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Everything posted by abaris

  1. You consider boots that make the poor sod wearing them run into any encounter before the party can catch up, as unique? They're a nuisance at the best of times, since they break up what's left of your formation, even while in stealth. Yeah, fair point, since there's also the Dissapointer. A rather unique item on the same lines.
  2. I see it as being so full of himself that he reagrds any newcomer as dirt under his nails.
  3. To answer the thread title in the simplest possible way: No.
  4. If they happen to attack you, you can't help to massacre a hall full of scriveners. I kinda get that this leaves a sour aftertaste for a lot of folks.
  5. Usually I steer clear of gravestones as well as gold plated NPCs. Unless there's a nice opportunity to do away with a couple of them. Quite easily managed when looting some hotel room where they're standing around. For some reason they always think, my stealing should concern them. Drop some nice loot too occasionally.
  6. The game loves to repeat it's trash items. At one point I was flooded with boots of speed, another time it was some belts featuring some smallish slash reduction.
  7. For you it doesn't. Period. We have said again and again, that it depends on the character you're playing. If you can only imagine a noble character, who blushes when hearing swear words, then you probably don't roll a slave, a laborer or a mercenary either. Sorry, this is getting ridiculous. I can't imagine anyone, who hasn't called a total strange ****. Not even in road rage.
  8. That doesn't exclude using the better spells. Depends on the situation.
  9. Say rather YOU won't use them anymore. Against certain enemies they're still effective at level 12.
  10. No, I'm dismissing games based on previews, reviews and videos that show their gameplay elements. If that's not to my liking, I'm not opening my wallet. The reason for mostly AAA titles falling under that category is simple. They usually cater to the lowest common denominator to seel to as many audiences as possible. So they're basically cloning each other and most are produced with console as the primary platform in mind. That has an obvious disadvantage, since the controllers offer less options than keyboard and mouse. The second problem is the often abysmal port to make it accessible for PC players. And the third problem is, as above mentioned, the lowest common denominator, which provides for oversimplification and basically an abundance of action games. The clearest sign for this decay are quest markers, so that every beer gobbling couch potato doesn't have to reflect on where to find the next shiny and these shinies disguise themselves as quests whereas they're simply a FedEx simulator with fetch and carry.
  11. Sadly, the more plausible explanation is that it's an oversight. Or the budget didn't provide for the NPC world reacting to player race and/or rerligious choices. It may be that one person doesn't react (it wouldn't be a Magran fanatic such as Durance though), but the whole world fails to react, even if you're playing a priest of Skaen or a Bleak Walker. There's one single Skaen line in the whole game, as far as I can tell and there's only a handfull of other religious references. As I said above. It makes it less interesting playing such a character, since you don't get the feeling of really experiencing your choices. That's one of the major reasons why I steer clear of Paladin or priest or godlike. There are no roleplaying elements to these classes. You pick your god and your choice becomes pretty much inconsequential.
  12. That has nothing to do with Bleak Walker and everything with maxing aggressive. It happens across the board. Other traits, such as cruel or benevolent yield the same results.
  13. I played it both ways. Hearing Raedric out and killing Kolsc, killing Raedric and helping Kolsc. Maybe I take the third option next time and do them both in, since I dislike both anyway.
  14. Yeah, it kinda runs on the backburner anyway, since you only have to react to certain events happening over gametime. Otherwise, build at your leisure. It's not as if you're lacking cash anyway in this game.
  15. And I didn't notice that our esteemed friend above goes around the boards necrobumping. Btw, it doesn't seem to be resolved. It still says unpaid in my game, though, as I said, it's just a cosmetic issue.
  16. That really depends on what you fing or loot. My last run with killing everything that moved netted barely 10 grand.
  17. Anything else to contribute besides unearthing old threads?
  18. Bug, and it doesn't matter. They are paid just fine even though it says unpaid.
  19. It's one of the bigger issues I have with the roleplaying aspects of the game and that's not confined to the godlike characters. The world doesn't react to your choice of god either when you're playing a priest. There are a few rare instances when Paladins get their order specific lines in conversations. It's a general issue that makes me refrain from playing any of these classes, since you simply can't roleplay them according to their mission.
  20. Something that is occuring in my game since 1.05 beta and hasn't changed with the final release. If you set a trap and the red circle is still visible, whenever an area spell happens to overlap that region, the character ordered to cast makes a beeline to disarm the trap instead of casting. There's no indicator of this going to happen. The spell symbol shows up just fine when clicking the mouse pointer. Same with melee characters ordered to attack an enemy standing on or next to the trap region. Again, the sword symbol shows up, but the char starts the disarming routine instead. This is pretty annoying, since it shouldn't happen in any case that you are even able to disarm traps during combat.
  21. Change "can do both" to wants do both. Often time, shiny on the outside is the selling point to draw in the crowd. And some times it's really can't do both because of budget limitations.
  22. And that's where opinions differ. I'm actually fine with the companions and don't consider them bland. At least as far as Eder, Durance, Aloth, Kana and Sagani are concerned. The others don't interest me that much, but you don't have to like everyone.
  23. I don't know about the latest D&D rulesets, since my knowledge of the pen and paper system dates back to the mid 80ies and of the digital version to NWNII. So I don't know if there are still alignments. That's something I would hate to see in todays games, since it limits character development severly. So no, leave D&D out of POE. The Sword Coast game looks interesting though and I might give it a try, once there's more information available.
  24. As has been said repeatedly. You don't have to use it either. It's up to you to choose a different option. From my perspective, it makes sense for certain characters and I did use it. Does it make any more sense for the player character to provoke the fight or say that it was actually fun to get rid of the villagers? These are options too, and fitting options for certain characters. That's not an elementary school play, but a roll playing game where you can evolve the character of your player and get the traits to show for your efforts.
  25. You did play the game, right? So does the name Iselmyr ring any bells?
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