and Fire in the Hole (additional jump), Stalking Cloak, Resonant Touch... also usually instadeath if enough enemies stand side by side. Single Class Streetfighter with Vanishing Strikes, Stalking Cloak, Gambit and dual Mortars + Blinding Smoke/jump and scroll of Avenging Storm + Backstab + Powder Burns: same. Usually the encounter is over then and you don't need Brilliant not SoT. Unfortunately Megabosses force you to pick a class with replenishable resources. I honestly think that's unfortunate design. I also think that Brilliant is way too strong. So instead of removing the possibility to get it to almost zero it would have been better to just nerf Brilliant itself. Acute gives +5 INT and +1 PL. Why Brilliant not simply gives you +3 PL or something is beyond me. Why this game breaking resource generation? And why aren't there more abilities for rogues, fighters etc. that let them regain resources more reliably? Those 25% on kill and whatever is just... bäh.
  7. Yes, it is OP. Backstab by the way only does +100% base damage (roll). At best that's +25 or something. It gets weaker the higher you level because it doesn't scale at all while ResTouch seems to scale with PL. I mean it's an active ability so why not - bit Sneak Attack does scale - why not Backstab? Anyways - none of these issues will get fixed now, so yeah... mods.
  8. One is about finding stars and the other one about jamming...?
  9. Nice analysis. But where is the problem? That they stack? Don't think so - they should. That they get all triggered by one use of Resonant Touch? Well that spares you some wounds and recovery time - but I don't think it's a big issue balance-wise. 2 wounds is not that expensive and if every monk had to trigger his own stack of RTs it would only cost +2 wounds per monk - while the enemy will be dead anyway from all those stacks. Or do I miss something? The main balance problem is that Resonant Touch has no stack limit (no matter if one or multiple monks). That's why the upcoming "community patch" addresses this issue and puts a cap of (I think 25) on Resonant Touch. This is just too powerful against high health enemies like Megabosses or Dragons - who usually trigger certain events once they lost a certain amount of health. Those get omitted if you can simply stack 500 RTs and then trigger them all at once...
  10. Ouch. Maybe this is indeed turn based related. This doesn't happen in RTwP. There it is only a UI messup.
  11. Gambit does generate Guile internally (with mortars you'll get an insane amount of dmg bonus based on your temporary Guile gain) - but it gets cut back (capped) after execution.
  12. Does anybody know if those "special" companion subclasses like Wild Mind, Gunhawk etc. have any additional passives? Like e.g. the Tactician or Psion have (in addition to the "subclass-passive")? Edit: checked myself ingame: doesn't seem so. Phew...
  13. Hi, in case you wanted to write a PM to our community manager @Aarik D: give your keyboard some rest, today was his last day at Obsidian Entertainment. Which is sad. I mean for us. I'll miss his jollity... See you buddy, may your plans all come toghether - even better than those of Hannibal Smith (if that's even possible)! All the best and I drück you the Daumens!
  14. Something different: while the scaling of Arcane Archer's imbue spells with Arcana is a nice fix (thanks for that implementation), it has one issue: the initial shot (the arrow/bullet etc.) will also profit from it, and that already scales with weapon quality and Power Level and can get buffed by modal. Which leads to rather absurd PEN with the shot roll itself. Is there an easy way to apply the PEN scaling with Arcana to the imbue spell only and not the shot? Or is this already "fixed"?
  15. No, it's a "non-affliction" terrify that doesn't follow the usual rules. It's just her behavior - like most NPCs in cities etc have when a fight starts. At the same time she wants to follow you. Using withdraw seems to be the only reliable way to deal with her nonsensical behavior. That's why priest is so popular atm with The Ultimate.
  16. Like in PoE where you would get hit even if you were 10 meters away by the time the enemy finished his attack? That was pretty horrible. Triggering engagement as soon as you execute an attack sounds like a good idea. But does your character have an engagement slot in the first place? Because in Deadfire you don't start with them automatically (at least Rogue's don't). Alternatives could be: a) use a distraction like Sparkcrackers which lets enemy investigate - they stand still then for a while b) pick a ranged or reach weapon like Cromoprismatic Quarterstaff. c) watch their walking routine and only strike when they pause long enough.
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