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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. It depends on the dialogue with Eothas etc. you do before getting those skills upgraded. I don't remember the exact options you have tp pick, but it is reproducable.
  2. Ahhhh! Yes. I knew I overlooked something. All my party had eaten fresh fruit. Thanks. So scrap the 25% bonus from the calculation please. Interesing though that the +25% modifier from "Healing received" is multiplicative. I didn't know that - and it's good to know.
  3. For White Flames a bashing shield makes sense. Magran's Blessing can be looted without any mechanics skill in Sacred Stairs. Other sources of Power Level also work: Acute (from Fighter's Tactical Barrage or Priest's Litany), Wellspring of Life (Nature Godlike), Power Surge from Stone of Power (if you have two you can use Power Surge 1/encounter - because if you stack them in the stash they will reset their 1/rest use from 0 to 1) and of course consumables (which I tend to ignore most of the time). And because White Flames scales with the Power Bonus that Flames of Devotions has you can use all kinds of Power Level boosts for fire: Magran's Blessing (+2), Sun and Moon (+2 on daytime), Otto Starcat (or the other pet: +1). So you could raise your White Flames' PL by +5 with fire-PL gear alone. That's 4.375 more base healing alone (if I used my calculator correctly). So maybe Magran's Blessing + Magran's Favor would be a cool combo. Sounds like a Kind Wayfarer with a knack for Magran.
  4. It's hard to predict. You'd have to test. Some weapon buffs only work on the specific weapon (then it's easy to tell what will happen), but others work universally. For example I couldn't predict if 2 Griffin's Blades would give you 2*10% spell damage or if one would get suppressed. Same with Scordeo's Edge and his Adaptive enchantment: would there be two separate stacks of it or will there be one single stack or ACC bonus? Usually weapons' bonuses do stack. But with Deadfire and stacking you can never be 100% sure.
  5. Its base healing of 14 does scale with Power Level. Every PL adds 5% base healing. It also scales with Might (as usual 3% per pount above 10), but additively. Other stuff that boosts it aditively: Practised Healer (10%), Physiker's Belt (10%), Footprints of Ahu Taka(10% ), Bone Setter's Torc (10%), Prissy Pet (+15%), another fiting pet on Edér (5%). When you are dual wielding it fires twice (base of 28 then basically). You have at least graze the enemy though or it will not trigger. Let's say you have 15 MIG (+15%), have 10 PL and the above bonuses then it can do 14base*1.5PowerLevel*(1self+0.15Might+0.1PracticedHealer+0.1PhysikersBelt+0.1AhuTaka+0.1BoneSetters+0.15Prissy+0.05otherPet) = 36.75 * 2 (Full Attack) = ~74 in a fairly big AoE. In therory... Edit: the following I typed because I overlooked that my party was under the effect of fresh fruit (+25% healing received):
  6. Yes. Ships will respawn infinitely. But only the first generation will have unique captains. The following ones will have a generic name. For example if you sink Chornu and his Early Muster he will be replaced by an "Unexperienced Rauatai Captain" or something along those lines. Some captains are so unique that they will not respawn a ship in their place (for example Fyrgist of the Black Isle Bastards or Myrlesfen the Truly Insane on his Ironclad). Mostly it's the four factions' ships that respawn: VTC, RTC, Huana and Principi. Here are the patch notes (4.0 - first point).
  7. You always hit disengaging enemies immediately. Don't know why they wrote that. Guardian Stance indeed "only" adds the prone effect. You don't need it if you mainly trigger disengagemet attacks by terrifying enemies - but if you don't and want to keep enemies engaged and NOT run to your buddies and if your disengagement attacks are weak otherwise (e.g. when using a light main weapon) then it can be pretty handy.
  8. Hi, is this new? I currently have a Berserker/Helwalker in my party, wieldig Saru Sichr. Whenever I use Force of Anguish the target will get hit twice: first by FoA itself and then by Carnage. Which is a significant single target dmg increase. I guess by pushing the target backwards it gets into the AoE of Carnage right in time. I never noticed this - although I played Ravagers before. It's so nice that I find myself using FoA a lot more than I initially planned (wanted to use Stunning Surge a lot)... I already tested with Clear Out + Carnage (because that's also a push effect): nope. Here the initial target gets hit twice as well - but it's 2*Clear Out (known behavior), no additional Carnage hit on the initial target. Anyway - I thought maybe you guys find this interesting.
      • 2
      • Thanks
  9. Turn Based mode was introduced on January 24th as beta and on May 8th as final version. Several "problems" you might encounter while posting are related to the fact that you are a new poster. To prevent bot-spam the first posts (forgot the number) of a new member need to get approved by a moderator. You also can't post too many in a given time (flood control). Once you have a few posts under your belt most of those restrictions will dissipate. Just keep posting. There will always be some sort of flood control though - I sometimes encounter it when I try to post two very short messages in very quick succession. Happens very seldomly though.
  10. You are right, it doesn't get listed. I just made a quick console-test for you with Tanglefoot (Druid lvl 1 spell which has a pulsing Hobble effect) and I can report that despite the absence of "Shatteres Chains" on the list of active effects you will be resistant to Dexterity afflictions. As soon as the Hobble affliction hits it will get removed. You can also see when that happens: above the head of your char a message will pop up like so: Hobbled). Tl;dr: it works!
  11. If you export any item that has charges and/or per-rest uses (Ring of Reset, figurines, trinkets etc.) and then have two identical of them - they will stack in the stash. You can use up the charges of one and then stack them back together. When you seperate them they will both have max charges and their per-rest uses back again. Enjoy your Fancy-Figurine-Summoner or your Ring-of-Reset-Martyr-Barbarian.
  12. You can always change the portrait of the character. Character sheet --> icon/button under your portrait. If you copy fitting portrait pictures into the portraits folder they will be vailable there as well.
  13. Blood Frenzy's DoT is not stackable (except duration) and "only" does 4 base raw damage per 3 secs. So it's not breathtakingly good - also because you need crits - and once you can produce crits a lot you're usually winning already (without further low-dmg and & short-lived DoT). So generally I consider Spirit Frenzy to be better because the Stagger helps a lot to land several good other spells that target fortitude. Especially when used with sickening/weakening spells. It becomes interesting with Blood Storm though because at some point (with the right spells) you start to kill frequently and quickly (Blood Thirst) and that frees up some points of Rage that would otherwise need to be spend for Spirit Tornado. But then on the other hand Spirit Tornado is very good, too (if you are in melee range often).
  14. Blood Frenzy/Storm: yes, it works with spells. The DoT will get applied on crit. For example if you cast a beam like Ray of Fire on a target you will have a high chance of triggering it (since beams do hit rolls every 1 sec). All pulsing spells are great for this (Chillfog, Slicken, beams, Malignant Cloud, Freezing Pillar, etc.). Even ones that don't normally deal damage like Slicken dan be tuened into a DoT spell that way. Death by DoT triggers Blood Thirst. However, Blood Frenzy does not work with Carnage because Carnage can't crit. Spirit Frenzy/Tornado also works with spells: they will stagger on hit (Carnage as well). This can help to land spells against Fortitude. For example if you use a spell like Repulsive Visage or Enervating Terror (vs. Will defense) while under Spirit Frenzy you will cause Terrify (-10 Will), Weaken or Sicken (-10 Fortitude) and Stagger (-10 Fortitude) - which is great in order to crack some tough nuts like Trolls who die from Combusting Wounds very quickly - if you can only hit them (they have enormous Fortutide usually but very low Will). Lion's Sprint did actually work like this: activate it, cast a spell and the first hit roll after activating Lion's Sprint got +15 ACC. It was superhandy in order to land the important CC spells. But they somwhow broke it with a patch. It's not better or worse per se now, maybe more exploitable. Now it does NOT work for all direct, immediate spells like Fireball, Dazzling Lights, Combusting Wounds and so on BUT it works with all pulsing spells like Chillfog, Slicken, all beams, Freezing Pillar and so on. And not only for the next attack but as long as Lion's Sprint is active! That means all Chillfog or Slicken Pulses will gain +15 ACC (as long as Lion's Sprint is active). Also beams will hit better when they are active - it will also help to land the initial beam cast. You can see how this beautifully synergizes with Blood Frenzy/Storm. It's a lot easier to crit if you get +15 ACC for all your pulsing spells that also deal raw DoT on crit. PS: if somebody wonders when I tested this: 5 minutes ago while writing the post. I was wondering if anything has changed since I played my last Warlock. Apparently a lot changed... Barbarian with +15 ACC and raw DoT pulsing spells also works well with Druid (several pulses), Priest (some pulses) and Cipher (beams mostly).
  15. It would be a nice build for the Ultimate - if one could somehow cut Hylea's Challenge out of it. And Abydon's, too...
  16. I didn't test if those Fireballs from the necklace also can trigger Evoker's "double cast". But of course that's 8 additional Fireballs which is a lot. Warlock can be big fun. I personally wouldn't pick Evoker because the loss of Transmutation ans Conjuration is too much of a sacrifice for me. But of course the potential double cast should work well with Blood Thirst. Small tipp: if you wear Rekvu's Fractured Casque (for example to be able to use the Grimoire of Vaporous Wizardry - or just because you hate getting interrupted) you can cast Slicken onto yourself (e.g. while surrounded by enemies). Last time I did this it turned out that I was also immune to Slicken's effects. That's pretty handy.
  17. Ha - clever! Very safe and laid-back solo approach. One thing though: the combo of Smoke Veil + Brilliant Tactician doesn't do anything for you if you end the fight with Smoke Veil, correct? In that case your resource pools should get a reset.
  18. Don't forget that Evokers get increased Power Levels (+2) for evocation spells. For stuff like missiles that's pretty good. I a whole party I rarely have to use Blood Sacrifice (after gettig some more spell tiers). I seldomly use all my spells up - especially with the Fractured Casque + Vaporous Wizardry combo which would give me 3 spell uses per tier. If one doesn't have a reason to circumvent Empower (like doing a no-rest run) then Empower is a pretty great mechanic for all evocation spells, too. Particularly if you also spend some ability points on those empower-related passives at PL7. The biggest annoyance is indeed the loss of some really good spells. I generally don't like that "balancing" approach on Wizards. Should have given them a PL malus for some schools of magic in exchange for +2 PL boost for one school. Completely cutting two schools takes away so much potential fun. See Transmuter + Draconic Fury and so on...
  19. What is "bash"? "Deleterious Alacrity of Motion" will make you immune to engagement. It's a fast cast. Your movement will also be very fast then. It's a safe way to get out of trouble. Just don't forget that it damages you over time. So after casting it get some healing (Concelhaut's Corrosive Siphon or a fellow party member's healing ability). You don't even need to learn it, just bring a grimoire with it and put it in the trinket slot. You can always pick somebody else for conversation. Sometimes - in encounters that follow a scripted sequence - your main character will stand in front. You can't do anything about that. The game is ignoring or messing up formations somtimes. You'll have to use an escape ability like "Alacrity" or "Dimensional Shift". Or cast some self-buffs like Spiritshield, Mirrored Images and Iron Skin to survive. A quarterstaff+modal or a large shield with dagger+modal or with a hatchet in the second weapon slot also helps a lot. As soon as you switch to that weapon slot you will enjoy the higher defenses.
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