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Aarik D

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Everything posted by Aarik D

  1. Hey everyone! In case you missed the live stream on twitch, you can check out the VOD here: https://www.twitch.tv/obsidian/v/68613004
  2. Hey guys, Thanks for bringing this to our attention. I'll get a bug written. Thanks a bunch!
  3. Hey everyone, Thanks for reporting this exploit. I'll get it looked at asap. Thanks a bunch!
  4. Hey nsr, What this quest mode or story mode? What was your party make up? What scenario was it? Difficulty? Any additional information would be very helpful. Thanks a bunch!
  5. Hey Funnyfrog, Welcome to the forums and thanks for joining us. Could you please provide additional information? What characters are in your party, what difficulty are you playing on, what cards did you use in play, what character was encountering Nuaalia? Do you happen to have a screenshot? Any additional information would be helpful. Thanks a bunch!
  6. Hey Longshot, Thanks for bringing this to our attention. I'll get it checked out and write up a bug report. Thanks a bunch!
  7. Hey Rhygar, Sorry for the delay, We'll look into this. Do you happen to have a save file you can upload?
  8. A PFID# is your PlayFab account number, it allows us to search for your account in our database. You can find the ID# but tapping on the Settings button from the main menu.
  9. Hey Longshot, I'll get this checked out and bug it up if its happening on our end. Thanks!
  10. Hey guys, We'll look into this and see what the issue is. Thanks!
  11. Hey everyone, If you lost cards due to opening chests, please email support@obsidian.net with your PFID# so I can look it up and see what happened in your account. As for the invisible card issues. That has been fixed in 1.0.3 and is started in the patch notes! Thanks!
  12. Hey Kgk, Is there any additional information you could provide? What was your full party roster? Does this only happening in Quest mode or does it also happen during story mode? Was it just in that scenario? Thanks!
  13. Hey Kgk4569, We haven't released the patch yet, so its most likely a bug. I'll get it checked out and bug it up. Thanks a bunch!
  14. Great! Glad that was the case and not a bug, but not so great for losing the rolls Thanks HalfTroll!
  15. Hey Longshot11, Thanks for bringing this to our attention. We'll get this checked out and bug it up. Thanks a bunch!
  16. Hey Halftroll, Welcome to the forums and thanks for joining us! What difficulty were you playing on? Did you have any wildcards in play? Did you use any weapons that Merisiel wasn't proficient with? Thanks!
  17. Hey naturemage, Welcome to the forums and thanks for joining us! Have you tried performing the work around? http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/86659-quest-mode-reward-bug/?do=findComment&comment=1807931 If you have done so and the work around isn't working, then you'll have to wait for the 1.0.3 patch which will be released this week. The fix is retroactive, so once the patch is out, you will be able to collect your rewards normally. Let me know if the workaround worked if you haven't done so already. Thanks a bunch!
  18. Update the post with another card! This time its a promo card!
  19. Hey Kamikazi, Thanks for reporting this to us. We check it out and investigate it further. Just need a few more detail. What scenario were you doing and what character were you using, what were the wildcards in play? Thanks a bunch!
  20. This is actually wrong. Arcane blast wasn't properly adding the Magic trait, and is not supposed to add the Arcane Trait. You are correct! It was a typo on our end. We changed it to Magic.
  21. Hey everyone! We got some exciting card to show you guys for Deck 3: The Hook Mountain Massacre! Legendary Cards: You all might be familiar with these 3 Legendary cards from beating all of the adventures on all difficulties. With 1.0.3 on the horizon, here is a sneak peak of the Legendary card for completing all difficulties for Deck 3: The Hook Mountain Massacre! Promo Cards: If you purchased the bundle, you'll have access to these cards! As each deck gets released a new promo card comes along with it. So if you want to get access to these cards, make sure to grab the bundle for $24.99! Deck 3 Promo card the Horsechopper! This is great for your characters who aren't proficient with weapons! Just for completing Adventure Deck 3: The Hook Mountain Massacre, you get to unlock this awesome loot card! The Wand of Enervation!
  22. Hey Ronin, Suen is correct, you can get one as a quest reward from the Stronghold adventures!
  23. Hey joshn1234, Welcome to the forums! Did you click on the large Adra crystal in the center of the room? Thats where you can craft the ingots. Not the dragon. Thanks!
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