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Aarik D

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Everything posted by Aarik D

  1. Hey guys, Thanks for pointing this out to us. We'll get it checked out. If anyone has a screenshot by any chance, that would be great! Thanks a bunch!
  2. Aarik, I'm hurt. It your email buddy, Archangelrey. PFID# 49462FF30B175E40 Sorry Alberto! It was meant for other people as well. Is that the PFID# that is being displayed on your screen? It could have changed which is why you would be seeing zero gold on your account.
  3. To help see what the issue could be, could you all please post your PFID# and your username. I can see if the PFID# matches up with your username. If not, then you might still be on the wrong account. Make sure the game is not running in the background when going into Gamecenter/Google Play.
  4. Hey relasine, Sorry about the bug, we are looking into it now. Thank you for posting all that information. Deleting your party and creating a new one using experienced characters should not remove your progress or the cards you have collected. Under the experienced tab, do you happen to have more than 1 of the same characters? Thanks.
  5. Hey vistorxyz, Sorry about the issue, we're looking into it. Thanks!
  6. Hey everyone! Sorry for the inconveniences, please check this thread I answered. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/87272-all-my-gold-disappeared-as-well-as-my-treasure-items/ Thanks a bunch!
  7. Hello everyone, For those who are missing gold and/or treasure chests, please close out the game and open Google Play/Gamecenter and make sure you are logged into the correct account. Then launch the game from inside the app. There could have been an issue where PlayFab went down and it switched or created a new account for. Apologies for any inconveniences. Thanks!
  8. Hello hma, Sorry about that, currently the cloud saves only work if you create a new party in 1.0.3. We are working on a fix that will allow saves made before 1.0.3. to work correctly. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  9. Thank you guys! It will help greatly! Yes! Please send us a save file! Thanks h4ppy!
  10. Hey guys, Thanks for reporting on this issue, we'll look into it. If you could, and you are using an android device, could you please upload a save via dropbox? It would be greatly appreciate. Getting game files: Connect the Android Device to your PC. Open Windows Explorer and open the device Open the Android Folder, then data -> net.obsidian.pacg1 -> files Copy the PACG1_SAVE_GAMES folder to your PC Zip and send! Thanks a bunch!
  11. They Rhygar, Thanks for bringing this to our attention and for supplying a video. It is very helpful! I'll send this over to the appropriate team and get it looked at. Thanks a bunch!
  12. Hey guys, I've answered the post related to this issue here. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/87204-daily-gold-is-broken-after-update/ Thanks!
  13. Hey everyone, There is indeed a bug with daily gold and we're working on a fix asap. Sorry for the inconveniences.
  14. Hello LolSheeps, Sorry for the delay, when you created your Google Play account, did you launch the game from the Google Play App? Are you using a wi-fi or network connection while you are playing? Thanks!
  15. Hey guys, Sorry for the delay, as you can imagine, we got our hands full here. There is indeed a bug with the timers and we are working on a fix asap. If you missed any gold due to this bug, please email support@obsidian.net and let us know. Please supply your PFID# and username in the email. You can located your PFID# in the settings button from the main menu. Once I have that, I can check the backend of your account and verify if you missed gold or not. Thanks a bunch!
  16. Hey guys, Thanks for bringing this to our attention, we are looking into the issue and hoping to get it fixed asap. Thanks for posting the work around. It is greatly appreciated. Thanks a bunch!
  17. Hey Tony, I have received your email and will respond to you there! Thanks!
  18. Hey everyone! The moment is finally here! Patch update 1.0.3 is now live on Android and iOS! So update your games and enjoy playing The Hook Mountain Massacre over the weekend! P.S. - We are closed during the weekend and Monday for the holiday weekend, so we won't be able to get to assist any of your amazing people until Tuesday. Thank you guys for being so patient with us! We truly appreciate it.
  19. Yep! We've been working pretty hard these past few weeks, its time to get some much needed R&R! How about you homies?
  20. How's it going guys? You ready for the weekend?!
  21. Hey TanRu, This is a bug that will be fixed in 1.0.3. There are 2 options you can do right now. You can either wait for the patch to go out, then you can get past that screen, or you can force close the game, delete your party, make a new party with experienced characters and you won't lose any progress. Thanks!
  22. Hey BlueThing, Welcome to the forums and thanks for joining us. What kind of iPad are you using? Could you please tell us the model # as well? 1) To help stop the crashes, go into your settings menu and turn off effects and see if that helps with the performance. 2) Is there any additional information you could provide? What characters are you swapping in and out? Are you using a mix of experienced characters and new ones? 3) This is indeed fixed in the next patch. 4) We'll look into this issue. Quest Mode: I believe this is fixed in the patch, but I will check to make sure. The patch will be out soon, we're working on getting some fixes in to make sure the patch is as good as it can be. Unfortunately we do not handle refunds, you will have to contact Apple. I hope I addressed all of your concerns, Thanks a bunch!
  23. Hey DangerBrijowt, Welcome to the forums and thanks for joining us. Could you please upload your save folder so we can take a look at your problem? Getting game files: Connect the Android Device to your PC. Open Windows Explorer and open the device Open the Android Folder, then data -> net.obsidian.pacg1 -> files Copy the PACG1_SAVE_GAMES folder to your PC Zip and send! Thanks!
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